Chapter 1659: This is the Zerg (Part 1)

"Intelligent micro-civilization" and "different beasts should be stubborn", plus a less pure "Zerg" branch "Zerg Clan".
In their statement, this triangle alliance once had war with the "Zerg".
Only with Yunhai's more detailed understanding, coupled with his contact with the "Morning Star Federation", and after reading the memory of the "templar", he was 100% sure that the collapsed Triangle Alliance encountered only The vanguard of the "Zerg".
In other words, they have never had any level of frontal war with the main force of the "Zerg".
It was just the vanguard of a "Zerg", and they defeated these three civilizations.
If they were not decisive enough, they abandoned the large forces and fled directly.
If they hadn't chosen to be wise and were pinned down by the "Zerg" forces, then Yunhai would not have encountered this seemingly intricate triangle alliance.
Compared with them, the "Protoss" is a civilization that has fought fiercely with the main force of the "Zerg".
And this time, the thunderous "Zerg" has really lifted the veil of mystery in front of the sea of ​​clouds.
With a more detailed understanding, Yun Hai became more frightened.
If the "Zerg" is equivalent to human civilization on earth, then the current alien civilization is probably a primitive tribe hidden in the primeval forest that rejects civilization.
Human civilization has airplanes, missiles, tanks and artillery, but primitive tribes only have shoddy spears and bows.
The difference between the two is extremely huge.
The contrast between their strengths is huge.
"Zerg" has formed a complete, efficient and powerful civilization system.
No one has seen the ruler of the "Zerg", even the "Protoss" who have fought with them head-on.
After determining that he would never be able to destroy the endless wave of insects, the "Protoss" changed their combat strategy.
If a powerful civilization will not be disintegrated due to any external attacks and corrosion, then when this attack and corrosion is replaced from the inside, it will often receive miraculous effects.
At least, the "Protoss" think so.
In their view, as long as there is a "master" in an efficient and unified "Zerg", it is an unbreakable iron bucket.
On the contrary, as long as they destroy the "dominant" at any cost, then the "Zerg" has a high probability of falling apart.
Therefore, after collecting enough information and making detailed analysis, the "Protoss" carried out four "decapitation operations".
Things backfired. The "Protoss" paid an extremely heavy price at all costs, but only approached the "master" of the suspected planet in the last "decapitation".
In just an instant, the sixteen fleets that were carrying out the "decapitation operation" were completely submerged by the worm wave, and none of the warships and people who participated in the Naga operation survived.
Not to mention whether the judgment of the "Protoss" is correct, there is no doubt that the most supreme being among the "Zerg" is the "master."
In this regard, they are the same as alien civilizations.
It's just under the "dominance", but not the "Queen of Insects" and "Mother Insects."
Under the sea of ​​alien civilization is the "Alien Queen", but "Zerg" is not like that.
Of course, this is also related to the status quo of the two civilizations.
For the "Zerg", the "Queens" and "Mothers" are just reproduction machines.
Moreover, they do not lack such a fertility machine at all.
Similar to the "king worm" of the alien civilization "Queen Hug", the "Zerg" can be said to be a lot of random catches.
Therefore, in the "Zerg", the "lord" is under the "dominant".
This "lord" is more like a worm general of the "Zerg Clan".
According to the classification of "protoss", "lord" is not a hero-level bug.
They are actually more like the "military participation" of the "Protoss" and "Morning Star Federation".
"Military staff", as the name suggests, is actually "military staff."
It's just that they don't need to ask from the existence of the "sovereign general" as "master" from time to time. The "lord" who has a certain degree of autonomous power directly controls the large or small insect swarm.
The rest of the insects, no matter their size, strength or strength, are directly under the jurisdiction of the "lord."
Next, it constitutes the main body of the powerful civilization of the "Zerg"-the endless worm tide.
According to his past practice, in this process of understanding, Yunhai divided the different insects of the "Zerg" into two categories.
One category, attacking insects far away.
The second category, melee insects.
Of course, the first type of long-range attack bugs are also good melee combatants, but the second type of bugs cannot use long-range attacks.
In the "Zerg", there are many bugs with long-range attack capabilities.
However, the largest number of long-range attack bugs are still "thorn bugs", that is, the main bugs of the "Zerg Insect Clan" that Yunhai has controlled.
Among the bugs that the "Zerg" has long-range attack power, a "thorn bug" occupies a small portion.
Moreover, these insects, which are called "hydralisk" by the "Morning Star Federation", have obviously evolved to be completely different from the "thornworms" of the "Zergs".
According to the anatomical research and experiments on the Hydralisk by the "Protoss" and the "Morning Star Federation", Yunhai compared his previous knowledge of the "thornworm" and was surprised to find that the "hydralisk" instantly called when it erupted a bone spur attack The muscle tissue of the "thornworm" has doubled.
This means that when the "hydralisk" ejects a bone spur attack, they use more than twice the energy of the "thornworm" at a time.
According to his previous knowledge, Yunhai estimates that a bone spur ejection attack like the "Hydraulic" is enough to destroy the energy shield of the "Intelligent Micro-Civilization" miniature warship in an instant.
Even if the defensive "Armor Blade Alien" in the alien civilization can only be pierced into the shallow layer of the carapace by the "thornworm" bone spurs, they are likely to be pierced by the "hydralisk" bone spur attack.
"Hydralisk" is the largest number of long-range attack insects in the "Zerg", but not the most powerful.
There are not as many "Allosaurus" as the "Hydralisk", and their long-range attack power is much stronger.
Divided in detail, the attack of the "hydralisk" is actually a purely long-range physical attack, just like a spear thrown by a powerful primitive man.
And the attack of the "alien dragon" was a pure energy attack.
This kind of insects, similar in size to the dragons in the myths and legends of the "Morning Star Federation", attacked by energy rays ejected from their tails. From the current point of view of Yunhai, its power is definitely not inferior to the energy rays of "Giant Tree Alien".
Above the "Allosaurus", there are also "Corruptors", and this "Zerg Air Force" is completely salivating at least when Yunhai understands it.
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