Chapter 1662: Not alone

"After running away has become a habit, when we face more difficulties and dangers, we will consider this choice as soon as possible."
"Therefore, there is no point in running away when it is not critical."
"You should also know now that the evolution of the Zerg is no worse than that of Alien."
"This time, we chose to run away, trying to gain more time to grow and evolve."
"However, as we grow and evolve, the Zerg is also growing and evolving."
"Yunyue, there must be a fateful battle between Alien Civilization and Zerg. I have this feeling."
"This kind of fateful battle can't be avoided and solved by just avoiding it."
"So, for your proposal, I tend to prefer the first one."
Regardless of the fear of the "Zerg" deep in his heart, he still has to face what should be faced. Yunhai, who quickly abandoned this negative feeling, began to calculate.
"According to you, I also tend to be the first suggestion."
"It's just that, boss, do you think that by combining the Protoss and the Morningstar Federation, we really have the power to fight the Zerg?"
Yunyue is considered to agree with Yunhai's judgment, but she still retains a skeptical attitude towards potential allies.
The huge head lifted up, and the sea of ​​clouds looked at the "Protoss" fleet and the "Morning Star Federation" fleet that were still in a stalemate.
"Yunyue, no matter when, don't underestimate any civilization."
"The Protoss was created by the Sarnagar. If they had no potential, how could they be selected by the Genesis Clan."
"With their own potential, coupled with the real ‘Koneng Civilization’, they are not comparable to the half-hearted ‘Koneng Civilization’ like the Sky Star Clan.

"Morning Star Federation, don't underestimate it either."
"Let’s not talk about the combination of the two main civilizations of the Spirit Race and the Light Race, forming a federation of 76 civilizations united. Humans have always had potential, and their wisdom is the most powerful weapon."
"Trust me, if the Morningstar Federation is vulnerable, the Protoss will not stay here, nor will they choose them to be their allies."
"The Protoss plus the Federation and our alien civilization are not incapable of fighting the Zerg."
"Also, don't forget, the alien civilization itself is a triangle alliance."
"If intelligent micro-civilizations are on the right track, their development speed is absolutely amazing."
"Before, because the main brain was not complete in the information database, many things could only be studied and perfected while trying."
"But the existing ones are different. Ganuo has not suffered any attacks, and its information database remains absolutely complete."
"Although, its database does not store too many critical things."
"However, from a glimpse, we know the whole thing. In Ganuo's words, the combination of the information it masters and the information of the main brain is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two."
"So, with so many civilizations joining forces, I think I can still fight the Zerg on the frontal battlefield."
Speaking slowly, Yun Hai gradually became excited.
It is known that several powerful civilizations in the star field work together. Although the "Zerg" is strong, it may not be able to get a bargain in the face of such an alliance.
"Have you forgotten the Zerg Clan?"
Yun Yue said with some dissatisfaction.
Although her identification with alien civilization is much higher than that of "Zerg Thorn Clan", how can she say that she is also the mother of "Zerg Thorn Clan". She is naturally a little unhappy that the civilization she absolutely controls is ignored by Yun Hai Up.
After hesitating, Yunhai decided to speak up.
"I couldn't be sure before, but now I can be sure."
"Zergs, perhaps just a reference civilization for the intelligent micro-mastermind."
Hearing what he said, Yunyue was startled, and then asked strangely: "What reference civilization?"
"Reference civilization means that the mastermind wants to learn more about the evolutionary history of the Zerg tribe through the observation and reference of the Zerg tribe, and then try to find a way to deal with them."
"Boss, you're bullshitting."
"What the hell! What I said is true, because the Zerg Clan is not the only special civilization."
"Huh? Boss, do you mean there is still a Zerg Clan civilization?"
"You can understand it this way, but they are not the Zerg Cockroach civilization. We can call them the Zerg Cockroach civilization."
"Zerg cockroach civilization?"
At this point in the dialogue, Yunyue should understand something no matter how stupid she is.
With Yunhai's further narration, Yunyue's mood gradually changed from unhappy to depressed, and she was still super depressed.
After the "Protoss" failed the war with the "Zerg", on the jump on the run, they encountered another civilization.
At first, the "protoss" thought it was a "Zerg".
But as the war progressed, they were stunned to find that this civilization, which absolutely belonged to the "Zerg", was too weak.
First of all, they are very single, except for some huge "mothers" and a few "queens", all of them are "cockroaches".
Can compete with the real "Zerg" on the frontal battlefield, even if it fails in the end, the "Protoss" will naturally not show weakness in the face of this "Zerg Cockroach Civilization".
Fighting is a total slaughter.
However, when the "Protoss" began to discuss intensively, whether to wipe out this "Zerg Cockroach Civilization" completely, or to expel them from here, and then settle in a farther star field, so as to learn more about the Zerg by observing them When I was a clan, trouble came.
I don't know if it was attracted by the abnormal phenomenon caused by the exchange of two civilizations, or it was tracked.
As several "wormholes" bloom silently, countless worms gush out like a tide.
It is indeed appropriate to use the term "Soul Fei Po San" to describe the "Star Spirit Race" at that time.
Where did they have any ideas, the "Protoss" sent six fleets to hold back the worm tide, and fled desperately.
Those six fleets were undoubtedly torn apart by the worms.
After wandering in the void of the universe for a long time, the "Protoss" received the last message from the six fleets.
Through this information, they also learned a truth.
"Zerg cockroach civilization", although they are also "Zerg" civilization, they are not "Zerg".
After the emergence of the insect infestation, the "Zerg Cockroach Civilization" lags behind for a short time, and unexpectedly launched an attack toward the insect infestation.
Only when a "lord" with countless insects invaded their brood star, all "cockroaches" stopped attacking the insect tide, and in turn attacked the "protoss" fleet.
In the end, when the last mothership was submerged by a raging worm tide, the "protoss" people in the mothership captured a scene.
That unusually huge "cockroach", which they had previously judged to be the "Zerg Cockroach Civilization", followed behind the "lord" and went back down the "wormhole". .
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