Chapter 1722: go ahead

The travel speed of the "Void Glow Ship" was not fast.
Moreover, its position has always been at the center of the "Protoss" fleet cluster, not moving forward.
As time passed, the atmosphere inside the ship began to tense.
According to the distance and speed, every member of the "special attack team" in the cabin knows that the war between the "expeditionary army" and the "Zerg" is about to begin.
Forward... forward...
After dozens of seconds, when more than 30% of the people in the cabin suddenly raised their heads and looked in one direction at the same time, one after another energy fireball exploded violently outside the huge observation window of the cabin.
"it has started!"
Yunyue even stood next to the observation window, and, like more people, she knew exactly what the explosion was from, and she was obviously excited.
I don't know which civilization or type of battleship exploded, and it quickly kicked off a tragic prelude.
Balls of energy fireballs began to bloom in the dark distance.
Among Yunhai's mental senses, right at the edge of "Left Lianxing", the worm tide has already exchanged fire with the Federal Fleet.
The distance is too far, he cannot capture more details.
In Yunhai's mental senses, the Federation warships that formed five fleet clusters advanced slowly.
At the edge of the "Left Lianxing" in front of them, the worm tide rolled and surged like a sea wave.
"Everyone is ready. In one minute, two fleets will take you into the Worm Nest."
"The two fleets cannot last long after entering the worm nest, and may even be wiped out by the worm in a few seconds."
"So, please, everyone, we must succeed."
"Protoss" commander Toslik's voice rang in the cabin.
No one spoke, except for Yun Hai and Yun Yue, everyone else began to sort out in silence.
Check your own armor, check your own weapons, check your own communication equipment.
After doing this, some people closed their eyes and didn't know what they were thinking, but some people took out photos and looked at them carefully.
But those human powers belonging to the "Shenguang Sect", they formed a circle, holding hands and bowing their heads in prayer.
Prayer like chanting is very nice and rhythmic.
As a result, more people looked at them.
Time passed quickly.
When the clueless and mechanical countdown sounded in the cabin, there was no fear or anxiety, and everyone calmly looked out the window.
Continuous explosions still appeared in the distant void.
Every explosion means that one or several battleships are destroyed by bugs.
No one knows how many insects have been destroyed by them since the "Expeditionary Army" and "Zerg" began to exchange fire.
No matter who it is, he can imagine the tragic extent of the battle.
The mechanical countdown soon ended.
The last syllable of Zhi Nao was still echoing in the cabin, and the violently exploding fireball in the distance suddenly turned into a misty light and shadow.
The speed of the "Void Glow Ship" increased to the extreme in an instant.
Immediately afterwards, an unspeakable sense of time and space confusion fell.
In the next second, the "Void Glow Ship" that had withdrawn from the space transition state shook violently.
Before more people could see the situation clearly, the shrill siren rang.
"The attack intensity of the plasma shield is too high, and it is expected to be destroyed in ten seconds."
"The cabin will open in three seconds and everyone is ready."
Accompanied by the sound of the intellectual brain machinery, a huge bug that emerged from nowhere has already slammed into the observation window.
The violent impact caused the plasma energy shield outside the observation window to vibrate violently.
The shock even produced a short force field, and the huge "Void Glow Ship" shook violently.
At this time, all members of the "special attack team" had already seen the scene outside.
No one knows where the "Void Glow Ship" or the two fleets jumped to. Just outside the endless starry sky, shadows rushed over in the fleet's fierce energy artillery fire.
The harsh sirens continued.
After the three-second countdown that Zhi Brain seemed to complete in an instant, a cabin door suddenly slid open on one bulkhead of the cabin.
Outside the cabin door, is the icy starry sky.
The two hundred and twenty people who had already been prepared rushed out in an instant.
The moment they left, the "Void Glow Ship" with their plasma energy shield removed silently exploded into a magnificent energy fireball after being hit by an eerie green energy shell.
At this time, a peculiar energy burst out suddenly.
At the center of the members of the "special attack team" floating in the void, the body of a "Shenguang Religion" cardinal trembled visibly.
It was more than half a second, and his voice rang in everyone's minds-"Front left, the Worm's Nest is on the blue planet in front left."
It's just that everyone did not act, they just looked at Yunhai and Yunyue together.
According to the agreement, Yun Hai, who was still in human form, seemed to feel their gaze, and nodded immediately.
Yun Hai didn't know how the cardinal did it. It was exactly the same as what he said. On the distant planet, he felt a strong breath of life.
With their delay, a fleet is about to be destroyed by the worm.
The encirclement formed by the two fleets protected them, and in the face of raging worms, the fleet obviously could not last long.
At this time, Yunyue beside Yunhai finally understood why the "Expeditionary Army" did not choose to rush in more fleets at once.
By keeping a proper distance, the fleet will ensure its own safety as much as possible before destroying more bugs.
To rush into the worm's nest like this is completely suicide.
Even a battleship protected by a plasma shield cannot last long when approaching the insect tide at close range.
"go ahead!"
Once the direction is determined, there is no need to waste precious time.
Accompanied by a "Protoss" super-order "templar" raised a door-like giant sword, at least the remaining nineteen super-class experts of the "Protoss" followed.
Behind them, the two hundred human powerhouses did not flinch, and one by one kept up without hesitation.
And Yunhai and Yunyue also abide by the previous agreement, and flashed into the crowd to follow.
The moment they rushed out of the battleship defensive circle, Yunhai and Yunyue saw a shocking scene.
A shadow has flooded into the "special attack team" for the first time.
I don't know how many insects formed the infestation. When there was still a long distance from them, a black-robed elder of the "light race" suddenly accelerated and flew to the front.
No one saw what he did, even Yunhai just felt a strange energy fluctuation on his body, and then the worms in the distance suddenly "exploded".
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