Chapter 1726: Dangerous

The tragic prelude, opened in an instant.
When the worm wave returned, it was just a "special attack team" of more than two hundred people. It looked like a small lone boat swept by a huge wave. There was no possibility of being spared.
The twelve ultra-rank "templar warriors" shot without hesitation - they had no time to hesitate.
A violent energy arc shot out from their palms.
In an instant, twelve huge "Nether Energy Storms" formed.
Unlike the high-level "templar warriors," the super-level "templar warriors" condense the "Nether Energy Storm" that can be moved.
Perfectly surrounded the "special forces" from the periphery, and twelve spectacular and terrifying "Nether Energy Storms" were advancing along with them.
The speed at which the worms rolled back was unparalleled.
While the energy rays thrown by the "Allosaurus" hit the "Nether Energy Storm" like a thunderball, a spectacular wave of bone spurs also surged over.
The energy rays originating from the "Alien Dragon" did not cause the "Nether Energy Storm" to react violently.
The abilities of two different creatures are an original force.
The rays of the "Alien Dragon", like the "Nether Energy Storm" of the "templar", are different manifestations of the power of the "Nether Energy".
The "hydralisk"'s bone spur attacks are naturally different, except that those strong and sharp bone spurs that are enough to explode a human body, but when they are approaching the "Nether Energy Storm", they are smashed into dust by the jumping energy arc.
It didn't stop, the worms swarmed directly.
No matter "Zerbers" or "Hydralisks", no matter "Thunder Beasts" or "Corruptors", even "cockroaches", "Blasters" and so on.
In Yunhai's mental senses, countless ferocious insects ignored the "Nether Energy Storm", which had an absolutely terrifying attack power, but ran into them one after another.
The "Nether Energy Storm" of the super-level "templar" is absolutely powerful enough to attack.
Yun Hai can say with certainty that if the "Nether Energy Storm" that attacked Yunyue at the time was not from two high-level "templars" but from super-level, she would definitely not dare to cast herself in the net.
No matter what kind of insects, except for the "Thunder Beast" that is strong enough to be able to crash into the "Phantom Storm", the other insects have been dispersed and jumped as they approached the "Phantom Storm". The energy arc killed.
It can be said that even if the tide of worms rolled and countless worms rushed forward violently, none of them could break through the blockade of the "Practical Storm".
"Before that, if someone told you that only a dozen people can stand up to them in the infestation, would you believe it?"
During the spiritual exchange, Yun Hai asked Yunyue suddenly.
"Do not believe."
Yun Yue responded to him without hesitation.
That's right, not only Yunyue thinks so, but Yunhai also thinks so.
Hundreds of millions of bugs are desperately attacking, what is that concept!
Although in the final analysis, only a small number of insects can rush to the "special attack team".
But the number of worms is there, and the twelve super-tier "templars" used their "psidian storms" to block the attack of the worm wave, but they are still moving forward in the worm wave. Sprinting.
Of course, the attack of the insect tide is not without any effect.
If the "special forces" blocked by the twelve "Nether Storms" are regarded as a warship, then it cannot be without impact when it moves forward against the endless wave of worms.
This is just a problem, and the more serious problem is that after an unknown number of insects have been killed, the waterfall-like "pyloric storm" is getting smaller and smaller.
Insects are obviously using their almost infinite number to consume the energy of the "Nether Energy Storm".
And judging from the current situation, they will certainly do it.
"Nick, it's time."
"Wait any longer, there may be no chance."
Just as the twelve "Nether Energy Storms" progressed more and more slowly, and the scale became smaller and smaller, a voice rang.
I don't know who is reminding someone that in Yunhai's mental senses, a "spirit race" human being flying behind the "special attack team", a light ball appeared between the hands that were imaginary on his chest.
A light ball about the size of a human head suddenly flew out of the man's hand.
When it blasted into the middle of the "special attack team", a strip of light burst out of the light group, and then it fell into the bodies of all the members of the "special attack team".
Only members of the "special attack team", Yunhai and Yunyue are exceptions.
Although they are also a member of the "Assault Team", it is clear before that they are the real trump card for this action.
Unless the mission fails prematurely, they will not be able to take action before reaching their destination.
And this time too, no matter what the human ability is, he also chose to ignore Yun Hai and Yun Yue.
A weird scene appeared.
This scene even made many possible seas of clouds in an instant, showing a shocked expression.
More than two hundred people died in an instant.
The dead are all Federation humans.
Their bodies shrank sharply in an instant, as if they had been violently drained of their bodies, and they squatted and died.
The death of these people caused the remaining hundred individuals to soar in speed.
Including the twelve groups of "Nether Energy Storms" that had already begun to fade, but they swelled violently in an instant and became as powerful as they had just begun.
"Energy sharing... well, it should be said that it is energy deprivation."
"His ability should be to connect several targets at the same time, and then drain the energy or even vitality of some people instantly, and then share it with others."
Seeing the key at a glance, Yunyue said to Yunhai during the spiritual exchange.
After a few seconds of silence, Yunhai responded to her.
"Yeah, what they do is meaningless."
Yunyue naturally knew what Yunhai was talking about, and nodded in agreement.
The and cruel reality confirmed their communication cognition at this moment.
The "special attack team", which has been advancing rapidly, has once again increased its speed after a certain ability has been used, and it is about to break out of the worm tide.
However, at this moment, with the appearance of a strange energy fluctuation, the rapid advancing "special attack team" seemed to be trapped in a space swamp, and the speed suddenly slowed down.
"The Corruptor..."
In the "special attack team", somebody exclaimed desperately.
At this time, others also noticed. At least millions of hideous "corruptors" surrounded them at some unknown time.
The size is like an enlarged crustacean, the ugly "corrupter" thick dark golden carapace at the edge, there are also growing hard and sharp bone spurs that are slightly inwardly curved.
On its head, there are two palatal limbs that resemble the giant teeth of the "Thunder Beast".
Its size and appearance are as ugly and hideous as more bugs.
Everyone who saw them seemed to remember the special ability of the "corruptor"-the ability to kill them.
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