Chapter 1739: Lord

When the huge worms suspected of "mother worms" left the "blood pool" and rushed toward the "wormholes" that fluctuated in midair, the "Zergs" instantly showed their coordination and unity that is not inferior to the aliens.
On the shortest distance trajectory, all the bugs desperately squeezed backwards.
Just as the "mother worm" flew up, a smooth passage appeared between it and the "wormhole".
In the dense worm tide, this passage is so eye-catching.
"Can't find the tunnel bug, that's you."
Abandoning the plan to destroy the "wormhole", Yunhai did not directly rush to the female worm from the "worm tide", but controlled the energy to change its position.
Energy has changed its orientation, which means that the influence of the sea of ​​clouds on space has changed its orientation.
Just when the "mother worm" saw that it was about to approach the edge of the "wormhole" from another direction, the void space suddenly changed strangely.
The emptiness of space seems to have become Yunhai’s favorite "melaleuca" when he was on the earth.
Under the influence of his abilities, a thin layer was peeled off from the surface of the "Malaise Cake".
Slim and transparent.
Then, the thin space that was stripped out was rolled out, and after rolling up the "mother bug" that had been thrown into the net, it instantly turned into a bubble.
At this moment, following the blank passage behind the "Mother Worm", Yunyue rushed over with a flash.
"Come here, we can leave."
During the spiritual exchange, Yunhai said to Yunyue that Yunhai completely gave up the "wormhole", and just a violent energy output, it cleared the bugs in a certain range around him.
Without a trace of hesitation, she made the same choice, and after quickly emptied the bugs that had surrounded her, Yunyue instantly leaned against her.
"Nether Energy Shield" suddenly appeared from Yun Hai's body.
Afterwards, the "Nether Energy Shield" that swelled up like a balloon protected the sea of ​​clouds and Yunyue, and at the same time enveloped the "mother bug" struggling in the bubbles.
Immediately afterwards, the "Nether Energy Shield" wrapped the two Yunhai and the "Mother Worm", and instantly disappeared to the original position.
This is the biggest reliance that Yunhai and Yunyue dare to take risks.
It is true that the two of them paid a certain price in the process of rushing to the planet where the Worm's Nest is located.
They couldn't teleport from the periphery to the nest with almost no blank space.
However, breaking through from the worm tide is completely easy for the two of them.
Even if the worms can cover half of the space of the "Left Connected Galaxy", there will always be half of the space for them to teleport away.
The disappearance of the two people in Yunhai and the "mother worms" that had been taken captive made the tide of worms temporarily stagnated.
In the next second, all the bugs rushed away like crazy.
They seem to have lost their senses, and they even slammed together in the process of flying quickly, completely mixed together.
This chaos does not last long.
When another wave of insects flew over from a farther planet, accompanied by a "lord" flying out of this wave of insects, the chaotic situation immediately subsided.
Wherever the huge body flies, wherever the bugs will automatically separate a channel.
The "lord" flew to the worm's nest and made a circle, and then stopped over the blood pool where Yunyue had previously chased the "mother worm".
It didn't wait long. Some insects began to squeeze out of the insect tide and quickly flew to the "lord".
These insects include "springworms" and "cockroaches", as well as larger "corruptors".
They all have one thing in common, that is, some bone fragments are held between their ugly mouthparts and sharp claws.
Obviously, these bone armor fragments were left by Yunhai and Yunyue's injuries when they struggled through the worm tide.
Flying to a "Zergling", the "Lord" stretched out a tentacle to roll up the bone fragments between its sharp claws, and then sent it into his own mouth.
The alien corrosive blood remaining on the bone fragments cannot hurt the low-level bugs such as "Zerglings", and naturally it will not hurt the "Lord".
The dark compound eyes flickered, not knowing whether they found something or nothing, the "lord" turned his body and flew towards the "wormhole".
Behind it, the bugs with the cloud sea and cloud moon bone armor fragments followed like a swarm.
At this time, the "wormhole" has stopped spitting insects.
In just an instant, the "lord" who straddled an unknown distance of light years and brought a group of bugs to another star field.
The other side of "Wormhole" is completely a replica of "Left Connected Galaxy".
The planet where the worm’s nest is located is full of fungus blankets, which are full of "vesicles" that are molting and evolving from larvae.
Not far from the "blood pool", which is not very large but with sufficient energy, the "wormhole" blooms silently.
It’s just not like the
Left-connected galaxy
. There are three
worm nests
in this star system, which are distributed on different planets.
Without stopping, the "lord" took the group of bugs and flew towards the edge of the star system.
Easily breaking through the speed of light, after reaching the interstellar medium region, the "lord" suddenly stopped to look at the farther dark void.
Although, its line of sight can't see any abnormalities.
However, in its mental senses, there were bursts of violent energy fluctuations from that direction.
"This is not under your jurisdiction, what are you doing here?"
A cold message appeared in the mind of this "lord".
"I am not coming here, but going back."
The "lord" responded without thinking.
"What? Haven't killed them yet?"
Immediately afterwards, the "lord" asked again.
"You don't need to worry about this."
The voice is still cold.
"Don't worry about me."
"After I go back, Abathur may follow."
"If Abathur knows, because you did not end the war on this side in time, which led to the lack of support for the galaxy war we occupied today, which caused two important targets to escape, do you know what punishment you will suffer? "
"Lord" said with a sneer.
This time, the voice did not immediately reply.
The "lord" was no longer interested in communicating, and was about to fly towards the "wormhole" not far away.
"They are not weak."
"The biggest trouble is that we can't find their origin."
"If we can't find their source, we just kill more and we can't decide the battle."
"It only takes a short time, and there will be more of them rushing over."
"I don't know what happened in your galaxy. I only know that if I grasp the source body, this credit will be enough to offset all the faults."
At this time, the voice rang again in the "lord"'s mind.
"Then good luck."
"I still have a long way to go, so I won't talk to you anymore."
Abandoning this sentence, the "lord" speeded up and flew towards the "wormhole" not far away.
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