Chapter 1746: emergency meeting

This night, the Federation has no sleep.
More ordinary people, who go shopping in twos and threes, or have dinner parties, who don't know what happened, still live as before.
However, this night is destined to be a sleepless night for more senior officials in the Federation.
The parliament building towering in the dark was broken by suspension vehicles and flying vehicles.
Although every parliament and military high-level home has complete communication equipment, it is obviously not comparable to similar equipment in the parliament building.
All the parliamentarians, speaker and even the president of the Senate in the vicinity of the capital star circle took action. Those who were near rushed to the parliament building, and those who were far away participated in the form of remote video conference.
Not wasting too much time. An hour after Senator Du Haoyu arrived at the parliament building, the emergency meeting began.
"Eamon deceived us. In other words, he is not Eamon, a well-known weapon expert in our Federation, but another humanoid mimicking him."
On the high platform in the center of the parliament hall, a young man in the uniform of the Federal Fleet said.
While talking, he also imported the information he carried onto the workbench in front of him, and at the same time displayed it in front of everyone in a stereo projection.
In the picture, there is a figure floating in mid-air.
Perhaps it is due to some kind of energy radiation, the picture is full of light spots, and it is slightly distorted.
However, anyone who saw this picture could vaguely see that it was a humanoid creature.
"This is him, fake Amon."
"The research base he supervises and executes will be combined into a super instrument after many devices are connected together."
"According to our analysis, this super instrument is a space-time conversion device."
"It can open a wormhole and convert something in the unknown starry sky to the angular star system in the triangle area."
"It is certain that this is a deliberate operation."
"Before the unidentified humanoid started the research base, the triangle area lost contact with the outside world."
"After that humanoid started the research base, a battleship appeared."
"It was the warship that withstood our attack that destroyed the research base and wormhole."
"Their level of technological civilization is obviously much higher than ours."
"In order to stop him, in order to prevent the invasion of unknown things, our Lieyang Fleet tried our best."
"All of our weapons were easily blocked by its energy shield."
"Now, less than one-tenth of the warships have successfully escaped."
"The remaining battleships, including the main ship Lieyang, we believe that have been destroyed by that thing."
At this point, the soldier's expression was full of sadness.
"What is that thing?"
A speaker stood up and asked with a frown.
The soldier did not speak, he just operated on the control panel in front of him.
After a few seconds, the image in the stereo projection disappeared and replaced by a spectacular sight that shocked everyone.
"It may be a spaceship, a battleship, or a homeland mothership similar to a wandering civilization."
"In short, they are big and powerful."
"As you can see, it is almost comparable to a planet."
"Also, the battleships of the Lieyang Fleet were directly destroyed by an energy ray attack when the energy defense cover was full."
"Therefore, we believe that it is a creation of scientific and technological civilization. For whatever reason, it was led by the impersonation of Amon to invade the Federation."
"As we left, this thing shot a thick beam of energy towards Planet Two."
"We suspect that it wants to steal the core of Planet 2 to replenish energy."
Having said that, the soldiers saluted military salutes in different directions, then bowed their heads and walked down the high platform, and left the parliament hall under the leadership of the two military districts.
His task is to report the situation.
The next thing, the pilot of this warship is not eligible to participate.
"That's how it happened."
"After the one hundred and fifty fleets of the Federation drove to the left connecting the galaxy, now the Federation has encountered an invasion by an unknown civilization."
"What is certain now is that this thing that appears in the triangle area, no matter what it is, which civilization it belongs to, the other side's civilization is much higher than ours."
"Federal, what should we do now?"
After the soldiers left, the parliament hall fell into dead silence until Du Haoyu finally spoke.
However, no one responded to him.
No matter what the other chairpersons of the Senate, or more speakers and members of the assembly, who participated in the meeting through remote video connection, no one spoke.
"Send the fleet, don't go to the vignetting star system, go to the vignetting star system first, and destroy the evidence there."
"You should know what the evidence I said is."
"Then, we will contact the Protoss."
"If even the technology of the Protoss can't handle it, then everyone, the Federation will be in great trouble."
No one spoke, Du Haoyu spoke again.
"Send a fleet more times to completely destroy all evidence."
"The Protoss has a small population. If we let them know about our research in the vignetting star system, God knows how they will react."
The chairman of Senate Andrew, the "light tribe" who participated in this meeting remotely, finally ended Du Haoyu's self-talking.
"We must react faster. If the other party's technological level crushes the federation, who knows where it will appear immediately after the energy supplement is completed."
"So, we must take the initiative."
"Contacting the Protoss is one aspect. I suggest that the Federation immediately send more fleets to the Angular Star System in the triangle area."
"Several fleets can't do it, then dozens or hundreds of fleets will join together. I don't believe that wheel warfare will not consume it."
The Senate President Bulwell, who also participated in the meeting remotely, said solemnly.
The head of the Senate of the "Spirit Race" from a military background has always been known for his iron-blooded wrists.
"That's the truth."
"If there are dozens or hundreds of fleets in the Angular Star System or the Triangular Region from the beginning, their wild bombardment may cause trouble to my lord, and may even destroy his great plan."
"But it's too late now."
"My lord has contacted me before I participated in this meeting, and the life boat has already been recharged 30%."
"Thirty percent of the charge means that the lifeboat's active defense and automatic counterattack modes have been operating stably."
"Under such circumstances, do you still think that quantity will be useful?"
"If there are as many warships in the Morningstar Federation as there are worms in the Zerg, then maybe it can be done."
Just as Bulwell's voice ended, another voice rang.
When everyone locked the source of the sound and saw who he was, their faces showed shocked expressions.
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