Chapter 1763: Serve soft

"Hebrew" is a person's name, an existence that was once famous in the "Sarnaga".
He is not a scientist, but no one can deny his wisdom.
In the life of "Hebrew", there are too many awakening words that sparkle with wisdom.
However, all this is inferior to the "Hebrew" plan.
"No one knows what species will be on the next life planet we find."
"The more we experience and the farther we go, the more we are in awe of the universe."
"If one day, we encounter a more powerful species than us, then, what should we do?"
"If there is a perfect creature we are looking for in this universe, such a creature may destroy our existence."
"Perhaps, when we look around for a more perfect species, the enemy is peeping at us in a space we cannot understand."
"When an unknown enemy invades, what should we do?"
"So, we must be prepared to deal with a stronger enemy."
"After all, the Sarnagar is a civilization dominated by brilliant biotechnology, and we are not an outright war civilization."
These words are what "Hebrew" originally mentioned.
When this passage spread among the "Sarnaga tribe", the high level of civilization had to react.
After a long discussion, they decided to make some preparations early on this issue.
The "Hebrew Plan" is the killer of the "Sarnaga" prepared for war.
The top biological virus experts among them gathered together, and after countless experiments and studies, they finally successfully developed a super virus.
This super virus has super spread speed and infectiousness.
It is almost an intelligent super virus, which can adjust and change the genetic structure of organisms according to different biological characteristics.
Gene mutations often mean terrible things or magical changes.
And this super virus made by the "Sarnaga" means a terrible thing to the infected organism.
In other words, the "Sarnaga" who are not "war civilization" can rely on the "super virus" to create more super fighters instantly.
However, "super viruses" are not "super bacteria".
It is the same as viruses recognized by more civilizations. They are non-cellular microorganisms that must parasitize and replicate in living cells.
Therefore, how many super soldiers the "Sarnaga" can produce in the shortest time depends on the number of creatures used to infect the "super virus".
The "Hebrew Project", to put it bluntly, is to cast "super viruses" on other species, no matter if these species are intelligent creatures or lower creatures.
However, after the birth of the "Hebrew Project", apart from experiments, it only appeared once in the history of the "Sarnaga" and ended in failure.
"Primitive Zerg" completely pardoned the invasion of "Super Virus".
Since then, the "Sarnaga" almost ceased to exist, not to mention the opportunity to implement the "Hebrew Plan".
Now, then.
The "Hebrew Plan" used by the "Sarnaga" as a passive defense, Salmon has decided to take the initiative to implement it.
This is also the main reason why he chose to rebuild the "Sarnaga Civilization" in the "Morning Star Federation".
At least, there is no shortage of creatures in this star field.
"The Hebrew Project is launched."
"According to estimates, in about five working days, a super virus that can infect the entire Confederation can be created."
For the central brain of "Life Boat", accepting and executing orders is the only reason for its existence.
"Go on, is there anything else?"
Believing that the central intelligence brain will execute all this in an orderly manner, Salmon then put this matter aside.
"The core energy of this planet will be exhausted in about two working days."
"It is recommended that you choose the next target, such as the stars of this star system."
"There, the life boat can be fully replenished with energy."
Central Brain Brain responded immediately.
"it is good."
"After absorbing the core energy of this planet, start the boat of life towards the star."
Salmon naturally would not refuse, and responded with kindness.
"A small federal fleet is still staying outside the triangle area."
"They are still passing on information, trying to talk to us directly."
The central brain sent another message.
"Don't worry about them, it is human civilization that dominates the Morningstar Federation."
"Humans are just our experimentation."
"To us, they are like pets and beasts they made using biotechnology. Do we need to care about their thoughts?"
With a sneer, Salmon said.
At this moment, the words "End of Daily Report" flashed on the light screen in front of him.
Standing up, Salmon wanted to go to the "cultivation area" as usual.
But before he could go out, the voice of the Central Intelligence Brain machine suddenly rang again.
"I just received a message from the Protoss."
"At the other edge of the triangle area, a Protoss warship has just appeared."
After stopping his steps, Salmon hesitated for a moment, but turned his body.
"What message did they send?"
Sitting in the control chair, Salmon asked unhurriedly.
"A person of the Protoss who claims to be a prophet, he asked to talk to you."
"Whether it is remote communication, or he can take a small transport plane to the boat of life."
The central brain brain responded quickly.
"The Boat of Life prohibits any other species from logging in. They don't even think about that."
Salmon refused the offer without hesitation.
"Then ignore them? Or establish a remote communication connection?"
The central brain still responds rigidly and mechanically.
Without a timely response, Salmon fell into contemplation.
His fingers kept tapping on the console.
After ten seconds, Salmon raised his head.
"Establish a remote communication connection."
"Prepare the fragments of the technology tree I selected earlier, including more detailed information."
When it came to the second sentence, Salmon had an obvious pause, but he finally said it.
The central intellectual brain responded mechanically.
The communication connection was quickly established successfully.
Looking at the extremely old "protoss" prophet in the three-dimensional projection, Salmon did not speak first.
He didn't speak, but the "Protoss" prophet was embarrassed not to know how to start.
Just like that, you look at me, I look at you.
After a few seconds, the prophet finally broke the embarrassing situation with difficulty.
"Hello, great creators."
"I am the prophet of the Protoss tribe. Here, on behalf of all the Protoss tribe, I express my gratitude to the Chuangshi tribe."
"If it weren't for you, it would be impossible for the Protoss to develop into what it is now."
Speaking in the mother tongue of the "protoss", the prophet bends deeply at the same time.
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