Chapter 18: Bitterness

The huge kiss trembled, and the alien queen let out a long white breath.
After giving birth to an alien egg, it was visibly relaxed, and its body no longer trembled so much.
A stride rushed over, Yunhai ran to the queen's first alien egg, and looked carefully.
The color is flesh-colored, and the outer shell of the alien egg is thick and covered with transparent mucus.
The top is a tightly closed petal-like structure with four leaflets in total.
After shining it with a flashlight for a while, except for the slightly lighter color of the king alien egg that had parasitized Dahei, the shape was exactly the same as the egg of the alien mother.
Unable to wait, Yunhai tried to use the alien sense to find out.
Among the thick eggs, the larvae of the larva with thick tails and eight claws grow in the egg white-like mucus.
In the faint spiritual connection, Yunhai could even feel that it was more anxious than himself, eager to complete its growth, and get out of the egg as soon as possible to find the host parasite close at hand.
It is only the size of a human fist, but Yunhai can feel that it is slowly growing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye or can be detected by mental power.
Obviously, all forms of alien lifeforms, from alien eggs, face worms, embryos implanted into the host, and even chest-breaking aliens, have the growth speed of light.
This is incomprehensible and unbelievable in human thinking.
Looking at his watch, Yunhai noted the time, and stayed beside the alien egg without leaving a half step.
His expression was urgent again, and he was like the little hen guarding the cub, for fear that a mutant creature would pop up and the alien egg.
Time passed by minute by minute, and I never felt that time was so long, even if it was the extremely anxious and boring five days that I had just passed.
For these five days, every minute and every second was suffering, and the silent cave was about to drive him crazy.
Ten minutes later, from the initial young state, the size of the face worm has doubled.
Twenty minutes later, the worm has grown a lot, and the eight three-legged tentacles on the side of the body, including the thick and long tail, have shown a bit of hideousness.
Thirty minutes later, in the extremely excited eyes of the sea of ​​clouds, the four sarcosa at the top of the heteromorphic egg opened, and the cream-colored face bug bounced out of the mucus, and went directly to the area not far away that was wrapped in the fungus blanket. The mutant lynx hatched.
The speed is extremely fast, with one flick of the eight tentacles, the face-holding bug is like a cobra directing at its prey.
Obviously because of the mutation, the body suffered heavy injuries and did not eat or drink for five or six days. No matter it was a mutant bobcat larva, or a mutant bamboo rat or squirrel, none of them died.
The animal's keen senses made all the hosts scream in horror, and the mutant lynx larvae shook its head as much as possible. The severely injured body and weak physique made it difficult to break free from the giant cocoon formed by the fungus blanket. come out.
In an unbiased manner, the face-bearing bug rushed to the bobcat's face like lightning, eight slender tentacles tightly hugged its head, and at the same time the thick and powerful tail tightened its neck tightly.
The mucus-filled gap in the abdomen violently opened, and the elongated tubular mouthparts stretched out. In the eyes of the sea of ​​clouds, when the lynx that couldn't breathe opened its mouth, the mouthparts of the worm that held the face penetrated it like lightning. In his mouth, he completely pierced the bobcat's throat.
He swallowed involuntarily, looking at the face-holding bug that started to fall silent, and then at the lynx that had passed out, thinking of his experience that day, Yun Hai felt his scalp numb.
At the same time, he also saw the difference.
The alien mother-hug-face worm that parasitizes the sea of ​​clouds is a weird blue with an ossified tail and a sharp tip.
The Alien Queen's Face Worm, which is a parasitic black dog, is tan with a sharp tail tip, but it is a bit worse than the Alien Mother's Face Worm.
However, the face-holding bug in front of him was just flesh-colored like a heteromorphic egg, and its tail was just like a snake body, and there was no ossified tail tip at all.
The neighing sound of the alien queen sounded again, her body trembled violently, and at the same time the ovipositor moved slightly, and another alien egg was spit out from the top.
"You can give birth to an alien egg in half an hour, forty-eight in a day."
"The face worm can grow up in half an hour, the parasitic host, compared with me and Dahei, it is about twelve hours, the alien larvae will burst out of the chest."
"Alien queens need to reach maturity before they can grow ovipositors, so it takes a little longer to grow. Take it as an example. The first molting and growth of ordinary aliens takes at least one day and at most two days, it will become dark Stalker, the best hunter to find the host."
"There are forty-five mutant bamboo rats, five mutant squirrels, a mutant lynx juvenile, and a total of 51 hosts. In less than two days, they can all become aliens!"
I couldn't help but began to become obsessed. In Yunhai's imagination, a large group of aliens who looked like but were slightly different, hugged and hugged and followed him, how spectacular the scene should be.
Wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth, Yunhai waited patiently.
However, there is no way to worry.
Laying eggs, hatching, parasitizing, breaking the chest, molting and growing.
This is the necessary journey for an alien to be born, and it is also caused by the genetic genes of the alien race. This process cannot be interfered by Yunhai at all.
His role in the Alien Clan is only absolute rule, the spiritual master.
He was not idle, nor controlled by the sea of ​​clouds, the magical energy in the space kept sinking into his body.
It is estimated that he has evolved, but Yunhai has exhausted his mind and cannot release this energy like a big head, and is not under his control. This energy is submerged in the imprint of the Alien Mother on the heart.
And he also found that the skin is next to the magic blanket, the faster it absorbs energy.
With this unspeakable energy entering the body, the galaxy light spots that killed and sealed the Alien Mother were brighter than before.
It was this discovery that made the uneasy Yunhai finally settled. Although it is not clear what these phenomena indicate, at least it is certain that the galaxy light spot that saved his life can absorb this energy, and he does not think it will be harmful. Place.
Of course, even if it is harmful, Yun Hai has no way to refuse this kind of autonomous energy absorption like a big head, it is beyond his control.
Time passed slowly, and soon, three hours passed, during which the alien queen gave birth to six alien eggs.
In addition to the first parasitic bobcat, a total of six worms successfully parasitized the host.
Obviously, when parasitizing the host, the worms have a sense of preference.
Just like the first face-carrying bug, it chose the lynx whose individual combat effectiveness in its host was obviously stronger.
The next five worms parasitized the mutant squirrel instead of the mutant bamboo rat closest to them.
I don't know what is so powerful about the mutant squirrels. The sea of ​​clouds in the shape of a giant cocoon can only see that their body size is more than twice as large as before. As for the other parts of the squirrel, they are deadly wrapped in a fungus blanket, and they cannot be spied.
What made Yun Hai a little surprised was that the alien queen used her tailbone to circle the empty alien egg in front of her, holding her forelimbs up, and chewing it all up.
Yun Hai wondered if there was anything else it could not eat in this world.
He took out a bottle of water from his hiking bag and drank it slowly, looking at the bobcat who was still unconscious from time to time, Yunhai relaxed.
Suddenly, the comatose Lynx woke up, its limbs had already been completely broken by the alien queen, its head flicked desperately, and the worm fell to the ground in a few strokes.
"The queen of the parasitic black dog grows faster than ordinary aliens, or the black dog itself is too old and the body is too poor. Why is the black dog not awake, the queen broke out of her chest, and this bobcat only took three hours. Just woke up."
Thinking in his heart, Yun Hai walked over and looked at it carefully.
The body was visibly shriveled, and the original sticky flesh-colored body surface of the worm was hardened, and Yunhai reached out to touch it, only to feel hard.
The more you look at it, the colder it becomes. If the adult alien is an extremely fierce killer in Yunhai's eyes, then the ugly and disgusting face-holding bug in front of him is like a pile of stubborn excrement, so ugly that it cannot be ugly. .
Breathing with big mouths, the lynx cub looked very frightened, but when he turned on the flashlight to shine its horrible face, Yun Hai could even see the feeling of confusion from the depths of its humanized eyes.
It is estimated that when the face worm injected the embryo, it also injected a certain toxin that paralyzed the nerves. It was determined that it could not break free from the restraint of the fungal blanket, and Yunhai was relieved.
In the darkness, the lynx struggling frantically, his head vigorously swinging, and his body trembling violently, driving the giant cocoon of the fungus blanket with shaking.
"Six hours, much shorter than I expected."
In the mental induction, Yunhai has clearly felt the lynx body, the already mature alien larva, can't wait to come to the world.
A huge sound of broken flesh and blood sounded, and a alien larva resembling a snake body. The force broke through the chest of the lynx larva, knocking the fungus blanket out of a hole.
The head is full of minced blood, and the alien larvae resemble the queen's inner nest teeth. The head is slightly open, making a harsh "neiss" sound.
It seemed to this world to announce its distinctive and birth.
Compared with the original queen larva, this alien larva was quite different. The entire body surface was completely tender and white. After a brief moment of neighing, it turned around and rushed into the bobcat's body.
This time it turned, Yunhai could see more clearly, the alien larva was exactly like a snake with four short limbs, including the long and narrow tail behind it.
The chewing sound of eating was extremely clear in the silent darkness. Seeing the dead bobcat body trembling in the earthquake, Yunhai clenched his fists excitedly.
All the hardships come.
The alien race finally took root on the earth that came to the last days and began to grow.
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