Chapter 1783: Focus

"The number of aliens has increased by about ten times?"
The ecstasy didn't make Yunhai's head stunned, he immediately reflected a fact.
"You opened up more than 10,000 planets of life in the small universe?"
"More than 10,000 life planets? Can't meet the needs of alien parasites?"
Looking at Ganuo beside him, Yun Hai couldn't believe it.
"Opening up a planet of life is not complicated for me."
"The trouble is, the transformation of a living planet takes time."
"For example, the planet just now, I must first conduct a comprehensive survey of it."
"During the survey, I will decide what creatures to put on it."
"After the survey is over, I will carry out a comprehensive transformation of the entire planet for the creatures that will be released."
"The transformation of the atmospheric environment, the concept and design of a complete biosphere, the transformation of the surface, etc."
"These all take time. I can easily change the entire environment of a planet and turn a barren planet into a paradise for life, but it all takes a lot of time."
"In addition, it takes time for living things to multiply and develop on the planet."
"Not every creature can divide and reproduce indefinitely as long as the blade beast has water, and we can't make all the aliens into the blade beast aliens in the future."
"Time, the most important thing is time."
"In the past two years or so, I have only created more than 3,000 life planets in the small universe, and also discovered more than 2,000 ready-made life planets that are easy to transform."
"In other words, in the small universe now, we have a total of 5,621 life planets."
"On average, about two or three alien queens live on a planet of life."
"There are no natural enemies. With their terrifying multiplication speed, no matter how many hosts I create, it won't be enough for them to consume."
"Fortunately, the experimental subjects we selected were all evolved aliens. After they evolved to alien queens, the alien worms that were born after the birth of the parasitic host also possessed almost any energy-rich substance. Energy capacity."
"If they don't eat vegetation, ore, etc., they can survive, not to mention the host. Just the food they consume every day will not know how much the host has to sacrifice to satisfy."
Ganuo kept talking.
"The small universe is our foundation."
The surging sea of ​​clouds said with emotion.
"Yes, the small universe is our true foundation."
"There is no small universe. If I carry out such a vigorous construction operation in a large universe, it would be an exaggeration to just travel between different star systems and consume energy. The total amount of time wasted would be an exaggeration."
"In the small universe, there is no such problem."
"Now I only explored a small part of the small universe, and found more than 2,000 easily transformable life planets, of which one-third of them are almost ready-made life planets, and some primitive life forms have been born on them."
"Think about it now, the civilization that built this small universe is really powerful."
"Compared to a small universe with a complete river system in a large universe, no matter which civilization built this small universe, I believe they must have their own ideas in the process of building the small universe."
"I even believe that every planet in the small universe is carefully selected by them in the vast universe."
Ganuo sounded more emotional than Yunhai.
"Do we have this ability?"
Yunhai suddenly raised a question.
And Ganuo instantly reacted to what he meant by "we", but he did not hesitate to respond: "The mother civilization has the ability to build a small universe, and the mother civilization created a special space very early. Traction machine."
"The tractor used by the main brain to tow the small universe is the result of the research of the mother civilization, but the main brain's information database is incomplete, and the tractor manufactured is only a semi-finished product."
"When the mother civilization was at its most brilliant, almost every home-level spacecraft had a small universe."
"The small universe not only provides energy for them, but it is also the best shelter. When encountering various sudden and fatal disasters in the universe, the home spacecraft does not need to expend more energy to take risks. The spacecraft Homeland just needs to enter the small universe."
"However, the largest of the small universes created by the mother civilization can only accommodate hundreds of thousands of different planets."
"And the small universe we have now is almost a complete river system, and there is no comparison between the two."
Hearing Ganuo's response, Yunhai fell into contemplation again.
In his view, there is more than 80% possibility that a large number of "space gates" civilizations will be built in this universe, and this "small universe" beyond the imagination of more civilizations will also be built.
"This is a civilization that is almost godlike. They may know how many civilizations there are in each river system and each star system, whether they are primitive or advanced."
"They just looked at every river system and even every universe from the perspective of God, interfering or not interfering, caring or ignoring."
"Just, where are they now?"
"What kind of civilization are they?"
For a time, Yun Hai thoughts in his mind.
"Here, I'll leave this to you."
"How to do or what to do, you listen to the boss."
Yunyue couldn't wait any longer, she let go of her tentacles and threw the half-dead "mother bug" at Ganuo, and at the same time flew towards the distant star system.
"Find a planet in the small universe, I will arrange alien beasts and more aliens to cooperate with your warship to completely blockade that area."
"It should have no consciousness now, only instinct."
"I want you to find a way to stimulate its body and let it begin to multiply on the established planet."
"There is no way to compare the female worms of the Zerg spines with this female worm."
"I want you to record the entire reproduction process, including the evolution of larvae into different insects."
"Then, I want you to analyze the genetic structure of these bugs, and I want you to find a way to unlock the hidden codes in their genes."
"Gano, the number of insects in the Zerg race is much more exaggerated than we thought."
"We want to fight against them on the frontal battlefield. The best way is for aliens to successfully parasite them."
"Only in this way can we transform more insects into alien forms, and only in this way can we be able to fight them head-on."
"This is very important. I hope you will tilt your focus in this direction in the next period of time."
Seeing a warship flying over quickly, using machinery to firmly control the "mother bug", and more warships surrounding it from around, Yunhai solemnly said to Ganuo.
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