Chapter 1870: compromise

"Lord" is a very critical existence for "Zerg".
But this key is decided by the "hero Abathur".
Unlike alien civilizations, aliens have already determined their fate when they are born or parasitic hosts. Although earth-shaking changes may occur in the future, this is normal.
This is like a human being. Some people were born in the courts of high-ranking officials, and they have better resources and environment as soon as they land, and they are basically destined for the future.
And some people did not do a good job in the "technical job" of reincarnation. Born in a poor family or even in a war-torn environment, his future can be imagined.
Alien is like this. Alien that parasitizes "alien beast" and Alien that parasites human beings have absolutely different futures.
Of course, aliens parasitizing humans can also evolve, even into "alien queens".
However, this does not mean that it can be more powerful than the alien parasited with the "alien beast", let alone the latter could have evolved into the "alien queen".
This is the alien, but the "Zerg" is completely different.
Every larva is the same, or evolved into an ordinary "jergner" in the "vesicle", or evolved into a "thunder beast", or "lord". It is the "hero" that determines their fate Abathur".
The other bugs are basically the same.
Only the "lord" is different, each "lord" encounters different situations, and their consciousness changes are different, which determines their wisdom and thinking.
This time, the "lords" of the "origin river system" were wrong.
The mistakes they made are very serious.
At least in the eyes of "hero Abathur", because of their wrong decision, the current "origin civilization" has even seriously threatened the security of the "dark zone" where the "Zerg" is located.
No danger is allowed in the "dark zone". Whether or not you have thought that the "dark zone" will be threatened by other civilizations before, the "hero Abathur" knows that something must be done.
"How many civilizations are we fighting at the same time now?"
Floating on the largest biological building on the surface, "Hero Abathur" thought while sending out a spiritual message.
"Six river systems, a total of 37 civilizations."
At the feet of the "hero Abathur", the huge "biological building" quickly responded to it.
This "biological building" is equivalent to the intellectual brain of technological civilization.
Of course, it is just the most common "biological brain".
Store massive amounts of information, do the simplest calculations and analysis, this is the meaning of this "brainworm".
"The situation?"
I could read this information by myself through a spiritual connection, but "Hero Abathur" was still thinking about other issues, so I chose to communicate and ask.
"The river system of the first theater, the third theater, the fifth theater, and the sixth theater, we all have an absolute advantage."
"In those three river systems, we have a total of 30 hostile civilizations, and almost all of them are about to fail."
"Thirty hostile civilizations, fifteen hostile civilizations have completely failed, and we are now doing the final search and destruction of the star domains they control."
"The war between the river system of the Second War Zone and the river system of the Fourth War Zone is still going on. Among them, we have already occupied a certain advantage in the Second War Zone. As long as we continue to increase troops, this advantage will soon expand.
"The news I just received, the war in the Fourth Theater is quite troublesome..."
The "brainworm" slowly responded.
"You don't need to talk about the Fourth War Zone."
"Hero Abathur" interrupted it impatiently.
The "Four War Zone River System" is the "origin river system", this "hero Abathur" is naturally clear.
"The river system of the first theater, the third theater, the fifth theater, and the sixth theater. These four river systems are temporarily truce."
"The river system of the Second World War zone stops increasing troops and it is enough to maintain the current situation. If the hostile civilization suddenly falls back, we can temporarily withdraw from the river system of the Second World War zone."
"All the troops are drawn, all pressed to the river system of the Fourth Theater."
"No matter how many primordial organisms there are, no matter how many primordial entities can be produced when the primordial body completely consumes that star, I will solve it in that star system."
"When will the primitive Zerg clan be completely suppressed by the number of enemies!"
He gave the order fiercely, "Heroic Abathur" turned around and wanted to leave.
The "brainworm" can only obey and obey, and even do some simple calculations. Its wisdom and resilience are far less than the "lord", and "hero Abathur" naturally has no desire to communicate with it too much.
Just turning around, "Heroic Abathur" suddenly remembered a question.
"Among all the hostile civilizations, which civilization has the highest technological level? In terms of space technology."
Without turning around, it sent out a mental communication to the "brainworm".
"The black light tribe in the three war zones, they are civilizations that focus on space technology."
"If we hadn't captured their leader in the first assault and controlled their home star at the same time, maybe the Black Light Race would have all been in the river system of the Three Theaters, and we wouldn't be able to catch them."
The "brainworm" quickly responded.
"Contact the lord of that river system, let them truce and negotiate with the black light clan."
"If they are willing to help us deal with the original body, we can return their leader and return their home star, and then follow them where they want to go, at least until the next contact in the universe, we will not have war with them. "
"If they don't want to, then tell them, we will kill their leader and destroy their home planet."
"Since they are willing to fight with us tenaciously instead of fleeing for the leader and home planet, I believe they will make smart choices."
"Immediately pass on my words to the lord of the river system who is at war with the black light clan."
"Heroic Abathur" thought for a while and gave such an order.
Then it quickly left.
"Zerg" never compromises with the enemy.
The fact has always been the same.
However, this time "Hero Abathur" decided to compromise.
Its target is not the "origin", although the genes of the "origin" are equally attractive to it.
However, compared to the "primitive body", "hero Abathur" values ​​"alien" more.
"Heroic Abathur" has a hunch that whether it is "dominating" the current troubles or the evolutionary problems that have plagued the "Zerg" for a long time, they will be resolved in the "alien".
Before that, it needed a complete alien, preferably an alien "mother beast".
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