Chapter 2003: Both soft and hard

The huge conference room does not seem so solemn and solemn.
After all, it was built by "intelligent micro-civilization", not from the "human federation". It only pursues simplicity, clarity and efficiency.
If it is the latter, Yunhai can definitely imagine that whether it is on the smooth wall, or in some corners of the meeting room, or even behind the "rostrum" where he sits high, there must be alien reliefs and statues everywhere.
The arrangement of the tables and chairs is very reasonable, there is a light screen on each table, and there is an intelligent control system.
These devices ensure that the voice of each participant can be instantly and clearly transmitted to every corner, and it also ensures that everyone can clearly observe the "rostrum" that exists farther and higher.
This is not the largest central meeting room, but this meeting room is more central.
One hundred and sixty people selected from the "Star League United Nations", plus twenty people carefully selected by the "Human Federation", did not fill the entire conference room, but set aside approximately Thirty to fifty vacancies.
Everyone who should have come has already arrived. When Totomi walked into the meeting room with the sea of ​​clouds, the buzzing meeting room suddenly became quiet.
No one instigated, no one gave an order, and everyone "brushed" to stand up.
Previously, it was just a glimpse at the city square. The sea of ​​clouds from falling to disappearing was only an instant thing. More people did not have the time and opportunity to observe him more closely.
At this moment, looking at the seemingly ordinary human next to Totomi, more people showed complicated expressions.
This human being is obviously the "alien master" with mimicry ability.
It was him who ruthlessly destroyed the "Star Alliance United Nations".
It was also him who saved the "Star Alliance United Nations" from the "Zerg" conspiracy.
Yes, that's the truth.
The first point does not need to be confirmed at all, the facts are already in sight.
As for the second point, they can understand if they already know the truth.
If more "parasites" are allowed to invade the "Star Alliance United Nations", and if more "parasites" still appear and control their civilization, then nothing happens, and if something happens, the entire civilization will be completely destroyed. .
Of course, the current "Star Alliance United Nations" has been destroyed.
Only the "Star Alliance United Nations" was destroyed. At least more races under this civilization still exist, even if they live in dire straits, at least they still exist, and they are themselves.
Those who can sit here are naturally smart people.
They know the facts clearly, and they don't know whether to love or hate the "Alien Master".
However, when they really faced the "Alien Lord" at this time, they knew that in fact they were more awed, and had to be in awe.
Following Yunhai all the way to the rostrum, after watching him walk up to the rostrum and take a seat, Tomomi returned to the seat reserved for him in the first row.
"You are all elites."
"You, are the smartest people I can find right now."
"This meeting is held today because there is an urgent issue that requires everyone to discuss and give suggestions."
"Next, everyone pay attention to the light screen in front of you."
"A core material will appear there. After reading this material, you will probably understand it."
"From now on, you read the information first, and we will discuss it afterwards."
"One more thing, after reading these materials, you will not be free."
"Of course, you can do anything in this star system, but I don't allow anyone to leave the ecosystem."
There was no special dignity, and no special coldness, Yun Hai just spoke slowly in his usual tone.
At this time, a person raised his hand high.
Even if he was sitting in the front seat, he still held up his hands for fear that Yunhai could not see him.
Yun Hai didn't speak, just pointed at him.
"Alien... Are you the master of the alien? The master of the alien civilization?"
The one who stood up was a member of the "Sky Star Clan". He tried to calm down as much as possible, but his voice still trembled.
"I am the Alien Lord, do you just stand up and ask this?"
Yun Hai nodded, then asked rhetorically.
"'s not it."
"I just want to ask, is the information on the profile confidential?"
"In other words, if after this meeting is over, we want to go back and continue discussing the information and issues in the materials, do we need to avoid family members? Can we discuss it with other people who did not attend this meeting?"
The "Sky Star Clan" person explained continuously.
"This is not confidential information. You can discuss it with anyone on any occasion."
"The reason I said earlier that your personal freedom is restricted is because of something else."
"The ecosphere is where you live and where you work."
"You are members of my think tank. Simply put, you are my employees."
"Since it is a job, it must look like a job."
"I can give you the best living environment to meet more of your needs in life."
"But you have to abide by my rules, because I am your boss."
"That's it."
Yun Hai looked at him from a distance, and responded indifferently.
"Then can we call your boss?"
I don't know who asked quietly.
It was a human being, and of course it must be a human being. If they were replaced by those from the "Star Alliance United Nations", they wouldn't dare to make such a joke with Yunhai, even if this joke is not excessive.
"If calling me the boss can make you more relaxed and put you into work more perfectly, I don't mind if you call me that."
Looking at the human from a distance, Yun Hai said with a slight smile.
"let's start."
Seeing that more people have the desire to speak, Yunhai's next sentence immediately let them dismiss this idea.
At this moment, a flashing file icon appeared on the light screen in front of everyone.
After everyone clicked on it, a file page appeared in the index that exceeded hundreds of pages.
There was no more sound, and the whole meeting room was quiet.
Everyone looked at the file carefully, and various expressions began to appear on their faces and eyes.
"Um... there is someone out there. He said he was invited by you to attend the meeting.
"His name is Catalannis, a man from the Star Alliance United Nations."
Totomy's voice suddenly rang in Yunhai's mind.
Looking at the communication device Totomy was wearing, Yunhai nodded at him.
At this moment, the closed door of the conference room opened silently.
Walking in from the door, the handsome and upright Catlannis saw the sea of ​​clouds also watching him at a glance.
From horror to relief, Catlannis only took a few seconds.
Then, he quietly walked to the empty seat at the back and sat down, and then, just like everyone else, he lowered his head and read the information files on the light screen.
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