Chapter 2015: Dilemma

It was still that beautiful planet of life, but it was completely different from when the sea of ​​clouds first came.
The city where the conference building is located is extremely lively.
In the sky, all kinds of aircraft shuttle back and forth.
On the street, busy or leisurely "Tren" people walked.
These have made this originally dead city come alive.
"So, all moved here?"
Landing on the square in front of the conference building, Yunhai saw Modi and others who were waiting to meet him, and asked the first sentence.
"Well, in addition to the clans living on some other planets who are still searching, the clans who have been accustomed to living on our home planet have all taken over."
"Intelligent micro-civilizations have helped a lot this time. They dispatched dozens of specially modified super transport ships and transferred around 80 million of our people at a time."
"The remaining tribesmen are about 30 million, but the intelligent micro-civilization said that as long as they are still alive, the search team they sent will find them and bring them here safely."
Modi said with a bit of excitement, with a red face.
On his left, the handsome Catlannis also looked a little excited, and Emily, on Modi's right, bowed gratefully toward the sea of ​​clouds.
"There is no resistance from other races, right?"
"After all, everyone is at the same starting line, and now there is no movement from other races, but your Teren people have all been transferred."
Beckoning everyone to enter, Yunhai and Modi asked while walking side by side.
"It's false to say that there is no resistance."
"But Mr. Totomi has repeatedly expressed it, because several of us have put forward constructive opinions on the status quo of alien civilization, and they have been adopted by you."
"In order to inspire everyone or all the races here, the master made this choice."
"In this way, although some people are not very comfortable, they still accept this fact."
It seemed a few years younger than the last time we met, Modi said with a smile at his feet and followed the sea of ​​clouds.
"They have to accept it."
"Because here, I have the final say."
Yun Hai said with a smile.
"Dominate the domineering."
Tomomi immediately followed up with a flattering.
Although he was smiling, these words were not funny at all.
Already used to endless discussions and excuses, when faced with the absolute hegemon who rules a civilization or an alliance, at least Catlannis and Emily sounded a little harsh when they said such words in front of him.
But after a while, they wanted to understand.
This situation is now the best.
A strong alliance is determined by one person. Sometimes this is a good thing, but more often it means disaster.
However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the "Alien Master" with absolute dominance is at least very good at communicating and communicating.
He knows how to make choices, listen to opinions, and discuss more things with others.
This situation is actually very good.
"Did you discuss the results?"
"It's been ten days since I left. About two million people participated in this discussion."
"If there is no result, I don't think you guys will come to me."
Stepping into the conference building and walking towards the conference room through the bright corridor, Yun Hai asked as he walked.
"Probably there are results."
"Master, in fact, you still need to decide in the end."
"Two million people participated in this discussion. Through the sub-venue discussion and then to the main conference debate, we came up with two results."
Modi hesitated, knowing that there are some questions that cannot be avoided, he bit the bullet and responded.
"I knew it was probably the result."
"Well, go in and talk about it."
The facts were exactly as Yunhai expected. He showed a helpless expression and walked in after the human staff opened the door.
Compared with the last meeting, more people attended this meeting.
This is just a small meeting room, but the 300 seats are full.
Seeing Yunhai and his party walking in, some people saw Yunhai for the first time, but they could guess his identity through Modi and Totomi, and everyone stood up immediately.
Unsquinted, Yunhai walked all the way to his seat and sat down, and immediately pressed his hands to signal the others to sit down.
"If I remember correctly, it has been twelve days since I left here."
"Twelve days is not long, but it is definitely not short."
"We don't have so much time to wait patiently for you to discuss it. None of us knows when the bug will appear in this star field next time."
"So, today I want to know the result of your discussion."
Gazing calmly at the people in the audience, Yun Hai said.
At this time, more people's eyes turned to the seat where Modi and others were sitting.
Modi didn't move, but Totomi moved.
He clicked on the light screen in front of him, and then some information appeared on the light screen in front of everyone including the sea of ​​clouds.
"Alien Alliance does not need to be evacuated in a hurry. We only need to move from the large universe to the small universe, and then look for an area of ​​interstellar medium between river systems to hide and continue to develop."
"In this way, we can avoid being discovered by the Zerg as much as possible."
"I believe that with the union of several civilizations, the Alien Alliance will definitely undergo tremendous changes."
"By then, we may not fail to have the strength to fight against the Zerg."
This is the first paragraph of the message. Yunhai noticed it. At the end of this sentence, the approval rate of this decision was marked-55% of the members of the "super think tank" supported this decision.
"According to the known information, the Alien Alliance does not have the ability to make a leap or even travel faster than the speed of light in the small universe. In other words, if the Zerg invades here and discovers the existence of the small universe, then they only need to block the small universe and we are done. "
"Since we can't beat the Zerg now, why don't we withdraw?"
"Even if it is the same as the Alien Master said, there must be a fateful battle between the Zerg and Alien civilization, then we have to find a way to extend this time."
"Evolution is not endless. It requires a process and time."
"Zergs have evolved to the present, and I believe they are like a bottleneck in the research of scientific and technological civilization. Unless some miracle occurs, it is difficult to make a huge breakthrough in evolution."
"The alien civilization is different. They are still young, and they have just entered a period of rapid evolution."
"That is to say, when the Zerg is slow or even stagnant, alien civilization will evolve at a speed faster than light."
"So, retreating in time and decisively is the most correct choice for the Alien Alliance."
This is another piece of information, and the approval rate marked after this piece of information is 45 percent.
There is not much information on the light screen, that is, these two items-two choices.
Yunhai, who originally wanted to determine the best choice based on approval ratings, was caught in a dilemma-55 percent versus 45 percent. The gap is not very big.
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