Chapter 2065: accident

The first batch of energy slurry were silently exploded after entering the atmosphere of the living planet.
In this way, whether it is "The Wise" Oliver or Evan, in their opinion, the remaining energy ball will be the same.
After all, in their opinion, accurately calculating the distance between the satellite and the living planet, and then controlling the energy slurry ball to explode after entering the atmosphere of the living planet, is not something that creatures on the surface of the satellite can do.
The explosion of the energy slurry ball must have originated from the living bodies inside the energy slurry ball.
After they feel close to the safe environment of the planet, they will release a certain substance, and it is this substance that caused the explosion of the energy slurry ball.
The sudden accident completely exceeded their expectations.
When the second batch of energy slurry struck, even if two energy slurry were closer to the spacecraft, the two of them didn't care.
They never expected that the two energy slurry passed by the spaceship in parallel, one of them suddenly exploded.
The energy impact of the explosion caused the stationary spacecraft to shake violently.
The energy arcs crawling on all sides inevitably spread to the hull.
His eyelids jumped violently, and Oliver breathed a sigh of relief when the light screen showed that the spaceship was not damaged.
"It should have been an accident just now."
Judgment was made instantly, Oliver said calmly.
"It should be an accident indeed. I don't believe that the purpose of the mutant creatures on the satellite is actually to attack us."
Evan also said affirmatively.
When his gaze moved to the source of the alarm that the spaceship Zhinao still gave, Evan turned to look at Oliver.
"Unexpectedly, these things still have the ability to survive in the universe. There are probably dozens of these creatures on the spacecraft, and there are still some wandering in the surrounding space."
"These young creatures attached to the outside of the spacecraft can still move. There is nothing moving in the space. It seems that they only have the ability to survive in the universe, and they have no ability to move."
"How? Shall we grab a few and come in for a look?"
Looking at Oliver, Evan said expectantly.
After hesitating, Oliver nodded and agreed.
He knows very well that Evan is an avid biologist, even if his level is not enough to do more important research work in the clan.
"But for unknown creatures, we must remain vigilant enough, and you must be prepared for everything."
Just as he agreed, Oliver regretted it a bit, but he could only solemnly exhort him if he couldn't repent.
"Do not worry."
"The protective measures of the experiment box are first-class. There have been no accidents when experimenting with the Zerg clan before. I don't believe that at this time, some ordinary mutant evolutionary creatures can give birth to creatures stronger than the Zerg clan. "
Evan said with a smile, and then went down to prepare.
The "biological experiment box" itself is the most basic device. Considering some things that may happen during this observation mission, the spacecraft also carries this device.
It took a short time to prepare everything, and Evan immediately controlled the hatch at the tail of the spacecraft to slowly open.
"Really stupid creature..."
Seeing that the hatch had been opened, but the creatures attached to the hull were still crawling around but couldn't find the door, Oliver smiled in his heart.
Of course, this is not difficult for Evan.
Wearing a full set of protective clothing, he remotely activated a certain function of the "biological experiment box" placed at the door.
Within a few seconds, the "biological experiment box" simulated the release of hundreds of biological hormones, and released them.
Sure enough, the young creatures attached to the hull that seemed to be unable to find their way, suddenly swarmed toward the hatch.
At this time, the "biological experiment box" had guarded the entire hatch.
At the top of it, the energy fields released by two short mechanical arms have isolated an area inside the hatch.
Although believed that it has been successfully attracted by a certain biological hormone, and that these small organisms will definitely enter the "biological experiment box", Evan has initiated preventive measures to prevent those organisms from directly invading and spreading into the spacecraft.
Without any accident, the young creatures crawled in along the hull, and then climbed up the outer wall of the "biological experiment box".
"Little things, what are you guys?"
In the three-dimensional image displayed inside the helmet, Evan clearly saw the shapes of these young creatures, but couldn't help but murmured.
Seeing that dozens of creatures have entered the "biological experiment box", Evan controlled the "biological experiment box" to slowly close, and at the same time controlled the protruding mechanical arm to retract.
The accident happened at this moment.
The young creatures that had already gotten into the "biological experiment box" suddenly jumped out when the energy field disappeared, at the moment when the "biological experiment box" was completely enclosed.
This scene completely exceeded Evan's expectations.
Various signs, including their body shape, told him that these juvenile creatures did not have the ability to fly at all, and their movement speed was very slow, and they did not have the agility that matched their body shape.
But the facts told him clearly that not only can they fly, but they also fly very fast.
"Sly little thing..."
With this thought in his mind, Evan activated the big killer without hesitation at this moment.
Of course, this big killer did not originate from the "biological experiment box", but the protective clothing he wore.
No matter how fast he moves, it is impossible to activate the energy field defense of the "biological experiment box" in an instant.
Advanced "biological protective clothing" that can be controlled by thinking has played a role at critical times.
An invisible force field diffused from a tiny device on Evan's chest.
The distance is precisely controlled, and the invisible force field acts on the space between Evan and the "biological experiment box".
Those young creatures that had flew in front of Evan suddenly shattered under the action of the terrifying force field.
"what's going on?"
In the cockpit, he was considering whether to release some "stinger bees" to the surface of the planet to track the creatures that had just landed. When the brain showed a prompt of a force field in the rear cabin, Oliver asked in a slight surprise.
"It's okay, there was a little accident, but it has been resolved."
With a lingering fear in his heart, Evan quickly responded with a guilty conscience in the communicator integrated in the helmet.
But just when he hesitated to try to release the capture device and capture some of these creatures from the void around the spacecraft to enter the experiment, he felt abnormal just when he cast his gaze to the hatch, but he saw the inside of the helmet in front of him. In the three-dimensional image, more than a dozen light spots representing this creature have been shot in.
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