Chapter 2092: Matrix beam

"That's it?"
"What should I do next? Controlling them like this is not a way?"
Seeing the weird stiff scene in the light screen, Nemo couldn't help but ask curiously.
The anomaly of space is not just for two huge aliens.
It's impossible for Nemo to know such a simple truth.
In other words, in the space confined by the "Ship of Life", the two aliens cannot escape, and the attacking units of the "Sarnaga" cannot enter either.
Salmon didn't respond to it, just frowned and stared at the light screen.
At this time, a communication connection request popped out from the corner of the light screen.
"Leader, what's next?"
"These two aliens have caused panic among the tribe."
"If this continues, I am worried that the situation will develop to your disadvantage."
"After all, we have a way to keep them out of the outer space of the planet, but we still led them to the planet, posing a serious threat to the safety of more people."
In the corner that popped up from the light screen, the head of the "Star Defense Department" Charles whispered.
"Use the matrix beam to attack, target number one."
Salmon didn't hesitate anymore and gave the order directly.
"Roger that."
Charles responded slightly excitedly.
The command of the "leader" was quickly conveyed.
In the void closest to Yunhai and Yunyue, sixteen brand-new warships slowly left the formation.
After forming a weird formation, sixteen warships launched a beam of energy from different positions.
Sixteen energy beams converge from different directions, and then form a dazzling light cluster.
A few seconds later, in the sudden contraction of the violently expanded light cluster, countless small energy rays were suddenly projected, but they were radiating toward the two abnormal shapes.
"Matrix beam attack", Nemo naturally knew.
At least sixteen ships, up to tens of thousands of warships, "Matrix Beam Attack" gathers more warship energy waves.
Take sixteen warships as an example, the "matrix beam attack" formed by them can eventually produce more than 76,000 energy ray attacks.
Although these energy rays are very small, they are very powerful because they have enough energy support.
For small targets, it is fatal.
For a larger target, the energy rays produced by the "matrix beam attack" are enough to cause more serious damage in an instant.
"Matrix beam attack" is not the original warship attack method of the "Sarnaga".
In fact, the "Sarnaga" had no such thing as a "battleship".
With cutting-edge biotechnology, they are more accustomed to using simple and deadly genetic weapons to deal with enemies.
The absence of warships does not mean that the "Sarnaga" does not have the technology to manufacture warships.
On the contrary, they have been in contact with more civilizations, and they did not know how much information about the complete "tech tree" of science and technology civilization has been collected.
Combining more civilized warship manufacturing technologies, including various energy weapons, when Salmon decided to form a fleet, the "matrix beam attack" was mentioned.
"Matrix beam attack" originated from an energy weapon of scientific and technological civilization. Under the transformation of intelligent "Sarnaga" weapon experts, no matter how powerful it is in range or power, it is not known how powerful.
This energy weapon is designed for the Zerg.
As long as they can keep their distance on the battlefield forever, let alone the "Sarnaga", they are the "Morning Star Federation" and the "Protoss", as long as they are given enough time, they can also defeat the "Zerg".
However, the problem is precisely here. Long-range attacks cannot defeat these technologically civilized "Zergs", but they can always rely on huge numbers and "wormhole" technology to break through to the vicinity of the fleet.
Under such circumstances, how to solve the massive number of insects that suddenly approached is a serious problem that any civilization that may face the "Zerg" must consider.
The "matrix beam attack" was born for this reason. Sixteen warships can gather their respective energies to produce a "matrix energy wave group."
Such a "matrix energy wave group" can launch 76,000 multi-energy ray attacks, and more importantly, it is very durable and has enough energy support. A "matrix energy wave group" can last for tens of minutes. .
This is just the smallest unit. If it is replaced by a "matrix energy wave group" composed of tens of thousands of warships, the energy ray attack it produces will cover the range even more terrifying.
Fifty thousand warships are a group. In the imagination of the "weapon experts" of the "Sarnaga", as long as 300,000 warships simultaneously launch "matrix beam attacks", it is enough to cover the entire battlefield.
In that case, the worm tide that is enough to cross almost all civilized fleets will not cause any impact on their "life boat" or the fleet itself.
The "matrix energy beam" attack, which is inevitably going through, has indeed achieved the effect they expected.
However, this is the first time it has appeared in actual combat. I don't know how other people are, Nemo is looking forward to it.
Moving his fat body laboriously, Nemo deliberately moved forward, and then watched carefully with his eyes wide open.
As a result, Nemo saw a scene that he had never seen in his life, perhaps rarely seen before.
The original straight forward energy ray attack, when approaching the space where the two aliens were located, suddenly and completely messed up.
Some rays disappeared inexplicably, while others suddenly changed direction.
The one that disappeared didn't know where it went, but the energy ray that changed direction changed more than once.
A relatively close spaceship faced an energy ray attack from an unknown number of times refracted in the void. The tiny energy ray instantly penetrated the ship's body and was obviously unlucky enough to hit the energy battery. Directly exploded to pieces.
High in the sky, it was only this spaceship that was unlucky.
What's more unfortunate is from the surface of the planet.
More "Sarnaga" people have already rushed out of the streets. Through various devices, they were either excited or angry watching this scene in the sky.
After the chaotic energy rays are refracted differently, when a large number of tangible energy rays start to shoot down from the sky, more "Sarnaga" people have no time to react, and then there is a disaster scenario like apocalypse.
Among the screaming crowd, the young mother ran two steps with her newly born child. When she lowered her head when she felt the warm liquid splashing, she saw that the whole head of the child she was holding had exploded to pieces.
The student who was pushed down after only two steps, was stepped on countless in an instant, and when he struggled to stand up amidst the cry of fear, he found that all around him were fallen corpses, with blood flowing into a river.
Explosive suspended vehicle, broken body.
The whole city entered the end in an instant.
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