Chapter 2098: Eternal night

"This is too dangerous."
"Master, we can now be sure that the master body of the original civilization is definitely an extremely powerful energy body."
"It may be small, otherwise it will not escape the initial search of the insect sea."
"It can also be very large, otherwise it would not wrap a star with an energetic body, and then create an endless army of origins through endless resources."
"If you follow your decision just now, once the source body arrives here, it will definitely pose a serious threat to your safety."
"Master, the Zerg can't live without you!"
After thinking about it, "Heroic Abathur" still felt that the decision of "Domination" was too dangerous.
If it is replaced by other bugs, including the more intelligent "lords", they will unconditionally accept any decision of the "dominant".
But "Heroic Abathur" is different. As a unique existence under "Domination", it feels it necessary to remind "Domination".
And "Hero Abathur" is very clear that "Zerg" can lose all insects, "lord", and even lose it, but it cannot be without "master."
As long as the "master" is there, even if the "lords" who control different numbers of female insects and insects have more thoughts, the power of genetic control makes them dare not have any other thoughts.
Facts have proved this, even if the "master" has been imprisoned in the "temple" by the energy light group, all the bugs and "lords" are still 100% loyal and 100% awed to it.
As for "Hero Abathur", as the only "genetic engineer" in the "Zerg", if it dies, new "genetic engineers" will inevitably evolve among the numerous "engineer" assistants. The only difference is time. It's just long and short.
"Master" is different. Once it dies, the "Zerg" will fall apart immediately.
There is no other reason, because those "lords" are too smart.
To fight against different civilizations, the "Zerg" needs some clever bugs to lead more instinctive bugs to fight.
Once the "master" dies and the restriction of genetic control power is lost, at least before the birth of the new "master", those "lords" will definitely rule in their own right, which is inevitable in the view of "hero Abathur".
Therefore, the existence of "dominant" is not only a spiritual symbol, but also an absolute genetic power control. It must not die.
"Heroic Abathur" knows this truth better than anyone else.
"Abathur, do you know why the Sarnagars chose biotechnology in the first place, instead of using this energy as the core to develop and break through to the highest technological civilization as we imagined?"
"Master" did not take the words of "Hero Abathur", but suddenly changed the subject.
"Hero Abathur" asked subconsciously.
In fact, this problem has been plagued by "hero Abathur."
The energy light group that had imprisoned the "master" was extremely powerful and terrifying.
But compared to the beam of energy that blasted down from another time and space from time to time, it was much inferior.
If it weren't for those magical statues to share the bombardment of the energy beam, they would use the energy beam as a carrier and then send it back to the original space through the energy vortex. This energy beam and the "master" would have been blasted away.
If this kind of energy can be channeled out, if it can be stored, if it can be better used, it is absolutely terrifying.
"Energy technology", just like "space technology" and "biotechnology", is one of the main technologies chosen when the technological civilization develops to a high level.
Not to mention, as long as the "Sarnaga" can store this energy and release it through some equipment, it is the most powerful energy weapon in the civilization known to the "Zerg".
Therefore, "Hero Abathur" has never understood why the "Sarnaga" did not choose to study and use this energy. This is simply a violent thing.
"At the end of the war, the fallen Sarnagars, who existed like the dark templars of the Protoss, suddenly appeared, and finally trapped me with this energy light ball through their abilities."
"The bodies of these fallen people have long been torn apart by energy."
"But the strange thing is that their consciousness has always existed."
"Thousands of fallen people, their consciousness is chaotically intertwined."
"It is too difficult to get a complete consciousness or useful information clearly."
"Fortunately, I have more time to consume. Just a while ago, I finally found some useful information from this chaotic consciousness."
"And this piece of information is precisely the answer to the question that has always puzzled me."
"The Sarnagars, it's not that they didn't think of using these energies. In fact, they are far smarter than we thought."
"Master" spoke slowly, with a quiet tone.
As one of the few existences that can directly talk to the "Master", "Heroic Abathur" is obviously also a good communication partner, but he asked a question at the right time.
"Because the Sarnagars feel that if they use this energy on a large scale, they will inevitably change from passive reception to active demand. This is inevitable."
"And this kind of energy, the Sarnagars claim to the outside world that they are the most constant and powerful energy from the core of the universe, but in fact they feel that this energy comes from other universes."
"Parallel universes, or alien planes, the Sarnagars have different names for these."
"The names are different, but the truth is the same."
"The Sarnagar people stubbornly believe that the use of this energy will inevitably lead to disaster."
"Some of them even stated that the use of this energy will open a door to other worlds."
"At that time, the universe in which we live will definitely encounter apocalyptic disasters."
"For such a disaster, the Sarnagars use one word to describe it, that is Yongye."
"Abathur, do you understand now?"
"Why did we send so many bugs before, but we couldn't get close to the wormhole when the energy beam came, because this power is not in our universe, it comes from other worlds."
"Abathur, do you think this kind of power can be countered by an original civilization?"
"In other words, do you think the original creature can kill me under the restraint of this energy?"
"On the contrary, they appear here, maybe they can let me find opportunities, find opportunities to get out of imprisonment."
"Even if the hope is small, there is still some hope after all."
Speaking continuously, the tone of "dominant" was as calm as ever.
"Another world..."
The words "Master" shocked "Heroic Abathur".
It couldn't help but raised its head and looked at the sky through the open top of the "temple", although there was nothing there now.
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