Chapter 203: Perilous

Endless tropical rainforest stretches across this land. These earths bestow one of the most precious resources for mankind.
Before the end of the day, tropical rain forests are habitats for more than half of the earth’s flora and fauna, and the succession of biological communities is extremely rapid.
Of course, after the end of the world, the tropical rain forest has become a for almost all animals.
This is also the main reason why more mutant animals have fled and occupied human cities.
The paradise originally suitable for them to inhabit has become a paradise of strange spore creatures.
From a high altitude, anyone will be lost by the beautiful spore forest.
Colorful and strange.
It is a beautiful world that is even more unreal than a dreamlike fairy tale world.
But under this dreamy beauty, there is a fatal murderous opportunity hidden.
Every spore creature is working hard to evolve.
Never realized that with simple thinking, from violence, adaptation to harmony, all weird individuals and groups are doing their best to survive.
On this day, at the edge of the Indian-Malaysian rainforest in Asia, a silent killing is taking place.
One side is "ant" and the other side is "poison". Of course, the name is just to distinguish them.
They are accustomed to distinguishing everything by their senses, and they did not name themselves to distinguish them from other cognitions.
"Ants" are very similar to ants. In the process of evolution, they swallowed a large number of ants because of infection, and finally formed their own unique group characteristics.
Each individual has the thickness of a human thumb, and they are accustomed to living in underground caves. Their size looks very imaginative to ants.
Everything is their plants, the edge of the tropical rain forest has not evolved completely, or the moss, plants, etc. that have not evolved at all, they eat everything.
It can be said to be at the edge. At least this piece is their territory, and there is very little that can threaten them.
Until today "poison" has come.
It was a group of special mutant spore creatures that existed in the form of fog barriers, even compared with the "ants" that had formed life entities. Their evolution seems to be a bit inferior on the surface.
But their attacks are very strange, and also very peculiar.
When trying to shrink and gather together. It's the size of a washbasin.
The colors are extremely bright, exactly like a large mass of scarlet blood that is about to drip.
When dispersed, they turned into a pink haze, beautiful and deadly.
No longer adapting to life in the depths of the tropical rainforest, it was probably because of some other spore creatures that threatened safety and had to migrate to the outside.
Inevitably, when "ant" and "poison" that are preying come across, there is nothing to say. There was no temptation, no attack, and a fierce battle was launched.
The attack method of the "ant" is to suck. The ant-like palatal teeth are opened and compressed through the special organ of the abdominal cavity to take a bite of the pink fog barrier.
Countless "ants" live in groups in this way, swallowing "poison" invisible to the naked eye.
As long as you a certain amount, the "ants" will die.
But their death was not without credit. The black body became hard under the rapid overdraft of energy in the body.
Although they failed to adapt to the attack ability of the "poison" in the process of swallowing, they successfully used their shells to block the "poison" from spreading.
It is in the initial stage of mutation and evolution, and "poison" cannot invade everything. At least they cannot invade and melt the corpses of "ants" and return to the colony.
In this way, after a period of time, after invading and devouring the "ant" organs. If they can't break through the hard-iron "ant" shell, there are three ways to wait for them.
One is death. Without energy supply, they will also die.
The second is evolution, successfully breaking through the hard shell blockade of "ants".
The third is an abnormal change. Perhaps they will merge with the shell of the "ant" and become a new spore species again.
One side is invasion, the other is swallowing.
In this way, tens of millions of "ants" and overwhelming "poisons". There was a silent and tragic fight.
At this time, another new species came quietly.
Like a small spider. Eight tactile feet are moving flexibly on the ground, and there are tens of thousands of soy bean-sized worms. Finally came to the tropical rain forest, or spore forest.
From the ground, from the boundless jungle stems and leaves, tens of thousands of face-carrying insects marched silently, just like the war between "poison" and "ant".
With a keen sense of life and danger, these face worms noticed the fierce war, and they began to slow down.
Without aliens to follow, there is no command.
Autonomously, tens of thousands of face-carrying bugs scattered far away, surrounding the battlefield in a circular shape.
The encirclement process is over, and accidents continue to take place.
The perilous spore forest has not hesitated to show the horror of species from outer space.
For example, when more than a hundred face-holding insects "dragonfly point to the water" crawl across a quiet river surface, the "blue algae" floating on the water surface suddenly split and turned into a spider web-like form, and then dozens of them were hugged. The face worm swallowed it.
However, in an instant, the "blue algae" wrapped in a ball quickly unfolded, and a light smoke appeared on the surface like a lotus leaf, which actually sank to the bottom of the river in a panic.
Obviously, it is not immune to the acid in the body of the worm. It has eaten the food in its mouth and has to vomit it out.
Also, some worms were trapped. When they ran through the bushes, the seemingly harmless ferns suddenly sprayed out large swaths of transparent sap, sticking like spider silk. A lot of face-holding bugs.
I didn't care about these, whether they were besieged or killed, other spores passed on to each other the biological forms of spores that threatened their safety in a special way.
There was no counterattack against any spore creatures that attacked or tried to attack them-fighting had nothing to do with the spores, their mission was to find the host parasite.
For this mission, they don't even care about their own death, and how can they care about the individual kind in the group.
Cruelty is not just for the enemy, for the same kind as for yourself, they are just as cruel-regardless of the alien or the worm.
After being surrounded, over a thousand of the tens of thousands of face-holding bugs were temporarily besieged or killed.
He didn't rush up in a hurry, quietly observing the "poison" and the "ant", and each worm communicated his views in a special way.
Then, more than a dozen face-carrying bugs quietly concealed from all sides. After approaching, the eight feet slightly bend, and then they bounced into the pink fog barrier like bullets.
The flesh-colored body fell to the ground through the poison barrier, and did not feel any abnormality at all. While rushing towards the "ants" excitedly, an army of worms swarmed up all around.
The alien army stepped into the spore forest for the first time, and with its excitement, finally stepped firmly on this soft land.
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