Chapter 2134: A flash of light

In the face of "primitive creatures," "Zerg" has little combat power at all.
From the lowest "Zerglings" to the huge "Thunder Beasts", there is almost no difference between them when facing the "primitive creatures".
The only difference is that it only takes an instant for the "primitive creature" to kill the "Zergling", while the "Thunder Beast" consumes more energy from them.
It is in the form of energy body itself. In other words, the
primitive creature
only needs to consume very little life force to kill the
, but if you want to kill a huge
Thunder Beast
, they have to consume more. More vitality-energy.
In the face of such an enemy, the "Zerg" who can hit the entire universe for a while, can be said to be helpless.
There are hundreds of types of insects, more than a dozen of which are conventional main combat type insects.
However, among the "Zergs" that can cause attack damage to the "origin creatures" are only "alien dragons" and "corruptors".
The energy ray attack emitted by the former flick can produce a violent reaction with the energy of the "origin creature" itself, and eventually explode to kill the opponent.
And several "corruptors" through their natural ability, after forming enchantment-like void traps, while trapping those "primitive creatures", they can also quickly consume their energy, ultimately killing the "primitive creatures" .
However, the number is still too small after all. Although the "origin organisms" cannot match the number of the "Zergs" that are nestled on dozens or even hundreds of planets, if only certain types of seeds are used for comparison, "origin The number of "biology" is obviously more dominant.
The normal development pattern of a "Zerg" brood is like this.
The female worm and other insects, like different ones, first construct a fungus blanket. In this process, the female worm will use its special ability to create some biological buildings.
At the same time, some mine bugs or other types of bugs will collect resources on the planet in the shortest possible time.
These resources put on the fungus blanket will be melted into liquid existence, which is the "blood pool".
It can replenish energy for the mother insects, and also provide energy support for newly born insects. Similarly, some injured insects will quickly recover after being thrown into the "blood pool".
After the "blood pool" has formed a certain scale, the female worms will begin to breed reptiles.
These reptiles will be wrapped in vesicles under the stimulation of a certain substance secreted by the biological building "hatching room" spreading to the fungus blanket.
The same batch of reptiles reproduced by female worms, when they finally break open the vesicles, they become a mine worm or a "thunder beast", which is random.
Except for the special "Behemoth Giant Bug" and the special bugs of "Lord", only "Hero Abathur" can make it.
The bugs of the older hero units, such as "Hero Yggdra", "Hero Dehaka", and "Leviathan", can only be born under the intervention of the "Master".
For more insects and even "lords" who have existed for a long time, those "Zerg heroes" who once shined in the "Zerg" and "Sarnaga" wars only exist in legends.
Not to mention ordinary bugs, all "lords" have not even seen their "masters".
If it weren't for them, they could clearly feel the consciousness of "dominant", and they might even suspect that "hero Abathur" had bypassed the control of genetic power and killed the "dominant" and directly ruled the "Zerg".
Having said that, one thousand words, ten thousand words, without the intervention of the genetic engineer of the "Zerg", the "hero Abathur", the birth of insects would be random.
This is not something that the mother worm can control, nor is it something that the "lord" can change.
Therefore, it is clear that the "alien dragons" and "corruptors" are the most harmful units against the "primitive creatures". Each female insect and each nest cannot stop the production of other types of insects. Produces "alien dragons" and "corruptors".
As a result, this war became very strange and very sad.
Just like the scene the "lord" saw at this time, it was completely a war between the "Zerg" and the "origin civilization".
With powerful energy radiation fluctuations, countless "origin creatures" passed by the insect tide.
In the area of ​​the planet that the "lord" was observing, millions of worms lost their breath of life and died as soon as the "origin creatures" passed by.
However, in this process, some "origin organisms" disappeared at the same time.
They exist in the form of energy, when their own energy is consumed rapidly, death is inevitable.
Finally, that piece of "primitive creature" swept over that piece of insect tide.
Millions of bugs were all killed by them.
The "origin creatures" that seemed to be only a small and a half left were immediately hit by the overwhelming energy.
As if appearing out of thin air, the group of "different dragons" that had been premeditated appeared.
Hundreds of thousands of "different dragons" had already locked the group of "origin creatures" as they flew over.
Along with the beautiful tail flick, the dark green energy spots visible to the naked eye at the end of them were quickly thrown out.
Because the distance between them is extremely close, even the "origin creatures" with absolute flexibility and mobility cannot avoid such energy attacks.
When those energy light spots explode in the "origin organism" group, it is like a little spark flying into the flammable and explosive material, and the chain of explosions suddenly becomes a piece.
In just an instant, the energy light cluster formed by the violent explosion encompassed the entire "origin creature".
When the energy shock wave dissipated, when everything returned to calm, the entire "origin creature" disappeared.
What was left were the hundreds of insects that existed like statues on the ground, and the "alien dragons" that turned around and flew away.
"Lord" doesn't know how many times he has seen such a scene.
But this time, it suddenly seemed to understand something.
Without wasting a flash of aura, he suddenly caught the key "lord", and the tentacles dragged under his excited body trembled.
"You don't have to worry about the war in that area anymore, this star field is left to you."
"I have very important things and need to go back soon."
Locking a certain breath of life, the "lord" quickly sent a message.
"But... I just got involved in this war not long, I'm afraid I can't handle it."
Those who responded to it were the "lords" who had just been born, and they were also one of the many "lords" under its command.
"What does it matter if you are capable or stupid?"
"If such a fight continues, it is only a matter of time before we are defeated across the board."
Throwing down these words coldly, the "lord" then turned around and flew directly towards the "wormhole" not far away.
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