Chapter 2234: A different kind of attack

"What if I don't want to leave?"
Facing Yunhai's provocative response, the instrument fell silent.
Of course, its "silent" sea of ​​clouds can understand.
You can't expect every program to be like "Garnot". Besides, this instrument has existed for too long. The system itself may not be so good. Its "silence" should be calculating.
As for what it is calculating, Yunhai naturally knows it well.
After more than a minute, the instrument finally responded.
"You have the spatial ability, I said it was here earlier."
"But what I want to say is that, at least here, your space power cannot be used because of energy interference."
"As long as you can't escape in an instant, I can kill you."
Yunhai also fell silent after receiving such a response from the instrument.
But after a while, he asked tentatively: "How do you kill me?"
The instrument did not "think", but directly responded: "The Sarturan who created me is a very decisive Sarnagar. Even if it is useless, it will not be cheaper for others. ."
"So, when he made this instrument, he deliberately made an energy loop."
"As long as I open this energy circuit, the energy of the dark energy beads and the radiant energy of the energy crystal will violently conflict. According to Salturan, the terrifying energy explosion is enough to tear this planet apart. Do you think you are better than this one? Is the planet more resistant in an instant?"
The instrument is not a threat, but calmly it is explaining a fact.
"I feel you are scaring me."
"To be honest, I still have doubts about your previous statements."
"The Dark Energy Orb was born from the death of the Sarnagar tribe of evolutionary mutation. I can't understand this alone."
"If their bodies can give birth to such a magical and powerful dark energy orb, how can they be easily caught and killed by the Sarnagars."
Yun Hai kept thinking in his heart, while deliberately delaying time.
"The Sarnagar people have always been puzzled by this question."
"How the dark energy beads are formed, there are too many speculations among the Sarnagars."
"However, the theory proposed by Sartulan is easier to be accepted and believed. The use of some special equipment to purify energy into an entity is not too difficult in the technology of the Sarnaga."
"The radiation of the energy crystal has fundamentally changed the bodies of those people."
"Any living body can actually be regarded as the most magical and sophisticated instrument of flesh and blood in the universe."
"And these evolutionarily mutated people, their bodies are like a precision instrument, which converts the energy radiation of the absorbed energy crystal into other energy, and this energy accumulates more and more and then condenses into an entity."
"This argument is the mainstream."
"It's just that no one knows what kind of method to use to stimulate these evolutionary variants to condense energy into entities."
"Of course, there is another argument that more people agree with."
"The energies in the bodies of these evolutionary variants are no longer pure energies, but embryos of energy life forms."
"In other words, dark energy beads are not condensed by those evolutionary variants, their bodies are just the host of these dark energy beads."
"However, energy lifeforms are very rare, and no one can prove what kind of existence their larvae are."
The instrument looked as if it was fooled by Yunhai, but it responded to him in as much detail as possible.
"Salmon is already the perfect life form he wants to grow, and even if it isn't now, he is constantly evolving in this direction."
"Actually, I'm not just a human being..."
"The Sarnagar and the Protoss have joined forces, and there is also a powerful human civilization called the Morning Star Federation."
"The Sarnagar has been rebuilt, and it was rebuilt by a man named Salmon."
"The Protoss may not exist in the future. Even if some Protoss escape, it is estimated that it will never be possible to revive their civilization."
"The Sarnagar destroyed the Morning Star Federation, and Salmon killed all his people."
"The Zerg has fought with the Protoss and defeated them."
"Will Salmon and Salturan have any connection?"
Suddenly, Yunhai sent a large amount of information to the instrument.
His words upside down, if they were heard by other intelligent creatures, they might be inexplicable and unclear.
But the instrument is different. It starts to list this information according to its own habits, and habitually sorts and calculates the extended information.
The "constant energy meter" that has always maintained a constant temperature suddenly rose a little at this moment.
In an environment of turbulent energy like this, such temperature changes are very inconspicuous.
But Yun Hai sensitively caught this anomaly in an instant, and then he launched an attack without hesitation.
His body did not move, because the "Heng Neng Yi" did not lie, and it opened the energy circuit in an instant.
This is not the point. In fact, Yunhai did not dare to attack "Hengnengyi" with violence.
He didn't know how "Salturan" made this "constant energy instrument", how two related but different energy bodies can coexist peacefully in one instrument.
But Yunhai knows that if he chooses to violently attack the "Heng Neng Yi", it will cause a violent explosion in all likelihood. If the power of the explosion is as terrifying as the "Heng Neng Yi" system says, Yun Hai does not feel that he can be all over the body. And retreat.
Fire and explosion were originally two different things. Yunhai could continue to absorb unknown energy in the energy storm, but the "dark energy beads" and "energy crystals" suddenly exploded, and he estimated that he would definitely not be able to hold them.
Therefore, after knowing that the "Heng Neng Yi" had both the "Dark Energy Pearl" and the "Energy Crystal", Yun Hai had no plans to make a move.
The body did not move, Yunhai just sent out a spiritual connection, or a connection of "secret power".
The material of "Heng Neng Yi" is very special, and his spiritual power cannot be penetrated.
Under such circumstances, Yunhai has no way to invade the system of "Hengneng Instrument" through the ability of "biological brain".
This method doesn't work, but it doesn't mean it won't work.
After Yunhai continuously sent the information that the "Heng Neng Instrument" system would be interested in, at the same time, it also sent out the connection of "Nether Capacity".
Simply put, this is like a person sending a connection request to another person through a certain instant messaging software through a network carrier.
If there is no response, there is no connection establishment or intrusion.
Once accepted, everything is different.
The inability of "hardware" intrusion does not mean that Yunhai cannot start with "software" either.
"These are more detailed information. I want to know if this Salmon is Salturan."
Worried that the "Heng Neng Instrument" would not be fooled, Yunhai said so while sending out the connection.
Without pause, "Heng Neng Yi" established a connection with Yunhai in an instant.
At the moment when the spirit power poured into the "Heng Neng Yi", Yunhai's consciousness simultaneously invaded the body.
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