Chapter 2272: Rush out

If there are other civilizations in this starry sky at this moment, whether it is a technological civilization or a foreign civilization, it will probably be a dumbfounded and shocked expression.
The "Wormhole" has stabilized. In the seemingly small but actually very large "wormhole", countless "exotic dragons" are surging out like floods that burst a bank.
As soon as they shuttled out of the "wormhole", they spread quickly, and at the same time opened fire violently toward the shadow in front.
Countless energy rays shot out intensively, even looking like a giant energy beam.
And at the forefront of the worm tide, the ghostly shadow has already filled over.
Piece by piece of "different dragons" stopped all their actions when the shadows came over. This advanced class of "Zerg" troops is now facing the "primitive creature" just like an ordinary "Zergling". Everyone is equally vulnerable when the energy radiates.
This situation was discovered by the "lord" who was hidden in the worm wave that was constantly surging.
Thus, a new order was issued.
In the worm tide that was constantly surging, at the moment when they left the "wormhole", more "alien dragons" didn't even care if they had more companions in front of them, and energy rays shot out.
Blazing energy rays penetrated the bodies of the "different dragons" in front, and blasted into the shadows at an inevitable speed.
Without letting the "lord" disappointed, the shadows that were about to flood in front of the "wormhole" quickly collapsed and disappeared under such a blow at any cost.
But this can't solve the root cause, it's only the first shadow that diffuses and disappears.
As more shadows spread from farther away quickly, seeing the void where the "wormhole" was about to be completely covered by the shadows, the "lord" flew away without thinking.
It's not that the "lord" needs to understand the battle situation as much as possible, but its spiritual commands have been transmitted back through the worms that keep pouring into the "wormhole".
Attention is no longer here in the "wormhole", and the mental senses of the "lord" have locked in the huge shadow in the star system.
It was not sure, or even believing that the target it was paying attention to was the "Essential Body" that the "Zerg" couldn't find, but when it was determined that the shadow did not show signs of moving, the excited "lord" always felt very possible.
This is the first time that the "Zerg" has approached the suspected "Essential Body" at such close range since the war with the "Essential Civilization".
At this time, the "lord" no longer wants to open this "wormhole" what is the unknown creature, or what is its intention, it is more concerned about the shadow of the suspected "primitive body" in the star system.
"There is a suspected source entity here."
"Don't care about the wormhole that leads to the dark zone anymore. As long as we can kill this source body, we will have won this war."
Although the "wormhole" has been flashed away, the excited "lord" kept sending spiritual messages to the worms in the "wormhole".
By convention, these worms will immediately spread the received information to the worms behind, and then pass the information to the other side of the "wormhole" through a large number of worms.
Because the information of the "lord" cannot directly pass through the "wormhole" with the interference of spatial turbulence.
Without any accident, the "lord" message was passed back.
On the other side of the "wormhole", in a distant star field, hundreds of "lords" guarding the "dark zone wormhole" received the news almost at the same time.
"The origin is estimated on the other side?"
"Bammeleon, dispatch the Bammeleon. If there is an origin on the other side of the wormhole, we must take this opportunity."
"Yes, there is no point in hiding at this time, and the blaster will be dispatched immediately!"
"What if this is a trap? We sent a large number of worms over there. The original creature army here suddenly took action, and the wormhole leading to the dark zone might not be able to defend."
"Yeah, this may be a trap."
"Idiot, if the original biological army is completely dispatched, do you think we can hold it?"
"I think this sentence is reasonable. Anyway, it can't be held. Now that the suspected source body is discovered, if we don't fight it, what can we wait?"
On the special "Zerg Communication Network" connected by the "Nether Energy", there was an instant quarrel.
At this time, from the "Wormhole" leading to the unknown star domain, a steady stream of "Alien Dragons" was commanded to rush into the "Wormhole", but a certain "lord" had already issued an order.
Ordinary bugs do not have much wisdom.
Their fighting instincts are very strong, but they have no other wisdom.
They don't care which "lord" issued the order, because every "lord" decision is the order they must execute.
The noisy "Zerg Communication Network" has nothing to do with them, and all the opinions of the "lords" have nothing to do with them. All they need is an order.
Therefore, when the "lord" commanded by the "wormhole" issued an order, those worms did not hesitate to choose resolute execution.
Not far from the "wormhole", except for dozens of "tunnel bugs" that are working together to expand the "wormhole" again, other "tunnel bugs" moved quickly.
More than a dozen "tunnel worms" merged into the torrent of "different dragons" and quickly swarmed into the "wormhole."
There are also a few "tunnel worms" that have chosen a safe and nearest location and started the opening of the "wormhole".
"what are you doing?"
"Quickly let them stop."
How could this scene be concealed from other "lords", some "lords" who opposed it exclaimed.
"According to the rules set by Lord Abathur, when two or more leaders have different opinions, any lord has the power to make a decision at a critical time."
"The lords who hold objections can reserve their opinions, and Abathur will reward or punish them according to the actual situation."
"You have objections, that is your freedom, but you can only reserve opinions."
"Now is the critical time, we can't wait."
The "lord" commanded in front of the "wormhole" said indifferently.
Obviously, other more "lords" cannot unify their views, but they cannot prevent this "lord" from making a decision.
The "Zerg" who has always been very strong, "Hero Abathur" obviously did not consider the current situation when formulating this rule.
In other areas of ability, "Hero Abathur" may not be as good as it is in "gene control".
Therefore, the other "lords" can only keep their opinions, and can only watch silently as the "tunnel bugs" quickly open one "wormhole", and they plan to release the "blaster" from the "wormhole" at the most critical moment. They drilled out in batches and flew straight towards the "wormhole" leading to the unknown space.
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