Chapter 2275: Watch the changes

After so many things have been done, Salmon is not for "the original body."
The "Zerg" saw that it was about to complete the encirclement of the "Essential Body", coupled with the shock of the "Empty Machine" caused by the previous "Blammer", it was not sure whether the "Essential Body" would be destroyed by the "Zerg". Star system.
"Empty Machine" did not dare to bet, it could have expected that Salmon would have never expected that "Essential Civilization" would be so unbearable this time, and it did not dare to bet whether "Essential Body" would also be destroyed by "Zerg".
However, the "empty plane" can be sure that if Salmon sneaks into this star field after the worm tide, if he sees the "primitive body" being killed by the "Zerg", then he will definitely anger himself.
It can be expected that Salmon's anger, "Empty Machine" is not sure if he can survive facing his anger.
However, he really ran over to the "wormhole" and conveyed the message to Salmon that "empty plane" did not have the guts.
Before the "Wormhole", not to mention that there are more than one million "alien dragons" nearby. The hundreds of "poplars" hovering in front of the "Wormhole" are enough to make the "empty machine" panic.
It was never created for combat. Perhaps the "Sarnaga clan" deliberately set it this way. The maneuverability of the "air plane" is absolutely top-notch in the entire universe, but its combat ability is too bad. .
The bubble-like space barrier that can perfectly hide the body, "Empty Machine" knows that it is too fragile.
Not to mention the energy shock from the explosion of the "Blamina", even the aftermath of the energy shock is enough to destroy the space barrier.
If it loses the protection of the space barrier and is suddenly exposed in front of the "wormhole", whether it is a close attack by a bug or a long-range energy attack, the "empty plane" estimates that it will not be able to sustain it for a second.
Some headaches, "empty machine" decided to stay still after thinking about it.
At that time, Salmon can understand it, and if it can’t be understood, there is no way. It can’t defy Salmon’s control due to the power of genetic control, but Salmon may not necessarily execute it afterwards, and now it’s impulsive against the "empty plane" "In terms of death, there is no life.
Looking at "Wormhole", "Empty Machine" couldn't help being envious.
"Wormhole" is not like "wormhole" at all, but like a "worm-making machine" that never runs out of energy.
It has been at least a few minutes since the worm followed it into this "wormhole", and the "wormhole" has not stopped the worms for a second.
Every second, countless "alien dragons" pass through the "wormhole".
The "empty machine" can also be sure that if the "tunnel worm" finds a key point, it will inevitably open more "wormholes", and the same scene will definitely appear in more "wormholes".
"It's exactly the same as the master said, endless bugs..."
Except for the corpse, this was the first time the "empty plane" saw a real worm infestation, but it was shocked.
Such an enemy is definitely a nightmare for more civilizations.
If you switch to the previous one, the "empty machine" may only have fear in its heart.
The magical universe has a law-like order and balance.
A powerful civilization like the "Zerg" is now completely suppressed by a magical "origin civilization".
At least at this moment, the creator of the universe is fair and just in the mind of "empty machine".
Attention was moved away from the "wormhole", and the "empty plane" had just locked on the "primitive body" that was being surrounded in the star system.
Suddenly, its attention shifted to the "wormhole".
The neat and orderly wave of worms in the "wormhole" suddenly became chaotic, and the gates of the "dilong" guarding outside the "wormhole" swung their tails together, and attacked with energy rays towards the same point.
Among the surprise "empty machine" mental senses, Salmon finally touched it.
It doesn't know how Salmon rushed to the front of the "wormhole", but it knew that Salmon successfully came here.
Most of the energy ray attack of the "Alien Dragon" failed.
But the other half of Salmon was shot, but it was blocked by his "Nether Energy Shield".
Without a trace of hesitation, Salmon left with a flash of space.
The worm tide that had just rioted calmed down again. Obviously, in the eyes of those "lords", even if the inexplicable opening of this "wormhole" means conspiracy, the "primitive body" in the star system is obviously the most important.
The next second, the "empty machine" sent a message.
Among its spiritual senses, Salmon appeared on the edge of the star system not far from it.
"I want to go over and notify you."
"The source body is very strange. It was the way it was when I came over. I don't know when it broke away from the star.
"I haven't seen it move for a while, and I don't know why."
What Salmon thinks, the "empty plane" doesn't know, but it knows it should always say something.
"It was like this when you were sure that it came over? It didn't suddenly break away from the star?"
Salmon's voice rang in "Empty Machine"'s mind.
"One hundred percent sure."
"Escape from the surface of a huge star, I think it will take some time?"
"Unless it can do it in an instant, I'm sure it will be out of the star when I come over."
"Empty plane" responded cautiously.
"What about the original creature? Didn't it split those original creatures out?"
Salmon asked again immediately.
"When I first came, there were a lot of original creatures, but they were all killed by the Zerg."
"Next, it hasn't moved, let alone split the original creature out."
"Now it looks like the Zerg is going to encircle and kill it, what shall we do?"
"Empty plane" asked rhetorically.
"Watch the change."
"If the source body suddenly wants to escape, can you stop it?"
Salmon's spiritual message was immediately fed back.
Secretly struck a spirit, "Empty Machine" responded without hesitation: "There is no way, I can't connect to it, how can I stop it!"
"I'm talking about wormholes. Primitive creatures have the ability to open wormholes. Primitive entities can't have them."
"If it tries to open the wormhole and escape, I want you to interfere with the formation of the wormhole. It shouldn't be difficult."
Salmon was so easy to be fooled, but he said directly.
"Well, I can try this, but I can't guarantee it."
"After all, it is necessary to interfere with the opening of its wormhole. It is useless if it is far away, and I may die if I don't have time to do anything."
"Empty plane" replied helplessly.
Salmon didn't say anything to it, and of course he didn't pin all his hopes on the "empty plane".
If the "Essence Body" tries to escape, he who also has spatial ability will definitely stop it.
It's just that Salmon didn't understand, it was impossible to predict why the "origin body" of his plan would break away from the star early, but still motionless in front of the star.
"Is it waiting for something?"
"It doesn't make sense, the origin body is not the kind of existence that can be reasoned at all, even the Zerg can crush it, and where does it need allies or something."
"What's the situation now?"
The spiritual senses lock the "primitive body", and Salmon is puzzled.
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