Chapter 2290: Invasion and return

dark zone.
Since the birth of the "Zerg", apart from the "Sarnaga" that once appeared in this star field, at least no other civilization has been here in the known years.
The dark zone is actually not that important to the "Zerg", and the home planet is meaningless to them.
Within the scope of the entire dark zone, there are only countless
biological buildings
on the
Alterus Star
that are useful, and everything else is indifferent to the
Of course, this is only for more ordinary bugs. In fact, in the hearts of smarter "lords", the control of the dark area means the safety of the "Zerg".
In the past, no "lord" thought about what the dark zone would be like if it was invaded by other civilizations one day.
An unprofitable "Zerg Sea Tactics" allowed the "Zerg" to wipe out an unknown number of civilizations.
Most of these civilizations are inferior to the civilization level of the "Zerg", but there are also powerful civilizations that suppress the "Zerg".
But whether it was the suppression of scientific and technological civilization or the suppression of alien civilizations, the "Zerg" finally won with an infinite number.
"Zerg" is definitely not an invincible existence in the universe, but their performance has always been an invincible existence.
It is precisely because of this that those "lords" have never thought that one day some civilization will invade the dark zone and pose a serious threat to them.
The "lords" of the "Zerg" do not know "Murphy's Law", but this law is still fulfilled.
The invasion of the "Essence Body" shocked the entire dark area.
Although some visionary "lords" had already inferred this result after the emergence of this weird and powerful "energy civilization", no one thought that this day would come so soon.
"Where is the source body? Where is it?"
Hurrying through the "wormhole", a "lord" went online without hesitation.
The dark zone has an absolutely complete and efficient "Zerg communication network", and any "lord" can instantly connect online anywhere in the dark zone.
"It didn't stay after it came, and it left in a spatial transition."
Not far from the "wormhole", a certain "lord" immediately responded in a wormhole.
"Have you not had time to attack it?"
The "lord" who had just arrived could not feel the radiation of the "nether energy" in the space, but some were only the energy radiation left by the "primitive body" that made its body a little stiff, but he asked in disbelief.
"It disappeared as soon as it appeared. The original body had disappeared before the explosion of more than 100,000 blasts in front of the wormhole."
A certain "lord" answered calmly.
"So, you lost 100,000 blasting insects, but did not cause any harm to it?"
The "lord" who had just arrived asked incredulously.
"You can say that."
A certain "lord" still responded calmly.
The "lord" who had just passed through the "wormhole" and returned to the dark zone was angry for a while, but in the end he said nothing.
The decision not to increase troops is not meant by a certain "lord", in fact no "lord" has such great power.
"Heroic Abathur" said that no more troops would be added to the "Wormhole", no one would dare to defy its orders.
I don't understand why "Heroic Abathur" made such a decision. This "lord" cannot understand, but it is not qualified to question it either.
"How will it decide if it is replaced by a master?"
"Lord" thought sadly.
I have never doubted whether the "Master" no longer exists or was murdered by the "Hero Abathur".
Any bug, no matter the ordinary "Zergling" or the aloof "Hero Abathur", they will not do anything detrimental to the "Domination".
This is due to the power control of genes, and the "lord" has no doubt about this.
Although more bugs, including the "lord", have never seen the "master", no one doubts the existence of the "master" because they can feel it.
Regardless of the reason, "Master" has never appeared, but it must be alive.
"The source body just appeared in Sector 13, but it left without staying."
"It appeared, in the fifteenth sector, and disappeared again."
"Essence body appeared here, twenty-one sector, it's gone again."
"In Sector Twenty-Nine, the original body disappeared as soon as it appeared."
On the "Zerg Communication Network", some "lords" share information from time to time.
The term "sector" was learned by the "lord" from a "Purple Star Civilization" that they had long eliminated.
This concept of standard and specific division of a star field has long been the consensus of all "lords".
"It's moving away?"
A certain "lord" reached a conclusion through intelligence.
"Far away" naturally refers to the "Alterous Star".
"The Star of Alius" is in "a sector", which is also the consensus of those "lords" when they divided the star domain.
Judging from the current trajectory of the "Essence Body", it did not directly rush towards the "Alterus Star", on the contrary it was moving away.
"How many alien dragons does the Alias ​​Star have now?"
The previous resentful "lord" suddenly asked.
"Because there was no support for you on the wormhole side for a while, coupled with the changes and confession of Lord Abathur before he left, more than 360 billion dragons were born during this period, plus the assembled The original Alien Dragon now has more than 500 billion Alien Dragons on Alias ​​Star."
A "lord" who was clearly on the "Alterus Star" responded.
"The defense of five hundred billion different dragons, coupled with nearly one hundred million of explosive insects, may be the reason why the original body does not dare to go to a sector."
A certain "lord" suddenly interjected.
The resentful "lord" sneered in his heart, but finally controlled his emotions and said nothing.
What is the most important thing on the "Alterus Star"?
Undoubtedly, that is the only "wormhole" located in the "Star of Allos".
Few "lords" know where the "wormhole" leads, but they can all be sure. As long as they pass through the "wormhole", they will definitely find the "master".
Because often when the "Zerg" encounters major changes, "Heroic Abathur" will pass through the "wormhole", and when it comes back, it has already made a decision.
"Where is Master Abathur?"
"Why are there no instructions for it?"
At this time, another "lord" who had just returned to the dark zone through the "wormhole" finally couldn't help but ask.
"Master Abathur went to the Sith civilization, but after the source body invaded the dark zone, a lord had already gone to Master Abathur, and it should be back soon."
A certain "lord" answered its question.
"Don't care where the original experience goes or what it wants to do, but I want to know where it will stop."
"If it stops, I want to know the first time."
But at this moment, a voice rang in the minds of all the "lords".
And all the "lords" also reacted immediately, "Hero Abathur" returned.
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