Chapter 2303: Counterattack

Once, "Cannon Worm" was also the backbone of "Zerg".
Especially when the "Zerg" attacked the "Sarnaga", they made an absolute contribution.
However, with the evolution of the "Zerg", especially after the appearance of the "Alien Dragon", the "Cannon Worm" gradually withdrew from the stage of history.
The body is bloated and the movement speed is slow.
The power of energy cannonballs is extremely limited, and more importantly, the energy cannonballs they eject are too slow.
If a team of "Cannonworms" and a team of "Allosaurus" fire at the same target at the same time, the "Allosaurus" has already beaten the target to pieces, and the energy shells of the "Cannonworm" may not hit the target.
Under such circumstances, there is no need for "cannon worms" to exist.
But still the same sentence, no life form is redundant, even if it looks trivial and rubbish, it still has its own purpose in special occasions.
Like this time.
The huge body like a deformed giant piranha bloomed, and thousands of "cannon worms" opened fire directly.
The target of their attack was the "Explosives" around them, and the blue barking energy shells, which looked huge but were extremely limited in power, hit the expanding "Explosives" at the moment they appeared.
The violent explosion turned into a grand and terrifying firework in an instant.
The connected explosion completely spread across the entire area in front of the "wormhole" at the moment when the sea of ​​clouds approached.
Yun Hai does not know how many "flamingo" there are.
But at this moment, he knew the terrifying power of this chain of explosions.
In his mental senses, the huge "wormhole" shook violently because of the shock of the entire void.
It's easy to come over, but difficult to go back. This is inevitable.
If you want to pass the "wormhole", you must stand the test of the "Zerg", but it is the same if you want to turn around and then go into the "wormhole".
If Yunhai had previously passed through the "wormhole" and had chosen to return to the "wormhole" again and then back to the "Yiwai No. 3 River System", then the "tunnel worm" would not wait until now to appear.
Fortunately, I didn't have that choice before, because in Yunhai's spiritual senses, the huge "wormhole" was not just shaking.
The horrible energy impact rushed in all directions. When the turbulence of the "wormhole" collided with the energy impact, the trumpet-like "wormhole" entrance collapsed directly.
The disappearing "wormhole", bursting turbulence.
The corpses that had been torn apart by the explosion were completely shattered under the chaotic energy of the distorted space.
This is the power burst out from the "universe" under the interference of "human power". It is not clear whether there are other creatures that can bear the sea of ​​clouds, but he can be sure if he has just approached the "wormhole" or has penetrated into the "wormhole". If that is the case, then he will not be any different from those bugs that have been crushed.
The terrifying explosion destroyed the "wormhole" and completely cut off the sea of ​​clouds' retreat.
Although he was not completely close to the edge of the "wormhole", under the impact of this terrifying explosion, the "Nether Energy Shield" that was about to collapse this time completely collapsed.
It's just that all of this is in Yunhai's expectation.
The energy shock is like a huge ship flying faster than light, hitting him hard.
These energies even ignored his hard bone armor, and while passing through his body, they brought him more serious injuries.
But at the same time, I don't know how many energy rays from the "Alien Dragon" hit him.
Without going beyond the judgment of the sea of ​​clouds, these "alien dragons" created specifically for "origin civilization" are enhanced versions.
Originally in the "Left-linked galaxy", unless the energy rays of those "alien dragons" continued to attack the same point, they were responsible for being difficult to penetrate his hard bone armor.
But this time is different, the energy rays of these "alien dragons" are much more powerful.
In just an instant, under the intensive energy ray attack, Yun Hai's body was hit with countless holes.
Although the energy rays after piercing the bone armor did not have enough energy to continue to penetrate into his body and bring more trauma, it was enough.
Because the energy rays are completely endless, if one wave penetrated the bone armor, in a few seconds, more than a dozen energy rays densely covered his body.
He didn't move or even replenish the "Nether Energy Shield" in time. Of course, Yun Hai was not stupid standing and being beaten.
The whole body hurts everywhere, and the whole body has become a "blood gourd", but at this moment Yun Hai also burst out his terrifying attack power.
Just like the "Giant Tree Alien", there is a magic pupil blooming in almost all positions on the surface of the sea of ​​clouds.
In an instant, the sea of ​​clouds became a "thorn ball".
The energy ray blasting from him was like a spike that pierced the void, shooting out in all directions.
If the energy rays of the "alien dragon" are impervious showers, then the energy rays erupting from the sea of ​​clouds at this instant are countless spectacular and terrifying lightsabers.
The blazing energy rays blasted into the insect swarm in an instant.
Relative to the "corrupter" closest to the sea of ​​clouds, none of the insect swarms were lucky enough to escape this terrifying energy ray attack.
It is only an auxiliary unit of the "Zerg". Fortunately, the attack can be at least a few hand-to-hand combat, but the "corrupter" with poor defensive ability will directly vaporize when hit by the energy ray.
No insect can withstand such an energy ray attack. The energy ray that penetrated the "corrupter" insect swarm immediately pierced their team, and then shot out to farther.
Such an attack looks terrifying.
However, with a relatively large number of "corruptors," such an energy ray attack is actually not as lethal as an energy shell.
When the "lords", who were surprised and relieved, thought this was Yunhai's dying struggle, an unexpected scene appeared.
Yun Hai's body suddenly seemed to be slapped fiercely by the Creator of the Universe, and it spun wildly.
This is the housekeeping skill of "Giant Tree Alien". If they shoot a large number of energy rays to attack, the damage index is five, then the damage index will soar to fifty with the crazy spinning. If there is enough energy to support this damage Can hurriedly rise to five hundred.
The "corrupter" insect swarm that was just completed, in this seemingly crazy energy ray but still "fine-tuning" the revolving cutting, instantly collapsed.
This scene stunned the "lord" who was watching from a distance.
One of the "lords" had just uttered a word in the spiritual communication, and an arc of light that appeared from an unknown source happened to pass over its head.
Seeing Lan Yingying’s brain in its split head froze for an instant, and seeing the "Thunder Beast" cut in half next to it, the few "lords" next to him were startled and flew farther. Place.
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