Chapter 2350: Repel

Vivian's words confirmed Yunhai's judgment.
I don't have heart palpitations for no reason, and the feeling of observing myself is definitely not an illusion, Yun Hai is absolutely sure of this.
"What kind of consciousness?"
"Have you communicated with it?"
Watching for all abnormalities, Yunhai asked Vivian in a deep voice.
"This is where the problem lies."
"I don't feel any consciousness on this planet, let alone communication."
Vivian responded immediately.
Yun Hai frowned suspiciously as she watched her.
"That's the truth, I didn't deceive you, the great master."
"I don't feel any consciousness on this planet, but I can feel a kind of repulsion."
"We are standing here, there is nothing."
"My consciousness and all the communication and connections around me, whether plants, animals or insects, are the same as when I was at Sapphire."
"But I feel a kind of repulsion here. Everything can be connected to my consciousness and even the simplest communication, but they will not respond to me."
"This repulsion is not only reflected in these beings, but also in the planet itself."
Vivienne explained quietly.
"Wait, they can connect and communicate with your consciousness, why is this repulsive?"
Yunhai was a little confused.
"Let's put it this way, when you first entered our Morning Star Federation as a Void Beast, although our senior officials communicated and interacted with you, it does not mean that they did not exclude you."
"Communication and exclusion are two concepts."
"When I was at Sapphire, the reason why I was finally able to search and rescue so many survivors was relying on the communication with the planetary consciousness."
"When a group of fierce beasts chased us, when it was impossible for us to escape, the flat ground suddenly collapsed, a large group of fierce beasts fell down, but we left safely."
"Our most dangerous time was to search and rescue a group of survivors in the Swaniel Mountains."
"There is a bird mutant in the Swaniel Mountains, and we didn't even notice this beforehand. When I found out, it was too late."
"Do you know how the planetary consciousness saved us? When I communicated with it, when the mutant giant bird swooped down from the top of the mountain again, when it fell to the ground and slaughtered the survivors wantonly, from the hard rocky ground Suddenly a large number of stalagmites suddenly penetrated its body."
"Those are more than stalagmites."
"Afterwards, the survivors used various methods to finally peel off some not too big stalagmites from the ground."
"After identification, they are like metal blades cast from refined ores, sharp and tough."
"These are the results of the consciousness exchange between me and Baolanxing. This is the real exchange."
Vivian said slowly, although it was impossible to see her expression, Yun Hai still felt her sadness.
It was estimated that this was the emotional fluctuation caused by the nostalgia for "Bao Lan Xing". At this time, there was no mood to console her. Yun Hai immediately said: "You mean Bao Lan Xing is like a friend or relative who is responsive to you. And this planet is just a stranger who rejects you?"
Vivienne nodded and said, "That's almost what I mean. Although I haven't felt any conscious communication so far, I can feel the obvious repulsion. It is because of this that I am sure that this planet has eccentric."
Nodded, Yunhai pondered for a moment, and then said, "Can you continue to explore?"
"It should be possible, but it won't last too long."
"When I was at Sapphire, the consciousness of the planet was all around me all the time."
"But here, looking for a consciousness that rejects me and trying to communicate with it is too difficult, at least for me."
"With my own energy, it is not long enough to do this."
Vivian said seriously to Yunhai.
"Just do your best."
Yun Hai responded seriously to her.
Next, the two said nothing.
Vivian's ability is said to be strong and powerful, but she herself is very weak.
When a planet becomes someone's solid ally, at least on the surface of this planet, no matter the plains or mountains, no matter the river or the sea, someone is definitely a powerful existence against the sky.
But if you leave this planet, someone obviously won't work.
What's more, Yunhai can see it now, no matter what form Vivienne is in, or what kind of energy she needs, if her energy is a nuclear power plant, then Vivienne is at best an ordinary one. battery.
Sure enough, only a few minutes later, after another violent "brain atrophy", the robot's body trembled slightly.
"I tried my best."
"Master, give me a little time to rest and continue searching when I recover."
Vivienne's tone was full of tiredness.
"no need."
"You can confirm what you just said, it is enough for me."
"No matter what it is, if it refuses to come out, it's useless for you to search the entire planet."
Shaking his head, Yunhai responded to Vivian.
After standing for a while, Yunhai moved towards the miniature transport ship not far away: "Let's go, go back first, and I will think of a solution myself."
Vivienne didn't say anything, and quickly followed.
To be honest, Vivian was a little scared.
For plants or insects, including some animals and fierce beasts, her consciousness communication with them is only the most basic.
"Hello there."
"I like you."
"you're so beautiful."
"You are so powerful."
On the "Sapphire Blue Star", she can have more complex communication with planetary consciousness and more creatures, but here, she can only do these basic consciousness communication with those creatures.
Moreover, they only showed that they had received her conscious behavior and response, but they would not respond to any request from Vivian.
This kind of repulsion made Vivian a little scared.
Seeing how planetary consciousness kills a creature, a group of creatures, or even slices of creatures, facing a planet that repels her, how can Vivian not be afraid.
However, without taking two steps, Vivian stopped.
Seeing the sea of ​​clouds that stopped in front of her, Vivian was a little confused at first, then she was taken aback.
On the flat grass, those little grasses suddenly grew wildly.
In just a short moment, the soft and delicate grass leaves and stems entangled the entire transport ship.
Especially at the open hatch, the stalks of grass that rushed in completely blocked the whole hatch.
After a few seconds, the soft grass stems turned into thick vines.
With the looming bursts of arc sparks, the panicked Vivian could be 100% sure that this transport ship must have been abandoned.
"Have you finally shown up?"
From the beginning to the end, the sea of ​​clouds, who was just sitting on the sidelines, was very calm. He looked at all this calmly, his mouth was actually showing a smile.
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