Chapter 2380: H8656

The "h8656" star system.
Originally, this star system was like more star systems in the universe, barren and dead.
However, because of the strong intervention of the "intelligent micro-civilization", this star system evolved from a desolate to full of vitality, but it only took a few days.
In the star system, more than 100,000 detectors are distributed in and out of the orbits of different "life planets", monitoring everything.
Dozens of super transport ships are slowly leaving the "h8656" star system, flying towards a dark interstellar medium region.
After accelerating and leaving a certain distance, they will reach the nearby "wormhole" through a space jump, and they will eventually evacuate this star field after completing their mission.
On "Life Planet One", there are vast oceans everywhere.
The "Armored Blade Beasts" transported here by transport ships swim in groups in the ocean. They have adapted to the water quality and new environment, but they don't know what they are about to meet.
The same is true on "Life Planet No. 2," and the "Zerg Clan" who was also migrated by "Intelligent Micro-Civilization" have also begun to get busy.
There are six "mother insects", 100,000 "cannon insects", 10 million "thorn insects" and more than 5 million "miner insects".
The number sounds small, but when the six "mother worms" chose different areas and began to secrete liquid to build their nests, other worms, especially the "miner worms," ​​had already started to get busy.
Of course, without Yunyue's command when they leave, a large number of "thornworms" will definitely leave this desolate "life planet" and begin reconnaissance and search for this galaxy and even nearby star areas.
Except for these two "life planets", the other four "life planets" are also the same.
Different creatures live together on the same or different "life planets", are trying to adapt to the new environment, or trying to occupy the top position on the biological chain, they are fighting fiercely and violently.
"Life Planet No. 3", that is, the planet where the alien is located, this gray terrestrial rocky planet is located in the center of the star system.
In fact, the "intelligent micro-civilization" did not transform this planet, including the planet where the "Zerg Clan" is located.
Special bugs and aliens can survive even in the sea of ​​flames on the surface of stars, and they can adapt to almost any environment, naturally eliminating the trouble of Ganuo.
On the top of the mountain where no footprint has ever appeared, the huge body of the "super alien" is lying prone quietly.
It has no eyes, but it seems to be watching this desolate continent, and the tail blade floating above the smooth skull swings silently.
Farther away from the "Super Alien", in a basin, the "Alien Queen" habitually selects a more suitable location for nesting.
By its side, more than hundreds of thousands of "Aliens of Messengers" are surrounded by "Alien Queens."
All of them are "sweat like rain", and they can control their bodies and secrete a lot of mucus. These like living mucus gather together and quickly solidify to form a black "fungus blanket."
Farther, in a desert-like area, the motionless "Super Alien" was almost buried by the wind and sand, but it seemed like a statue, but it didn't seem to move at all.
On the other side of the planet, the last "super alien" squatted halfway on the ground, but silently looked forward with nonexistent eyes.
On the flat ground in front of it, thousands of robots are busy.
A rocket-like instrument, half buried in the ground, and half standing high on the ground.
The sturdy mechanical arm firmly fixes it from different positions.
On an instrument that is more like a technological building, thousands of human robots are under the control of the "subbody" to do the final inspection of the instrument.
Yunhai issued an order to Ganuo, but Ganuo's order was quickly transmitted here through "wormhole communication technology".
A "detector" floating in the low altitude was precisely the "subbody" of this mission. When receiving orders, it quickly issued orders to those robots.
On the side of the instrument, the giant instrument brought back by the sea of ​​clouds from another river has already been torn apart.
After receiving the command to "control the sub-body", several robots used robotic arms to flexibly remove the core components.
There was no light looming, but a black bead the size of a human head appeared.
It floated in the special magnetic field of the core component and was carefully taken out by the robot.
If Yunhai were here, he would not be calm.
Although the answer is already known, hearing and seeing are always two concepts.
This is a black ball, but it is exactly the same as the black ball fused into his body, but it is much larger.
Obviously, they are all "dark energy beads", they are all "energy crystals" produced by energy radiation from unknown space, and then combined with life forms to produce peculiar "dark energy beads" under unknown conditions.
Holding the "Dark Energy Bead", the robot flew steadily.
On the new rocket-like instrument, other robots are also ready.
A door-like device at the top of the instrument has been opened.
The robot carefully held the "Dark Energy Bead" and flew to the top position of the instrument, and then the mechanical arm quickly extended, sending the "Dark Energy Bead" into the instrument smoothly.
"Five, four, three, two..."
The information command to "control the sub-body" was continuously transmitted to the robot.
At the moment when the countdown returned to zero, the robot quickly released its palm and pulled the robotic arm back.
Beside it, another robot also quickly closed the door-like device.
At the same time, all the robots quickly moved away from the huge instrument.
The "control subbody" floating in the low altitude started the instrument remotely according to the standard procedure.
The instrument itself is actually a huge energy storage.
The supply of more than tens of thousands of "super batteries" can ensure that the instrument itself runs for a long, long time.
According to Ganuo’s calculation, if the instrument is operating normally, after the "dark energy bead" takes over the energy supply of the instrument itself, an energy field that stimulates the "dark energy bead" is formed in the core area, and the instrument itself has tens of thousands of "energy batteries". It can last for tens of thousands of years.
Of course, this is only an estimate. Under normal circumstances, there will always be abnormal factors that are too known and unknown. No one can guarantee this.
The energy magnetic field at the core of the instrument is quickly activated under the command of the "control subbody".
In an instant, a light blue energy arc quickly crawled across the surface of the instrument.
In the next second, as the top of the instrument opened like an umbrella, an invisible energy shock wave surged out like a volcanic eruption.
It is not straight upwards, this invisible and terrifying energy impact is more like a wild horse running out of the rein, after rushing out of the instrument, it directly vents in all directions.
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