Chapter 2382: Amazing speed

After leaving the "Space Base No. 1", the sea of ​​clouds, which was already a "familiar road", appeared in a dark interstellar medium region after a space transition.
Thousands of battleships of "intelligent micro-civilization" are scattered in this area.
At the center of all warships is a twisted "wormhole".
Without a trace of hesitation, Yun Hai, who knew the whole plan, dived in.
When he had just appeared in another star field, behind him, Yunyue and Ganuo appeared almost simultaneously.
"After the past, don't run around."
"Dark energy beads are not trivial. We have strengthened the stimulation to it this time. We don't know the situation now, and we are not sure whether these energy will affect you, or even fatal damage."
"I can be sure that my phantom energy shield can withstand this kind of energy attack, but this is limited to my side."
"If you are too far away, it will definitely not work."
Looking back at Ganuo and Yunyue, Yunhai said solemnly.
Ganuo simply responded.
"Do not worry."
Yunyue also replied.
Nodded, Yun Hai turned around, and the invisible "Nether Energy Shield" expanded around his body, directly enclosing him, Ganuo and Yunyue behind him.
Not far from him, thousands of warships received Garno's order, and more than half of the warships shot out invisible beams of energy.
These energy beams converge precisely to a central point.
At that point, the void of space was like an invisible mirror, and suddenly it split.
In the shattered void, space turbulence burst out.
As the current rages, a vortex is formed instantly.
When the vortex expanded rapidly, the "wormhole" had already appeared.
Of course, all of this is presented in Yunhai's spiritual senses.
The dark universe, invisible energy, turbulence, and invisible "wormholes", even with the best eyesight, are of no use here.
Once again, Yunhai's judgment did not cause any problems.
At the moment when the "wormhole" was formed, in his spiritual senses, a special and familiar energy was like a huge wave constantly beating on the embankment, surging out after suddenly finding a catharsis.
Perhaps most of this energy has disappeared in the spatial turbulence in the "wormhole", or it reacted with the spatial turbulence and surged out more violently.
When this energy appeared, it seemed to cross the distance between time and space, spreading directly in different directions.
The invisible "Nether Energy Shield" didn't even show up at all.
Although this energy shock is very turbulent, it is completely insignificant compared to the energy storm under the planet where the "Silicon-based Civilization" found by Yunhai in the "Yiwai-2" river system.
The sea of ​​clouds can easily resist this kind of energy attack, but that doesn't mean that everyone can resist this kind of energy attack.
Thousands of battleships of the "intelligent micro-civilization" were paralyzed at the moment of the energy attack.
All the battleships came to "live" first. It was really like the sci-fi blockbuster "Transformers" that Yunhai had seen when he was on "Earth". At the same time as the form of the change, it stagnates.
The same battleship changed into different shapes in just a short moment.
The twists and turns are terrible.
They are like Yunyue experimenting with different "biological buildings" on the "Mother Nest Star", or the failed product of trying to create new bugs, and at the moment of death, there is not even a solidified form in a fundamental sense.
"The children were all killed by the energy shock."
"They are just a piece of program. When the basic hardware carrier of the program is destroyed due to abnormal changes, there is no hardware carrier to carry and protect them. In such an energy shock, it is probably like a bubble when a huge wave swept over. ."
"Also, our energy shield is useless against this energy attack."
"Three thousand six hundred and twenty battleships have adopted three different energy shields, but none of them can withstand this energy attack."
Ganuo quickly sent a message to the sea of ​​clouds.
"It seems that your intelligent micro-civilization should have failed in this experiment."
"Different types of warships are basically made of the same material."
"The difference between them is only in form and size, and there is no essential difference."
In the spiritual exchange, he responded that Yunhai stretched his body and flew past when he confirmed that the energy gushing out of the "wormhole" tended to be peaceful and stable.
Naturally, there is no need to warn, the sea of ​​Yunhai is not fast or slow, and it is very stable, and Ganuo and Yunyue can naturally ensure that they move smoothly.
After passing the "wormhole", Yunhai did not rush to act.
Among his mental senses, the hundreds of warships not far from the "Wormhole" were the same as the warships he had just seen on the "Wormhole". All the warships and detectors of all shapes and forms were lost. After losing the power, it quietly floated in the dark interstellar medium region.
At this time, Garnuo sent a message to the sea of ​​clouds: "At twelve o'clock, the twisted ellipse is a detector. There is a metal fragment on it. I removed it from the instrument you brought back. Go and take a look. ."
Yun Hai did not hesitate, and flew over with Ganuo and Yunyue.
Apparently, Garno marked some kind of mark on the piece of metal fragments. After removing the metal piece from the deformed "detector" almost directly and accurately, Garno fell silent.
"what happened?"
Yunyue asked in a puzzled manner. She was sure that there was a circle formed by twelve holes on that piece of metal, but she didn't understand what it meant.
"The holes are arranged in a straight line, and a few holes represent how many seconds."
"For the holes arranged in a circle, multiply the number of holes by two to get the correct time."
Ganuo responded immediately.
"Twelve holes multiplied by two...twenty-four seconds?"
Whispering, Yunyue subconsciously glanced at a star system that was invisible but actually existed in the distance.
She suddenly reacted and said in surprise: "According to you, the speed of this energy attack far exceeds the speed of light?"
"This is the last observation point. Starting from the planet where the dark energy pearl of the star system is located, I have set up thousands of observation points in total."
"The detector either didn't have time to record the time. If it does, it won't be wrong."
"From here to the starting point, the energy attack radiated by the dark energy beads arrived in only twenty seconds."
"This means that the propagation speed of this energy is a hundred times faster than the speed of light!"
Ganuo spoke slowly, the last sentence being extraordinarily heavy.
"A hundred times faster than the speed of light!"
"I suddenly had an idea."
"If it's really feasible, boss, the Zerg is a fart!"
Yun Yue was a little shocked, but instantly she became excited.
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