Chapter 2414: Tower Wars

The birth of any living body in the universe is often accompanied by miracles, or luck.
After all, birth is a miracle, but growth, reproduction and evolution are also the key to a creature or civilization.
This is the case with the "Essence Body". If it is said that its birth is a miracle in my own eyes, then everything that happened after its birth can only be described as lucky.
If the "Zerg" appeared earlier, before it had swallowed more civilizations, then "Essential Body" would be wiped out by them in a budding state in all likelihood.
Fortunately, I passed the initial period of the birth of life, and passed the period of time without much consciousness but awkwardness. When the "primitive body" swallowed more weak civilizations and evolved stronger, the "Zerg" Just appeared.
However, the emergence of "Zerg" is not just a threat, but an opportunity.
If there is no "Zerg" to appear, it will not feel the strange call-like induction.
If it hadn't sensed this, it wouldn't risk coming to the river system where the "Zerg" was located, and found a peculiar "different space", but ultimately inherited a powerful body.
That's right, it was fortunate to get a body that was even more powerful than it had imagined.
A planet in a different space, in the eyes of more civilizations, is a cosmic celestial body, and the "origin body" that inherits the body while also inheriting some consciousness information, but understands that it is a cosmic body, but it is a body .
In other words, it used to be a powerful living body.
The universe is full of various life forms. In the eyes of the "Zerg" and other civilizations, the "primitive body" is a very representative special case.
However, in the eyes of "Essential Body", "Zerg" and other life forms are not like this.
It is only the planets that exist in the "different space" that the "primitive body" truly understands this sentence.
What is the most in the universe, there is no end to the various celestial bodies.
From the smallest meteorite to the most massive "black hole", including more spectacular "quasars."
If you don't take out the void space for evaluation, there is no doubt that the biggest in the universe are different celestial bodies.
At least in the previous cognition of the "primitive body", the celestial bodies in the universe are just matter. They do not have the characteristics of life, or they are not living bodies.
It's just that it doesn't think so anymore. The brilliant universe has told it with facts that any creature, even if it absorbs more knowledge of civilization, will always try to understand and interpret the true meaning of the vast universe with its thinking.
"Tower War Clan" is an obvious example.
What kind of race the "Tower Wars" are, what kind of history they have, or what kind of glory they have created in the universe, the "primitive body" is still unknown.
It just knows that the "Tower War Clan" is a powerful race.
At first, this race was just a cosmic monster with the size of a planet, but they have one characteristic, that is, they are extremely fond of devouring other planets.
The planets swallowed by them will completely fuse themselves.
Gradually, as more and more planets were swallowed, the "Tower War Clan" themselves became a planet.
Even after the "Tower War Clan" fell into a long period of dormancy, some life forms would be born in their bodies, and they would even evolve into civilization.
The fighting method of the "Tower War Clan" is very peculiar, because it has swallowed many planets, and their mass and density are very large.
Some of them have special existence, and even their density and mass can be compared to the "neutron stars" made by the creator of the universe.
With this kind of existence, there are no skills or tricks in battle.
In the face of any enemy, they only need to speed up and hit them.
Whether the opponent is a huge alien beast or a fleet of technological civilization, there is almost nothing that can withstand such a terrifying collision.
Such a "tower war tribe" must also be a powerful civilization in the universe.
But their brilliance or decline, or whether they have gone to more distant cosmic star regions and continue their brilliance there, these "origin bodies" don't know.
The "corpse" of the "Tower War Clan" that it perfectly blends and manipulates does not have much remaining consciousness in itself, and it is all fragments.
Being able to sort out this information from these broken memory fragments, the "source body" is already very satisfied.
Joy is enough to dilute everything.
It doesn't care about the "Tower War Clan"'s past, nor their future. It's just the "Essence Body" who is extremely satisfied with this body, and is now full of ambition.
Controlling the core body of the "Tower War Clan", after a brief adaptation, the "Essence Body" did not hesitate to control it to rush out of the "different space", or "small universe".
In its mental senses, when billions of stars in the universe reappear, accompanied by violent fluctuations in the void behind it, and then as if a bubble burst suddenly, after a short burst of turbulence in the colorful space, the void is very It calmed down soon.
"Small Universe" seems to have completed its mission, but after being broken, it has completely melted into the real big universe.
That's right, from the perspective of the "source body" this is the case.
Why did the "Zerg" not discover this "different space", and it could even feel the "corpse" of the "Tower Wars" in it through the space barrier of the "small universe".
Moreover, it can enter the "small universe" in the blind collision, which is not a coincidence or luck can explain it.
As for whether an unknown "cosmic god" arranged all this, the "source body" didn't know or cared.
If we use human thinking to understand it, in fact, the "primitive body" is like more humans in "human civilization", it just lives in the present.
The past does not care, nor the future, it just lives in the present.
It was determined that the "different space" had disappeared, and the excited "source body" controlled the "black star" and started flying in this star field.
Just like in the "different space", it was fused with the "tower war clan corpse", it was not jerky at all, but it was already able to perfectly control this body that made it to the extreme satisfaction.
But at this moment, among the spiritual senses of the "primitive body", there was another ripple in the void not too far away from it.
There is no need to think about it, knowing that the "source body" of an insect swarm is about to appear there has stopped.
Either it is looking for the "primitive body" that disappeared in this trajectory, or it is feeling the void fluctuations caused by the fragmentation of the "small universe" that has just occurred here. When a "tunnel bug" appears with hundreds of thousands of bugs, The "Essence Body" immediately accelerated and slammed into the past.
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