Chapter 24: Mixed

Yunhai needs rest, but Alien does not need it.
On the night of the hunting return, it was also clear that the group had a host crisis, and all the aliens continued to go hunting without sleep.
Much more are mutant bamboo rats, after all, they are the most original animals in Houshan.
It may also be frightened by the mutated green strips, or for other reasons, they rarely come out during the day, but they are still active in the back mountain at night.
Under the leadership of the Lynx Alien, the messenger Alien kept catching the mutant bamboo rats back.
The ferocious mutant bamboo rat has no counterattack in front of the queen, but even the messenger is far from what they can contend.
For a whole night, fifty messengers with alien forms brought back more than two hundred mutant bamboo rats and fifteen mutant slow loris, finally temporarily solving the embarrassment that the face worm has no host to make affection.
Slow loris are also called loris, with big eyes and slow movements.
Most of the day, I would rest in the dense tree canopy or tree hole. Even when I was caught, I didn't bother to look up, so Yunhai's hometown used to call him a slow loris.
The original body type was between 30 and forty centimeters, but now the mutated slow loris is more than one meter long.
Except that the forelimbs looked a little more developed, even if they were caught back by the alien, they still have the same nature. After a brief period of fear, they actually fell asleep on the soft and warm fungus blanket, without any awareness of the imminent disaster.
Yun Hai looked at these guys dumbfoundedly, feeling really worthless in his heart.
It was not an excellent host at all, and Yunhai didn't know how slow loris mutated and survived.
The three loris parasitic aliens yesterday have completed their molting and growth.
The size of the host does not show any characteristics at all, except that the forelimbs are slightly thicker. Obviously, for alien embryos, such a crappy host has no outstanding genes for them to absorb.
Of course, whether it has absorbed any recessive genes, this sea of ​​clouds is unknown.
It is also to be sure that Alien will not absorb their "slacking" genes, otherwise, as far as slow loris are concerned, Yunhai will only turn them into food for the queen, rather than the host of Alien.
If there is happiness, there are worries. The problem of the host, Yunhai estimates that as more aliens come, the problem will not be very big.
What worries him is that the biological mutation has not stopped.
The mutant bamboo rat is still obvious.
The body length is close to about one meter, the long tail and body have grown small scales, and the hair on the surface of the mutant bamboo rat has faint signs of fading.
The pointed ears looked like two thin horns, and the two sharp fangs protruded from the upper palate, like a ghastly vampire.
After careful observation for a long time, Yunhai confirmed that the messenger who captured them was not injured by the bamboo rat's mutation again, and his heart was slightly certain, but it was still heavy.
He could not imagine that if bamboo rats included more rodents, with their amazing reproductive ability, if they mutated into hard scaly skin armor, and sharp teeth and claws, how humans would face an astonishing number they.
In contrast, the mutant hare does not change much, parasitizes its alien shape, and after molting and growing, the body shape characteristics are not very obvious.
The body length is close to one and a half meters, and when a person stands up, plus the significantly stronger hind limbs, the hare alien can reach a height of two and a half meters.
The jumping power is amazing, and Bipu Communication makes it several times stronger.
However, compared with the Lynx Alien, the Hare Alien is a bit worse. After all, as far as their host is concerned, the rabbit can only run away when it meets the Lynx.
Of course, the addition of all the aliens can't compare to the joy that the porcupine alien brings to the sea of ​​clouds.
Rather, it should be ecstasy.
The porcupine alien that completed the first molting evolution is worthy of being the first guard alien.
The body length is nearly three meters, plus the height of nearly five meters when the hind limbs stand up, almost the size of the queen.
The limbs are not broken like the porcupine host. Obviously, the host gene is not considered excellent by Alien.
The other body features of the Porcupine Alien are similar to those of the ordinary Alien, except that two metalized, sharp teeth grow on the side of its giant snout.
With exceptionally strong and powerful limbs, coupled with nearly half a meter of sharp teeth, Yunhai believes that if it runs at its full strength, coupled with the momentum, a tank can pierce and topple.
This is just one of them. What excites Yunhai most is the porcupine alien body surface, which extends from the back to the tail vertebra. The porcupine alien body surface is covered with tiny bone spurs.
The root of the spike is about the thickness of a human little finger, and the tip is as thin as a needle.
The back is densely packed with hundreds of roots, and the sea of ​​clouds with dense phobia, not only does not have the slightest discomfort, but looks happy.
Yunhai tried to let the porcupine alien eject the bone spurs to see the power, and without even inhaling, a bone spur shot out from the back of the porcupine alien, nailed into the stone wall like lightning, half of it was submerged.
It can be single shot or group shot, and the porcupine shaped can control the number of ejections. This discovery made Yun Hai very happy.
Naturally, he couldn't let go of this ability to absorb, but in Yunhai's expectation, he could not extract any ability from the porcupine alien.
Even the strength did not increase by half.
This made the sea of ​​clouds, who originally thought that the porcupine alien power was still above the queen, affirmed that even if it only parasitizes an old dog, at least the porcupine alien power is still inferior to the alien queen.
As for the bone spur ejection, it was just a whimsical moment of Yunhai.
After all, he is a human body and not an alien body, which restricts his alienation evolution.
Other aliens are busy, and the Porcupine Alien is so powerful that it is impossible to be idle. Yunhai sent it to find its host, with some expectation in his heart, what kind of mutant creature it can capture back.
Looking around, Yun Hai didn't know exactly how big the cave inhabited at this time was.
When the first experts came to survey, they said that the Guoyang Mountain and the Eighteen Peaks were on the seabed n ten million years ago, and finally volcanic eruptions, plate movements, etc., emerged from the mainland.
Among them, the cave with nine turns and eighteen bends was formed at that time, occupying almost the entire body of Yangshan Mountain. He even heard people say that there are several passages in the cave that lead to an underground river.
It is precisely because the terrain of the cave is too complicated and the topography is dangerous, for fear that unmeasured tourists will get lost or accidents inside, and the cave is so huge that development funds are temporarily out of place, and the scenic spot can only be stranded.
In fact, when the last days came the earliest, Yunhai still planned to avoid disaster in the cave.
It's just not certain whether there are more terrifying mutant creatures in the cave, and he doesn't want to be discovered by the existence of the alien queen, and finally dispelled this idea.
Naturally, Liu Ming and the others also knew about the cave, perhaps the same idea, or the endless variety of mutant creatures that scared them out of their guts, so they didn't dare to leave the hotel for half a step.
Until the hotel was broken by the swarm...
The messenger aliens who went out hunting continuously sent back their hosts, but the porcupine and lynx aliens were nowhere to be seen.
Fortunately, the faint spiritual connection has always existed. At least if they are still alive, Yun Hai is relieved.
Of the two messengers exploring the cave, one of them came back with the mutant bamboo rat, and at the same time brought Yunhai an unexpected message.
The spiritual level of communication, even if the aliens are only good at killing, it is difficult to describe the situation in simple thinking, Yunhai still figured it out.
Searching for the cave alien not only found a passage to the outside, but also found a human like him.
In fact, in that messenger's spiritual communication, he described a creature with a breath similar to that of the sea of ​​clouds.
With a simple mind, it doesn't quite understand why the supreme ruler of the race will issue an order not to attack creatures with his aura before being actively provoked.
Why do Dominators have the same aura as those seemingly delicious but weak creatures?
But dominance is above everything else, this kind of absolute surrender derived from genes is not something that a small messenger can question.
The sweaty queen lays eggs while eating the empty eggs that the messenger moved in front of her. Compared to the few days of the commander with a bare rod, it is too much comfort.
More aliens came in and out, captured the host and gave it to the remaining comrades, and ran out tirelessly.
Confirming that nothing would happen if he left, Yunhai grabbed the hiking bag on his back and followed the messenger to find what it called a human.
It is estimated that they are the big heads, what the outside world looks like now, because the communication is cut off and the sea of ​​clouds is not clear, but in the end times of biological mutation, he thinks that no one will find their own way, and come to mountains and forests with more creatures.
Following the tunnel in the cave all the way down, the sea of ​​clouds and the messenger passed through numerous holes, climbing upwards from time to time, and sliding down along the almost right-angled cliff terrain.
After running for a long time, I ran into a few messengers who were searching in the cave, and they all followed the sea of ​​clouds.
Run for another ten minutes. At the current speed, Yun Hai estimated that when he ran down Yangshan when he was outside, an abnormality finally appeared in front of him.
ps: Thanks to Archbishop Artanis for his reward. There is still no recommendation on the website next week. If you want to be seen by more people, you can only try to make a list of new books in the science fiction category. I hope everyone will collect it and vote for it! Thank you! ! !
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