Chapter 2526: I'm here to correct the mistake

How long does it take to create a new species, or to make a certain creature undergo a fundamental transformation?
For the "Sarnaga people", this question may be just a momentary inspiration.
Replaced by most intelligent civilizations, this may be achieved through the efforts of several generations or even dozens of generations.
This is also extremely difficult for the "hero Abathur".
As the "genetic engineer" in the "Zerg", it is mysterious and powerful in the eyes of other insects, including the "Lord".
But "Hero Abathur" himself knows that everything it has done all the time is actually only guiding and promoting it more often.
The genes of the Zerg family are very peculiar. They will evolve autonomously according to changes in the environment and are extremely plastic.
For "Hero Abathur", the Zerg gene is a piece of plasticine, so it can shape them into different shapes according to their own ideas.
However, as it has evolved to this day, "Heroic Abathur" is more often modified on the existing bug types.
Lack of inspiration and lack of better genes for insects to plunder, the evolution of the Zerg race has already entered a bottleneck period.
"Do you understand what it means for the appearance of mechanical bugs?"
"If I study thoroughly, if we can multiply this kind of mechanical bugs in batches, this means a fundamental transformation for us Zergs."
"The defensive ability of each bug has soared several times, each bug has the ability to attack with long-range energy, and each bug can change its form according to the different environment."
"By then, what civilization in the universe can resist the great alien race with the characteristics of technological civilization but with an endless number of great aliens!"
Nervously nagging, floating above the huge "biological building", on the ground bacteria blanket are hundreds of "mechanical insects" corpses that have been dismantled to pieces. "Hero Abathur" can't control the excitement , The tentacles convulsed and trembled like electricity.
By its side, a dozen "lords" were also extremely excited, and their tentacles and even their bodies were shaking.
"Zerg", when did that happen?
Being crushed and beaten by the "origin civilization", even hit the "dark zone".
An "Essential Body" ran rampant in the territory of the "Zerg", and it almost hit the "Mother Nest Star" by it.
Even the "alien civilization" that the "Zerg" didn't care about invaded the "dark zone" and retreated after killing trillions of bugs.
These are simply shame, shame deeply rooted.
Such shame can't be washed away even with blood, only destruction can be washed away.
"Master Abathur, how long does this take?"
Finally, a "lord" who could not hold back seeing hope asked.
"It will take a while."
"Or a few sidereal years, or hundreds of sidereal years."
"But it's not important, we have time."
"The initial evolution of the Zerg clan, that is, the ruler led the Zerg army to suddenly resist and kill the Sarnaga clan. That was the golden age of our Zerg clan."
"A variety of different types of insects have evolved into different types and perfect forms after leaving the Alios Star."
"But from now on until today, the evolution of our Zerg family has only changed on the basis of different types of insects, but there has been no fundamental transformation, and no powerful insects that can subvert our cognition. "
"We have waited for hundreds of epochs, and now it doesn't matter if we spend a few more epochs, at least we have a direction."
"It's not easy to research a brand new special one thoroughly, but I can do it as much as I believe."
Obviously, he was in a very good mood. The "Heroic Abathur", who would not normally discuss these issues with those "lords", now responded to it in as much detail as possible.
"Master Abathur, I am curious about a question."
"Since they have undergone a fundamental transformation, and even become a brand new species, it shows that they have changed from the genetic level."
"Our ability to control Zergs is the power of genes."
"Now that their genes have changed and metamorphosed, why do they still listen to us?"
At this time, another "lord" saw that "hero Abathur" had a desire to communicate, and asked quickly.
"This question is a good question."
"In the beginning, I didn't understand this problem either."
"After I recalled some knowledge of the wisdom civilization that we destroyed, I think this is a kind of inertial force."
"Their groups have indeed undergone a fundamental transformation, and they are even completely different from our genes."
"But their souls and consciousness are still there, no matter how their bodies change, they still have inertial consciousness."
"In their soul consciousness, they cannot violate any of our orders."
"This inertial force is very powerful, so powerful that it can erase their other cognition."
"So they obeyed us habitually, and won't defy us just because they metamorphose into a whole new life form or even another species."
"Heroic Abathur" responded with an unprecedented "gentle" tone.
"However, the power of inertial thinking and consciousness is not absolute."
"If, I mean if, Lord Abathur, do you think it is possible that some mechanical bugs can withstand the control of this force?"
Suddenly, a "lord" put forward different opinions.
"Good question."
"The power of inertial thinking consciousness is not absolute."
"Not every bug will be restrained by this force."
"Compared to us, you are simply primitive creatures."
"Incompetent, stupid, weak, and despicable."
"Do you think you still have the right to rule us?"
However, before "Heroic Abathur" could respond to this "lord" question, a consciousness suddenly connected to the "Zerg Communication Network".
At the same time, a blue light and shadow flashed out of the "mechanical insect swarm" that stayed outside the "Alterus Star", and appeared directly on the heads of the "hero Abathur" and those "lords".
"Abathur, you are right."
"The primitive Zerg family has indeed reached the most severe time."
"The ruler has been kept in the sanctuary of the Sarnagar family. From its birth to the present, it has even been to only two planets, that is, the star of Irosus and the home planet of the Sarnagar."
"Such a master, what does its existence mean to us Zerg?"
"As the only genetic engineer in the Zerg, Abathur, all your energy has been devoted to solving the dilemma of dominance over the years. How much have you done for the evolution and development of the Zerg?"
"Such Zerg is wrong."
"And I am here to correct this mistake."
The blue light and shadow hovered high in the sky, and while constantly changing its shape, its voice rang in the mind of every "lord".
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