Chapter 2532: Hunyuan Monster

When the "Zerg Race Master" fell into a fatal crisis in the "Sarnaga Clan Temple", when the last survivor of the "Sarnaga Clan", Salmon gambled his life to another idea...
At the same time, in an unfamiliar river system far away from the "dark zone", a shadow was advancing rapidly.
This shadow is not a warship of technological civilization, but a strange creature.
They are very similar to each other, but completely different, just like aliens born from different hosts, similar to each other but very different.
The leader is an extremely large behemoth.
Its body looks very much like the evil dragon in the legend of "Earth Western Civilization", but it is even more ugly and hideous.
The head is raised high, and on the face covered with scales are a pair of giant eyes that always reveal a violent and cruel atmosphere.
It has a long neck, and its seemingly soft neck is tightly covered by metal-like scales.
A pair of bone wings protruded from the two ribs, and the thin wings were covered with veins, and some blue energy arcs kept flowing along these veins.
A pair of forelimbs are very human-like, sturdy and powerful, and the tips of their claws are more like sharp blades.
The strong body seemed to contain terrifying power, and the pair of hind limbs hanging straight behind him looked as thick and long as the stone pillars in some huge civilized halls.
From its head to the soles of its feet, its length is comparable to a huge battleship.
Behind it, followed by a large number of strange creatures.
The largest can be compared to its body shape, and the smallest is one-fifth the size of an adult.
Tens of millions of such alien creatures are flying in the cold and dark universe at nearly a hundred times the speed of light.
They don’t know how many galaxies they fly over, or how long they lasted.
Suddenly, with the transmission of spiritual information, the entire team slowed down.
"Just in this area, determine the location."
Finally, the whole team stopped, and the leading monster's spiritual message spread again.
Behind it, a fleshy ball-like creature flew out.
On its chubby body surface, bristles grow rapidly with blue light.
Then, the creature began to rotate slowly.
After a few seconds, it stopped turning.
"Leader, it's about 100 million kilometers ahead. I can feel the spatial fluctuations."
The bristles glowing with blue light retracted, and the creature looked at the giant beast and made a mental communication.
"If it's correct, through the space door in front, the Lord is not our home galaxy."
"We wandered in the universe for several epochs, and even covered the inhabiting star system with a concealed light shield, for fear of being found by the Zerg."
"Now, we have broken through the shackles of life and evolved into a mixed body."
"I know that some of you still have objections to my actions."
"But now I want to tell you that I-Samir Sarnagar's decision will not repent."
"The reason why I did not solicit everyone's opinions and implemented the Hunyuan System plan directly caused the deaths of tens of millions of people."
"I will not shy away from the responsibility that I should bear."
"After regaining the home planet, regaining the temple, and defeating the Zerg, I will give you an explanation."
"But before that, I hope everyone can work together with me to accomplish this."
The giant beast turned its body and sent a spiritual message to the tens of millions of alien beasts on it.
Afterwards, it turned around and began to accelerate in the previously determined direction.
Behind it, tens of millions of "Hunyuan Beasts" followed silently.
"I don't have too many requests, I only have two requests."
"First, I want freedom. As the last Sarnagar, I don't mean to avenge you Zerg. I just want freedom."
"Secondly, after I am free, I will try my best to search for the alien civilization. After I find them, I hope you will destroy this civilization."
"I have these two requirements. If you can do it, I will help you destroy the energy shield of the temple."
No one or "no insects" knew that another powerful force was about to appear, and Salmon didn't even know that his surviving tribe who lived in the universe was about to appear as a "mutant hungry body" and hesitated to gamble for freedom. Salmon, who had lost his life and tried to seize the last chance, once again sent a spiritual message to the "spirit".
"As the ruler of the future Zerg race, I swear by the honor of the great Zerg race. If you can do what you say, I will agree to your request."
The "spirit" staying in the orbit of the planet responded to Salmon without hesitation.
It had also locked Salmon's "spirit", but it began to feel uneasy, but it did not see any movement of Salmon in the next few seconds.
"Wait a minute."
"Wait patiently."
"The master just borrowed the power of the temple to protect himself. This power is very powerful, at least you can't break it now."
"As long as the energy bombardment from the unknown wormhole appears, that is our opportunity."
"And I also believe that the reason why the ruler has not counterattack is just to protect, not that it has no ability to counterattack, it is also waiting, waiting for the energy beam to come."
Perhaps it was the prying of the spiritual power of the "spirit" that Salmon once again sent a spiritual message to it.
"Don't deceive me, the action of sniping the master is unexpectedly troublesome."
"But believe me, if things develop to a situation that I don't want to face most, I'm 100% sure to kill you in seconds before leaving, and completely in seconds."
Moments later, the "spirit" voice rang in Salmon's mind.
Without saying anything, Salmon turned his attention away from the "temple" and locked the trembling void at the top of it.
Time passed slowly.
The attack of the "mechanical insect swarm" did not slow down due to the passage of time.
In fact, hundreds of millions of "mechanical insect swarms" cannot attack a target at the same time, even if the "temple" looks huge.
With millions of "mechanical insect swarms" as the unit, the "mechanical insect swarms" violently tilted towards the "temple" and bombarded with energy.
High-intensity, high-density and ultra-violent attacks, almost instantly without stopping.
Suddenly, several explosions of light appeared in the void.
The several "mechanical bugs" blocking the "wormhole" space exploded at the same time for some unknown reason.
However, this scene of "spirit" had long been expected, and a whirlpool was formed in the stagnant void. When the "wormhole" was about to form, several identical "mechanical bugs" flew up.
When their crisscrossing energy rays once again blocked the void, the energy vortex that had just formed disappeared with the calmness of the void.
"We haven't had a long time."
"If the worms are allowed to occupy the wormhole, if the worms come, we will have no chance."
In Salmon's mind, a somewhat anxious voice of "spirit" sounded.
When he didn't even know how to respond to the "spirit", looking at the space vortex above the head of the "mechanical insect swarm", Salmon responded calmly to the "spirit".
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