Chapter 2534: Phantom Storm

A huge alien beast, hideous and ugly.
In Salmon’s spiritual senses, it is different from the Zerg, but more like an alien creature destined to fight.
Without the ugly and disgusting feeling of the Zerg, the huge alien beast is like a totem statue made of metal, full of texture and beauty.
Such alien beasts seem to have no connection with Salmon’s mother civilization, the "Sarnaga tribe".
But Salmon’s instincts told him that this huge alien beast, including more weird beasts circling outside the orbit of the planet, was his people. He had never found what he thought was extinct in the universe. Tribe.
"It is another kind of creature, it may have been mutated from the Zerg, but it is free from the control of the Zerg."
"Now they are attacking the Zerg Master, which is the energy light group."
I didn't know what it was like, Salmon still made the right choice at the first time. He didn't care about politeness and didn't have time to greet him and sent a spiritual message to the huge alien beast.
In the high altitude, the intensifying "lightning storm" suddenly disappeared.
The strange beast hovering high in the sky glanced at Salmon, and then fell again.
With its fall, tens of millions of strange beasts outside the orbit of the planet also rushed down at the same time.
"It should be friendly, at least for now."
"We have a common enemy, that is Zerg dominates."
Seeing the "spirit" rising from the "lightning storm", Salmon hurriedly sent a spiritual message to it.
The "spirit", who didn't seem to know whether he wanted to fight back or continue to escape, stopped after receiving this spiritual message from Salmon.
At the same time, the "mechanical insect swarm" that was moving to the high altitude while maintaining the violent attack also stopped.
Obviously, "Ling" is ready to retire.
One counterattack from the "Master" destroyed millions of "mechanical bugs."
If this continues, let alone killing it and claiming its "dominant" status, the "spirit" estimates that all of its own resources will be confessed here.
It does not know what Salmon calls "friends", but it determines their strength.
The "lightning storm" just now shocked the "spirit" very much.
Once thought that he had evolved into one of the few super monsters in the universe, but in the sudden "lightning storm" just now, the "spirit" only felt that his body was completely blocked by a terrifying energy field, that was weird. The lightning eroded its body continuously, and its mental senses and consciousness were chaotic, and it couldn't even fight back.
Such an enemy suddenly became a "friendly army", which rekindled hope for the already discouraged "spirit".
It wants to see if this newly-emerged "friendly army" can kill the "master" with its "lightning storm".
Without letting the "spirit" wait too long, the alien beast that had fallen from a high altitude suddenly stopped in the low altitude.
Along with the faint blue energy arc appearing on its body surface, the void where the energy light cluster on the ground is located invisible ripples.
A blue energy arc appeared in the turbulent void, and the energy arc suddenly increased out of thin air, forming a terrifying "lightning storm" that completely enveloped the energy light cluster.
"Nether Energy Storm!"
"The phantom energy storm of the Astral Race!"
"They are……"
This time, Salmon felt clearly, and he reacted to something.
"Phantom Storm" is the housekeeping skill of the "Protoss Law Enforcer", and Salmon, who has experienced the "Protoss Event", naturally knows this.
The power of the ghost energy can be used in the form of "lightning storm". According to Salmon's understanding, only the "protoss" can make it, or other creatures with some special genes of the "stellar".
"The Protoss".
"Nether Energy Storm".
Strange creatures.
Combining these factors, Salmon is still not sure what the huge alien beast in front of him and the more alien beasts that have rushed down are.
"Hunyuan body!"
"I thought that among the Sarnagars who survived, only I would take the path of Hunyuan. I didn't expect there to be others!"
With mixed feelings in his heart, Salmon didn't know if he was excited or down, but he just looked at the powerful alien beast with complicated eyes, and looked at the alien beasts that looked like but different, or the clansmen.
"Nether Energy Storm" is expanding rapidly.
When more alien beasts surrounded the energy light cluster from a low-altitude bird's-eye view, and when more than tens of thousands of alien beasts began to have blue energy arcs on their bodies, the "Nether Energy Storm" almost enveloped the entire ground.
The "temple" has long since disappeared, and the complex of buildings built by the "Sith" on the ground under the leadership of Salmon has also been wiped out.
Facing the "Nether Energy Storm" swallowed by the rapid expansion, Salmon retreated and then retreated until the "Nether Energy Storm" finally stopped expanding.
The mental senses are of no use at this time.
In Salmon's mental senses, there is only the terrifying and chaotic "Nether Energy Storm". As for the energy light cluster or "Zerg Domination" in the center of the storm, he can't feel it at all.
"How's it going?"
Salmon was not sure, nor could he be sure whether the "spirit" was the same as himself, and then sent a spiritual message to the "spirit" hovering in the sky.
"do not know."
"This is a phantom storm, right? A phantom storm belonging to the Astral Race?"
"Ling" didn't give the answer that Salmon wanted, but at the same time asked rhetorically.
"Phantom Storm" is an existence that cannot be ignored for the "Astral Race", "Zerg" and "Sarnaga".
In the short-lived war between the "Stars" and the "Zerg", the "Phantom Storm" played a decisive role in key local battles more than once.
In the most famous one, ten "spiritual law enforcement officers" jointly cast a "Nether Energy Storm", killing tens of millions of insects in an instant.
The number of tens of millions is nothing to the "Zerg".
But these tens of millions of bugs are almost all high-level bugs.
The "Zerg", which is preparing to raid the "Protoss" parent star, dispatched all "Thunder Beasts" and dozens of "lords".
These tens of millions of "Thunder Beasts" had just emerged under the leadership of the "Lord", and they were killed in seconds by the "Nether Energy Storm" jointly cast by ten "Protoss Law Enforcers".
Although the "Ling" has not witnessed the "Nether Energy Storm" with its own eyes, it has heard of this "Star Spirit Race" exclusive terrifying ability from other "lords" more than once.
However, the "spirit" has seen the "Star Spirit Race", and it can naturally be sure that these alien beasts that can easily cast a "Phantom Storm" in front of them are definitely not "Star Spirit Race".
"Things are getting more and more interesting!"
The spiritual senses locked the huge alien beast that appeared first, and the "spirit" that rekindled hope in his heart said in his heart.
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