Chapter 2554: Prerequisites for cooperation

"Who is that?"
Anxious Zhi Han, when she saw the sea of ​​clouds, "clouds" falling from the sky, and when she saw the unknown creature behind Yunhai, she couldn't help asking.
It’s no wonder that Zhihan would ask such a question when it was not the time. By her side, Yunjiang had already stood up, the tail blade was free from the top of the smooth skull, and white mist was spitting out of the trembling kiss. , Made a low neighing sound.
"Don't worry, at least don't worry now."
"Wait, I'll tell you again."
During the Yunhai Spiritual Exchange, Xiang Zhihan said to Zhihan, and at the same time made a gesture of "Be calm and not restless" to Yunjiang.
Of course, he can understand the reactions of Zhi Han and Yun Jiang.
Not to mention them, even when he saw Apollo's true appearance just now, he was almost forced by its unconcealed evil and evil spirit.
Without a substantial body, Apollo looked like a thick black mist that couldn't be removed.
Inside it resembles a human simulant body, sometimes like a skeletal skull, in the form of strange beasts, this black fog is always changing various shapes.
This is the characteristic of Apollo, not its own intention to do so, but a manifestation of its own continuous energy decay and absorption process.
Of course, these are nothing, it's just that no matter what form Apollo's black misty body changes into, there is always a strange "eye" at its core.
The red eye pupils are just like the "blood cores" that hundreds of millions of living beings finally revealed after the blood has gone through countless purifications.
It is red, dazzling and red, no matter who sees that red eye pupil, even if it is the sea of ​​clouds, it will have all kinds of negative feelings in his heart.
In fact, this "red pupil" is not an eye, it is just the core of Apollo.
Such special life forms that exist similar to the existence of soul consciousness are called "ghosts" at least in their time, and every "ghost" has a core.
Zhihan didn’t know what negative feelings Yunjiang had, but when she saw the core of Apollo, she felt fear and anxiety in her heart, especially the evil aura exuding from Apollo, which made Zhihan a kind of The first move is a strong impulse.
But since Yunhai said it was okay, Zhi Han who trusted it without reservation also chose to believe it this time.
Trying to retract the gaze that looked at Apollo as if attracted by magnetism, Zhi Han remembered the more important thing, and hurriedly caught up with the sea of ​​clouds, saying: "Just now, the brightness of Yunyue's life began to decline continuously. , The frequency of decline is more than five times the original. If this continues, she..."
Having said that, Zhihan couldn't continue, and a layer of mist was already covered in her big talking eyes.
"According to your definition of time, if this continues, she can still live for one day."
"After one day, her soul consciousness will completely collapse, and the energy that has eaten up her soul consciousness will be eroded, and it will either occupy her body or die because of the loss of energy that can be swallowed."
After receiving Zhi Han's words, Apollo, who approached Yunyue, said so.
"Its judgment is correct."
"It's about this time."
At the same time, Ganuo, who had landed from a high altitude, also completed a thorough scan of Yunyue in an instant, and then sent a spiritual message to Yunhai.
"Can you do it?"
Yunhai stared at Yunyue for a moment, and when he was sure that the brightness of Yunyue's life light in his spiritual senses was still dimming, his shining eyes looked at Apollo.
"Let me put it this way, Yunyue's soul consciousness is a pile of fire. The special energy that invades her body is a snowstorm. The continuous snowstorm will eventually swallow the flames. For this energy and her soul consciousness, I am nuclear The light and heat radiation produced when a fusion weapon explodes."
"Even if I intervene carefully, or even intervene with the split consciousness, it will assimilate and evaporate everything in an instant."
Apollo didn't seem to avoid Yunhai's gaze, and responded frankly.
"So, you really can't do anything at all?"
Yun Hai stared at Apollo and asked.
"I can solve her problem, but the process of solving it will also kill her soul consciousness. Such help is meaningless."
Apollo explained in a very sincere tone.
"You should know how important she is to me."
"Let me put it this way, if you can save her, then maybe we can cooperate amicably in the future."
"If you can't do anything, then you have no meaning or value for me."
"The Zerg clan has nothing to do with our alien civilization."
"The universe is so big, where can we not go, and where can I not go?"
"What are the Zergs doing, or why?"
"Whether it is Yumeng or Zhoubang, it's my business."
Once again, Yun Hai said with a gesture almost like a splash.
Nolan, who was standing next to him, got angry, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.
"Are you really willing to use dark energy beads to save it?"
At this time, Apollo asked suddenly.
"Not to mention the Dark Energy Orb, everything in the Alien Alliance, as long as I can get it, as long as I can exchange it for Yunyue, I am willing to do anything."
Yunhai said firmly.
"Don't say that in a hurry."
"Before making this decision, I think it is necessary for me to tell you what dark energy beads are."
Apollo said solemnly.
Just about to open his mouth to say something, Yun Hai suddenly turned around.
The conversation between Yunhai and Apollo, including Nolan’s agitated reaction just now, made Zhihan somewhat inexplicable, but at the moment Yunhai turned around, Zhihan was holding Nolan’s hand, perhaps wanting to ask her something. what.
"Do you know why I hate you more than him?"
The sharp gaze fixed Nolan, Yun Hai said in a deep voice.
Slightly startled, Nolan reacted immediately.
She smiled slightly, and then began to change in front of Zhi Han who was even more inexplicable.
The muscles of his face were squirming, and Nolan's body was quickly raised.
But within a few seconds, she became another person.
The body owner is a bit taller than before, and Nolan's appearance is somewhat different from the original.
If she could still see "clouds" or "Filomina" between her previous eyebrows, then she now looks more like a graceful young woman.
"Master, this is who I am."
"Like your predecessor, I am a human being, a female human like the human being on Earth."
Looking at the sea of ​​clouds with a smile, Nolan said with a beautiful eye that blinked enough to make most men ecstasy.
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