Chapter 2643: Who did this

The most miraculous space ability can't ignore the existence of the planet itself and directly appear inside it.
In other words, Yunhai wants to enter this gray planet now. He can arbitrarily knock out a huge hole in the planet and get in, but he cannot ignore the existence of the crust, mantle, etc. with his space ability, and directly flash in with his space ability.
Yunhai can't, he believes this kind of strange beast can't.
He even suspects that this kind of alien beasts do not have space capabilities at all, otherwise, it would be the best choice for them to use their space capabilities to flash close to the fleet in close combat.
Sure enough, Yunhai found the key on the gray planet.
Just deep in a canyon on the surface of the planet, there is an unusually huge volcano.
On the surface, it looked like an extinct volcano.
In fact, this channel has been leading to the core area of ​​the planet, which is the area enclosed by the mental barrier.
"It's such a big hand, this strange animal civilization is also cunning."
"It is much harder to empty a planet than to destroy it."
"They should have hollowed out the planet very early, and they are also prepared for the current situation."
After confirming this, Yunhai faintly accelerated.
When he was about to enter the edge of the star system, Yunhai calculated it again in his heart, and after making sure that the whole plan was not too problematic, he began to wait patiently.
Before long, several reconnaissance ships searching for the edge of the star system began to return.
When they passed by the gray planet and were accelerating toward the fleet, the sea of ​​clouds suddenly appeared on the gray planet with a flicker, which was precisely the silent crater.
Without hesitation, it was directly transformed. Yunhai naturally did not become alienated this time, but completed the mimicry in the form of this alien beast.
In the next second, the sea of ​​clouds slammed into the crater.
The violent impact caused the huge canyon to tremble violently, and then the giant volcanic crater was filled with cracks.
Among the spiritual senses, several reconnaissance ships that had caught the anomaly flew over quickly.
Yunhai didn't hesitate, and immediately transformed into a human form. Then, before the reconnaissance ship's perspective hadn't captured it, a flicker slipped into the edge of the star system where a large number of celestial bodies existed before.
The body was hugged as hard as possible, and Yunhai completely wrapped his body with a black "fungus blanket" at the same time, while silently drilling into a celestial pit with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers.
At this time, the reconnaissance ship had reached the surface of the gray planet that the sea of ​​clouds had hit previously.
Without the impact of the sea of ​​clouds, no one would have thought that the core of the planet that the volcano leads would be abnormal.
But this time was different. Looking at the huge impact trail, Yunhai was not sure what the reconnaissance ship did, but he immediately caught the information fluctuation.
As soon as the information fluctuations appeared, the fleet in the distance directly slew towards the gray planet without unexpectedly going beyond the sea of ​​clouds.
"Are you going to start?"
"I hope it won't be a clean kill, or I'll be detrimental to others, and I'll be busy."
It is certain that the "fungus blanket" that has cut off the energy supply has turned into a meteorite-like substance, and has perfectly cut off the breath of his own life, Yun Hai prayed in his heart.
He was praying hopefully. In the inner core area of ​​the gray planet, the "Wheel Clan" was going crazy.
"Who is that?"
"Who did this!"
"Who is so stupid to try to enter the refuge at this time!"
"Does it not know that doing so on its own will completely expose us?"
The entire "refuge" in the central area of ​​the gray planet was filled with the angry and desperate voice of the "sacrifice" Hutt.
"No matter who it is, he must have ran back from the Black Ring Nebula."
"After Saman and the others left, we immediately hid in the refuge and confirmed again and again that we were all."
An old "Wheel Serpent" whose bone fragments appeared dead gray said in a deep voice.
"It's over."
"I said we should leave. Since we can't beat them, migration is our only choice."
"Still here now, even if there weren't some people stupidly evading and trying to rush into the refuge, we might be discovered by them."
"What do you know?"
"Escape, where can we escape? Here are our 360,000 people. No matter how careful the migration is on this scale, it will leave traces. By then, being overtaken by their fleet will not be a dead end."
"Grandma's arrangement is not wrong, the mistake is the fool outside."
Other "wheel snakes" began to talk.
"What's the use of arguing about these now?"
"what should we do?"
"The fleet must be coming soon, and we and the Refuge Star may all be destroyed."
"Not necessarily, maybe they didn't find it."
Farther away, more "wheel snakes" couldn't help but talk in a low voice.
In the pitch-black "refuge", the air was filled with fear and tension, full of the sound of "wheel snakes".
Without exception, they are all "wheel snakes" that are extremely old.
Except for these old guys who have not been able to survive for so many years, there are still some young "wheel snakes" in the "refuge".
"In order to attract and entangle their fleet, let us hide perfectly, we even unreasonably alarmed the bones of the mother goddess."
"In order to pass on the civilization of the wheel snake clan, our last soldier will not hesitate to die."
"Wheel snake clan, when did they fight the enemy so irrationally?"
"All of this is for the sake of not being completely destroyed by the enemy."
"But now, what's the point of everything."
As if not hearing the desperate voices of the "Wheel Snake", Hutt, the "sacrifice" hugged Paji, muttering without any brilliance in his muddy eyes.
"Grandma, sister, where are they?"
The young Paji apparently understood everything, but she asked in a crying voice, who was unwilling to believe the truth.
"Paki, Saman, they are dead."
"Now, we are going to die too."
"Paki, you have the ancient bloodline closest to the mother god, so anyone can die, you can't die."
"Don't talk, don't look at them."
"Later, I will try my best to send you away with other people, and we can only send you away safely."
"Take this thing, wait until you are sure that you have reached a safe area, and swallow it. If your blood is pure enough and your will is strong enough, you can get all the inheritance of knowledge, and maybe you can't imagine the power."
"Don't think of revenge, unless you can evolve into an eighth-level monster."
"Otherwise, never come back."
Hutt's voice sounded in his mind, and Paji immediately felt a pain in his body, and then Hutt stuffed a round cold thing into the wound on his chest.
"what is this?"
Paki pressed the wound with his paws to speed up its healing rate, and asked inexplicably.
"This is the brain nucleus of the goddess in the legend. If we hadn't dug up the bones of the goddess, perhaps this thing would always be a legend."
Hutt responded to Pudge with a complicated tone.
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