Chapter 2774: explain

"Different Eyes" is an indelible thorn in the heart of "Frigg Alliance".
Is the "different pupil" a natural phenomenon in the universe or something else.
In this regard, there is a lot of controversy within the "Frigg Alliance", but almost all "exotic animals" believe that it is not a natural phenomenon of the universe, even if the scientists of the alliance can come up with a lot of evidence to prove that it is very likely to be the natural phenomenon of the universe phenomenon.
The "different pupil" is a poisonous thorn and a bottomless pit.
Since the discovery of the "different pupil" in a remote river system, the "Frigg Alliance" has invested countless resources and energy into it.
Spaceship, battleship.
Wisdom races and "exotic beasts".
How many technological creations and lives the "Different Eyes" swallowed, the Alliance must have a sufficiently detailed figure, but "exotic beasts" like "Kiss" and "Fenrir" can no longer remember.
Waiting quietly, "Kiss" stared at the changing "different pupil", but finally turned around.
There is at least half a sidereal day, and no more information has been received. "Kiss" is very clear. The Alliance's "37463 test" against "different pupils" is no surprise. It failed again.
"It's like a black hole, a huge black hole in the center of a river system."
"Any existence close to it will be ruthlessly torn and swallowed..."
"Fenrir" followed "Splitting Kiss", and unwillingly it began to persuade.
"Different pupils are not black holes, and some people have come back safely from different pupils, although they have lost consciousness."
"Crack Kiss" interrupted its mental communication.
"Such a return, Alliance scientists have confirmed that it is very likely to be a random event."
"Kiss, even if you can return, if you are like them, do you think you are still yourself?"
"Fenrir" said in a spiritual exchange, holding back his anger.
Without saying anything, "Kiss" opened a space gap after moving away from the "space base", and went in one after the other with "Fenrir".
"All right."
"I won't say much about you here. No matter if I can come back or not, what you should do after I leave is the same without me."
"I'll talk to a few other old friends. Actually, my requirements are not high. You only need to take care of my fine teeth and at least let it keep the dark energy bead."
Seeing "Fenrir" talking in a mental communication, "Crack Kiss" immediately smiled, and a flicker disappeared.
"I do not care."
"With you, who would dare to have the idea of ​​fine teeth or that dark energy bead."
"If you are leaving or you just die, I'm not sure you will the fine-toothed dark energy beads."
"Don't count on me, you can't count on me."
"Fenrir" sent an angry spiritual message.
However, whether it was confiscated and received its spiritual information, or the article did not believe what it just said, "Kiss" did not respond at all.
I felt like I was holding a ball of fire in my heart, and it flew out quickly, full of anger and nowhere to vent.
The place where it and "Crack Kiss" appeared was near a barren star system.
"Fenrir" rushed into the star system at an acceleration, and madly crashed into a gray planet on the edge of the star system with a small volume and mass.
"Fenrir" is very big, but it is negligible compared to this planet.
However, at the moment it hit the planet, the orbital position of the planet was displaced.
At the point of impact on the surface of the planet, a large amount of material splashed and flung out.
"Fenrir" disappeared on the surface of the planet, but broke out from the other side of the planet in the next second.
Behind it, the huge planet entered a manic period in an instant.
On the surface of the planet, terrifying earthquakes occurred frequently, huge cracks appeared, and fierce molten molten erupted violently.
When all these terrifying disasters developed to the extreme, the huge planet suddenly exploded silently in the violent shock.
A part of the debris flew to the meteorite belt at the edge of the star system with huge kinetic energy, and a part of the debris was thrown into the interior of the star system.
At this time, "Fenrir", who destroyed a planet in an instant, has disappeared without a trace.
Thousands of warships are scattered in the dark universe.
More large and small spaceships are floating in the void not far from these warships.
In the area surrounded by warships, Yunyue waited expectantly.
She didn't make her wait long, as the six warships approached, a huge "different beast" was brought over.
Its main torso is somewhat similar to that of humans, but it does not have the clear facial features of humans.
The huge body is connected with four sturdy limbs, and the tops of the fully ossified limbs are more like giant metal blades.
There was only one big mouth in the blood basin on his head, and the "exotic beast" without any organs other than that, while being escorted into the battlefield area by six battleships, opened a huge kiss to Yunyue from afar.
There was no sound, but in Yunyue's mind, there was still a huge roar of the "different beast".
However, the sensitive Yunyue still clearly caught it, and the seemingly threatening roar of the "exotic beast" contained fear that could not be concealed.
One group of light groups shot out from the battleship, and quickly exploded in the sky above Yunyue and the confronting "different beasts".
At the moment when the "artificial star" completely lit up this dark starry sky, Yunyue rushed up without hesitation.
A pair of sturdy forelimbs suddenly lifted up, even if the "exotic beast" hadn't expected Yun Yue to take the lead at this time, it was probably considered a battle-ready and excellent combat literacy, it still responded.
The sharp limbs and feet shone with cold light under the light of those "artificial stars".
Facing the rushing Yunyue, the "exotic beast" slammed its forelimbs, and a pair of sharp hindlimbs bounced up at the same time.
It moves quickly, and it makes the most appropriate and correct choice in an instant.
But compared to Yunyue, it is still too weak.
There is a huge difference in body shape. Yunyue, who can only be described as "small" in front of it, suddenly shrank into a ball, but rushed into its arms with the limbs of the "exotic beast" almost together. .
The tentacles directly entangled the body of the "foreign beast", and Yunyue used the tentacles at the same time to wrap around the limbs and feet of the "foreign beast" that stabbed to her back. She opened a soft kiss and bit its neck.
Sweet blood poured into Yunyue's mouth like a fountain.
The tentacles tried their best to control the struggling limbs of the "alien beast", Yunyue stubbornly held its chin with her skull to prevent the "extraordinary beast" from wanting to bend her head and bite herself, she just swallowed.
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