Chapter 2797: Goodbye radiation source

The uncertain shadow is like a cloud of smoke, and like a behemoth that keeps changing its size.
Their form is actually more like the "primitive body" that Yunhai had contacted in the "Yiwai-3" river system.
It's just that Yunhai knows that they are not "primitive bodies."
"Radiation source" is the name given to this peculiar creature by the sea of ​​clouds that had seen them earlier.
"The radiation source exists in a nebula. What is the name of that nebula..."
"This is not important. The key is that the nebula is not far from the ruins, and the ruins exist in a small universe. How can the small universe owned by alien civilization appear here?"
The mental senses shrouded that special "force field", and the mental power was repeatedly confirmed. After confirming that those were the "radiation sources" that he had seen and named, Yunhai's brain was a mess.
"It seems that the Frege Alliance has never been in contact with aliens before, so where did they find these radiation sources that were originally in the small universe?"
"According to Thorns, I have traveled at least tens of millions of years."
"In tens of millions of years, no matter how serious the entropy increase problem is, it will not collapse the small universe. According to Ganuo's prediction, it will take at least hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of years to appear."
"So, what is going on?"
The more he thought about it, the more chaotic his heart became, but Yunhai did not take his figure and flew towards the "forbidden trench" below, until the "thorns" that felt the situation was wrong blocked him.
Nearly hitting the "thorns", Yunhai closed his body, but asked in a spiritual exchange: "How did these things come from?"
"I heard it was created by the Frege Alliance, but I don't think it is."
"Such a special life form, I believe that no civilization can create it except for the magical universe itself."
"Frigg Alliance estimates that it loves and hates Jingyu too. If they can use this energy radiation, then a certain technological level will definitely take a leap, and may even affect the technological development of the entire civilization."
"I guess they couldn't do it, but they didn't want to give up, so they sent Jingyu to Orge Star."
"Before I didn't understand why they should be placed on Org, anyway, they have mastered the force field that can control the crystal fish, just find a space in the universe to surround it."
"Later I wanted to understand that Jingyu's energy radiation will produce some radiation frenzy from time to time, and the force field was completely uncontrollable at that time."
"On Org, the deep sea water and energy-hungry monsters will absorb the energy radiation that has broken through the force field control. Although this process is very painful, no one will refuse."
"In this way, at least Jingyu will not be discovered by other civilizations."
"At least I think so. The Frigg Alliance is strong enough, but not yet strong enough to ignore the universe."
"If you can try not to conflict with other civilizations, then try to avoid them."
"I guess that's what the Frege Alliance thought, and it hid the crystal fish in the deep ocean trench of Orge Star."
The "thorns and spines" is a thorough analysis.
It's just that Yun Hai didn't even hear half of it.
I really want to contact the "Frigg Alliance" immediately and ask what these "crystal fish" or "radiation sources" are all about.
After thinking about it, Yunhai gave up.
The "Frigg Alliance" may not tell the truth, but if you insist on clarifying these, the other party will get more "alien civilization" information from him.
"Are you okay?"
"Our distance should be no problem. If it is too close, the energy radiation spilled from the force field will seriously harm our body."
"The last time I competed for the three crystal fish, Cangjia rushed too fast and couldn't hold it, and rushed to the front of the force field. At that time, the energy radiation was in the violent stage, and as a result, he had a body that hardly a few monsters could break the defense. The blue armor of the carapace melted directly into a liquid and melted into the boundless sea water."
Feeling something abnormal in Yunhai, "Thornthorn" asked worriedly while solemnly reminding him.
"Thornthorn" said Yun Hai even more sure.
I always thought that I had experienced too many things, and the cloud sea in his mind was still worried whether he was thinking too much.
Now that he heard a more detailed description of "Thorn Thorns", he was completely sure of it.
"It's ok."
"I want to get closer to try."
"You stay here, it's too close, you may not be able to resist it."
During the spiritual exchange, he said to the "thorns", and the sea of ​​clouds then slowly flew towards the "force field".
"Don't you think I'm lying to you."
"Well, I'll show you."
Obviously, "thorns" was thinking too much. After slightly speeding up to catch up with the sea of ​​clouds, a sharp bone spur suddenly ejected out of the hole where its shoulders kept shrinking.
Obviously it can control the power of the ejection. The metal-like bone spurs ejected by the "thorns" are not fast.
Passing the deep sea, the dark bone spurs shot towards the "force field".
Only when there were several kilometers away from the "force field", the sharp bone spurs suddenly melted away.
From the beginning of melting to the complete disappearance of the bone spurs, it only takes a second to add up.
"See it."
"The reality is that my bone spurs are harder than my body. It can't stand it, and I can't stand it even more."
"Your bone armor is very hard, but I believe it is about the same strength as my bone spurs."
"If you get close to that distance, it's the same result."
During the spiritual exchange, "Thornthorn" said seriously and solemnly.
"Adventure is my favorite thing."
"I will approach slowly, and then stop at a distance where the energy radiation causes invasive damage to my body."
I don’t understand why "Thornthorn" treats himself so kindly. It is hard to feel the kindness in the universe. The sea of ​​clouds does not reject this feeling. After explaining to "Thornthorn" with a smile, he then slowly turned to the "force field". Close to the past.
"Uh...isn't that what they say like self-abuse?"
"Can this also find pleasure?"
A weird thought came to mind, looking at Yunhai's back, "thorns" no longer stopped him.
No matter how slow the speed, the distance keeps shrinking.
Finally, when there were thousands of meters away from the "force field", Yunhai felt that familiar energy radiation penetrated into his body.
The hard bone armor softens at a speed visible to the naked eye.
Yun Hai believes that if he takes one step forward, his body is likely to melt into the sea like the bone spurs that popped out just now.
It stopped immediately, and the sea of ​​Yun hadn't even used his mind to control the "black hole"-like vortex in the "mental sea", its rotation suddenly accelerated.
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