Chapter 2837: starfish

"Speaker, you have to hurry up."
"On the other side of the space light bridge, in the big universe outside the small universe, our warships that block the entrance should not conflict with aliens."
"But there are many speakers sent by the Speaker to try to contact you. Together, hundreds of warships and spacecraft are still at the entrance."
"After they see the alien, it is very likely that conflict will break out!"
Alien has disappeared on the "Space Light Bridge", because previously worried about the conflict and retreated the fleet to a farther position, Gray hurried to the "Space Light Bridge" while sending out a message.
At this time, the battleship he was riding on had reached the "Space Light Bridge."
Can't wait for the speaker's response, the battleship has already flown up.
In an instant, the battleship Gray was riding on appeared in the real universe.
It exploded silently, but it kept flashing while he appeared.
Just a glance, Gray's body felt a little cold.
At the entrance of the "Small Universe", there are still warship wrecks and fragments that are still flashing and exploding everywhere, and there is no complete warship.
Whether it was the battleships under Gray that blocked the entrance, or the battleships of the various forces waiting for Speaker O'Neill, or even the spacecraft with only manned functions, almost all of them were torn apart.
He had never doubted the combat effectiveness of "Alien" or "Alien", but Gray still did not expect that in this short ten seconds, "Alien" would destroy everything unscrupulously and powerfully.
A battleship flew down from the "Space Light Bridge", and then passed Gray's battleship.
"I will leave the coordinate information, you go back to the small universe and bring all the warships to follow."
"be quick."
Speaker O'Neill's voice rang from the communication device, and then the battleship quickly disappeared.
I didn't know what it was like, or even sure if he was nervous or scared, Gray repeated the speaker's order with a trembling voice, and then the battleship returned and entered the "small universe".
"She just left with the alien."
"Now we are catching up. I think her goal is very clear, that is, the starfish outside the most turbulent capital star circle."
At the same time, Speaker O'Neill contacted "Tottomi the Great" again.
"Speaker O'Neill, do you know the origin of the names of Yunxing, Sea Star, Moon Star, Jiang Xing, Zhi Xing, and Han Xing?"
In the three-dimensional projected image, Totomi, who was still standing upright like a javelin, looked a little tired, but asked a seemingly irrelevant question.
"do not know."
Speaker O'Neill responded honestly.
In fact, there are many different opinions on the naming of living planets in these star systems.
Each life planet controlled by the "Taimeng Civilization" has different meanings in their names.
Either it is a person's name, or it is based on the characteristics of the life planet itself, etc.
But the planets Totomi just mentioned were all named by him himself, but everyone couldn't understand them.
"The Alien Lord's name is Yunhai, and the Alien who awakened me last time was Yunyue."
"Alien dominates with a personal companion, her name is Zhihan."
"Alien Master and Zhi Han have a child, whose name is Yunjiang."
"The Garnot Prize of Taimeng Civilization is only awarded to scientists who have made outstanding contributions in the field of science and technology."
"The name of the Garnuo Prize also has its source. The intelligent micro-civilization with the highest level of technology in the Alien Alliance, the mastermind that controls this civilization is called Garnuo."
Totomy murmured.
There was a stormy sea in his heart. No matter how imaginative, Speaker O'Neill could never guess that the "Alien Master" had a human companion and they also had a child.
"When I left the small universe just now, the alien attacked and destroyed the warship that blocked the entrance of the small universe. About hundreds of warships were completely destroyed."
"The Great, this is not far from the starfish."
"They may be here soon!"
It is estimated that if you continue to talk, you may get more secret information, but Speaker O'Neill is worried about more serious problems.
He had already seen the indifference and ruthlessness of "Alien", even cruel.
If the alien led by Yunyue appeared on the starfish, facing the crazy parade, facing the people who abused and vilified the "alien civilization", Speaker Onions could completely imagine that Yunyue and those "alien" would do What a move.
"I will go over and take a look."
The exhaustion in his eyes disappeared, and the cold "Great Emperor" seemed to be back again. After saying this, Totomy immediately ended the communication connection.
"Have you contacted Shanghai Star?"
Speaker O'Neill let out a sigh, then looked at the correspondent on the side.
"I got in touch and I explained to them, but they said they couldn't stop the parade at all."
The correspondent responded quickly.
Speaker O'Neill frowned and looked at the desktop light screen, and then called out the "Starfish Parade" that was being broadcast in real time.
The two "space stations" in the orbit of the planet have completely turned into temporary docks.
There are more than ten transport ships and spaceships of different sizes, and there are huge "space stations".
These transport ships and spaceships all came from other galaxies and planets.
To say that there are no secret instructions and arrangements from "wishful people", Speaker O'Neill would never believe it.
It's just that he didn't understand why the "Emperor Totomy" who could obviously stop all of this had issued a "martial law" on other life planets, but he only ignored the intensified "Starfish".
In the hundreds of large cities with a certain scale of "Starfish", the parade in uniform black costumes are like black ribbons running through different streets of the city.
After watching the previous recording and switching to the real-time live broadcast, Speaker O'Neill looked at the parade in the screen, his heart was extremely cold.
In the crowd, not just adults. There are groups of children of different ages.
From immature primary school students to college students shouting hoarse, whether it is children who know what they are doing or who are ignorant and ignorant, they are pushed forward and forward in the crowd.
Lifting his head, Speaker O'Neill looked at the twisted light and shadow outside the window.
He seemed to see it, and the alien that had descended on the starfish rushed into the crowd unscrupulously.
In their eyes, there is no difference between adults and ignorant children.
The people who have lost the protection of the fleet, without the protection of civilization, are basically like ants in front of the aliens.
Speaker O'Neill seems to have seen that the huge "starfish" is already flowing into a river, and that beautiful planet has become hell.
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