Chapter 2867: swallow

Goss was utterly unconscious, and Goss subconsciously stopped all his movements when he was stared at by the unknown creature.
It's not sure what happened, and it doesn't understand what is blocking its escape.
Now, it only knows that it has encountered unprecedented danger.
The strange beast that appeared suddenly, although its body was very, very small, but Goss had a strange feeling.
This feeling happened once when it had just left its parent star and started wandering in the universe.
Goss couldn't remember the civilization that was being destroyed by him at the time, even if it was an "alien civilization" or a "technological civilization".
After all, it has destroyed too many civilizations, and time has passed for too long, too long, and some things have long been forgotten by it.
But some things are different, at least while still alive, Goss can't forget.
The days of wandering through the universe are also the process of determining where you are in the unknown food chain in the universe.
At that time, the civilization that Goss destroyed was very low-level, but when it was devastating and killing, suddenly an unknown existence appeared.
Goss didn't even know whether it was a strange beast, or some intelligent creature as powerful as a strange beast.
It was not that I had forgotten it, but the moment when he was stared at by the alien beast, Goss seemed to be in the coldest place in the universe. From his body to his mind and consciousness, it was frozen. It was like he had suffered once. Soul attack is the same.
Moreover, it does not know how long it has been in that state.
When its consciousness regained, it seemed to come suddenly, but the strange beast didn't know when it had left.
Goss, who was awake, fled immediately.
After that, it has never had a similar experience.
Self-confidence also began to swell day by day. Goss, who thought he was already at the upper level of the universe's biological chain, was hit by the "alien civilization" again, but he did not expect to encounter another one.
It is very small, not to mention the strange beasts present, maybe those fierce beasts running around in the "spore forest" can easily kill it.
But this is just a superficial phenomenon. Goss even had a feeling that if the unknown existence that looked more like a foreign beast was willing, it could easily kill every life on this planet.
"It...where...where did it pop up?"
It's not just Goss who fears, but Solomon.
Obviously, the unknown existence that came out suddenly, Luomen felt similar to Goss, otherwise it would not be so terrified in the mental communication that it could not even speak the complete words.
Without responding to it, let alone any action, Goss didn't even dare to communicate with him.
In contrast, the "Doba" is a bit bolder than the Bigos and the "Iswell".
It is impossible not to feel the threat and danger, and the bone shelves scattered in different areas of the planet began to gather.
"Even if you still have a back move, we all add up to scum in front of it, how dare you move!"
Goss, who was terrified, couldn't help but feel anxious and anxious about the movement of the "Doba".
However, these words can only roar in their hearts, but they certainly dare not send them out in the form of spiritual messages.
Sure enough, the facts are as expected by Goss.
Fortunately, everyone is not moving. When the "Doba tribe" moved, the unknown existence also moved.
In the eyes that were already bright enough, the light soared in an instant.
It glanced at Goss first, then opened its mouth.
The body is not very big, and its mouth is also very small, and even a few sharp teeth are not visible.
However, as it took a slight breath, a terrifying vision suddenly came to life.
In the core of the planet, those roots that had stopped trembling suddenly withered.
It's like drawing some terrifying virus from the core of the earth. It is almost a virus that spreads at the speed of light. From the roots to the roots in the shallow layers of the earth, it takes less than a tenth of a second and takes up almost the entire planet. The rhizomes of the "spore creatures" on the surface of the planet all withered.
It's just that withering doesn't mean death. The strange "spore creatures" with withered rhizomes suddenly seemed to "live", flying from the ground to the unknown existence suspended in the sky.
As soon as it took off, there was also a strange beast that could not control its body.
Whether it is a huge Goss, or a large number of "Iswells" and "Doba" animals.
The open mouth of the unknown creature is like a "central black hole" controlling a river system, and a terrifying gravitational force that they can't imagine hits, and it can't resist it.
Recently, flying in front of unknown creatures is a "Dopa" alien beast mixed in a large number of "spore creatures".
Not to mention the "Doba" exotic animals, let alone the strange "spore creatures", that is, some animals and fierce beasts living in the forest look much larger than the unknown creature.
However, at this moment, a scene that subverted all biological cognition appeared.
It is common sense that a beetle on the earth cannot swallow an elephant in an instant.
Similarly, a "Messenger Alien" cannot swallow a "Guardian Alien" in an instant. This is also common sense.
Only at this moment, there are more than hundreds of large and small "spore creatures", including animals with teeth and claws, fierce beasts, and several "Doba tribe" bone racks that are speeding up to attack.
Adding these creatures together, even a huge alien beast has to swallow a few mouthfuls, but the unknown creature, which looks much smaller than the "Dopa" head, directly them all in. In the mouth.
Seeing this scene in his eyes, Goss was really frightened and shocked.
But even if it used the power of feeding, it couldn't escape the terrifying suction and gravity at all. It just struggled in vain and flew to the sky, flying into the mouth of the unknown creature slightly opened.
"how can that be!"
This picture was recorded by the "miniature detector" left by the "Kuru tribe" near the "Hope Star", and then transmitted to the light screen in front of Huaide, who was dumbfounded and exclaimed again.
"How does it do it?"
Compared with Huaide's horror, Yun Hai was also in extreme shock.
This completely violated common sense, and even violated the rules of physics, but it was the first time he had seen it since entering the universe.
In the stereoscopic projection image projected by the "miniature warship" in front of him, in the mental information screen transmitted by the "hidden beast alien", the unknown creature seemed to have done nothing, just opened its mouth.
However, every second, countless creatures enter its mouth, and even the smallest of these creatures is much larger than it!
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