Chapter 2900: Shocking truth

The truth came inadvertently.
Although this truth is only speculation and there is no substantive evidence, in Yunhai's view, it is the truth—a shocking truth.
After staying in front of the "black hole" for a long time, Yunhai embarked on a journey of return with the "Kuru" fleet and alien army.
He first reached the star field where he met the "Doba tribe", and then found the correct route through the determination of some reference objects, and then reached the star field that passed through the "turbulent layer" and came to the "primitive universe".
Of course, it's just an approximate location.
Everything in the chaotic and chaotic "primitive universe" is constantly changing. It is impossible for Yunhai to accurately determine where it originally appeared.
Without wasting time, she started to wander around the huge star field, seemingly looking for clues.
Incorporating the "Snippets of Ability Genes" of "Crack Kiss", the sea of ​​clouds, which had a much higher "space affinity", was also searching until Huaide sent a message to invite him to board the main ship.
The alien body was not suitable for boarding a ship, Yunhai naturally mimicked it into a human form, and then boarded the main ship where Huaide was.
"Excuse the master, we also reached a conclusion after careful consideration."
"Because she is worried that the remote communication will be monitored by her, so we can only communicate with you in this way."
"Outside this cabin, there are hundreds of our tribesmen who are communicating through the mental information converter."
"And this main ship itself has turned on the super-power jammer. Although we are not sure whether this can prevent her mental and sensory prying, this is the best we can do."
In a relatively small cabin, Huaide sat beside Yunhai, and quickly wrote these words on the light screen with his right hand.
Frowning, Yun Hai didn't know what he wanted to say, but looked at Huaide in confusion.
"So far, Sinker's inference is in line with the status quo."
"We boldly used his inference as the basis, and gathered more people for a discussion and inference as carefully as possible."
"In the end, we reached a conclusion."
"Although so far, this conclusion is only inference."
Huaide quickly wrote these words again.
After a few seconds, these words turned into stardust-like light spots and disappeared, leaving only a blank light screen.
Giving him an encouraging look, Yun Hai continued to wait.
"Regardless of whether there is life in the universe, let us treat it as conscious."
"In the process of the birth of a universe, the great will power of the universe will inevitably carry through it."
"To summarize the emergence and death of a universe in the simplest form, we can simply regard it as creation and destruction."
"So, if it is hoped that she, born on the stars and in the black hole, is really the son of the universe, or created by the great will power of the universe, then based on her performance, we can clearly define it. ."
"It represents destruction."
"As soon as it was born on the Star of Hope, it destroyed all creatures on a living planet, and this also includes the two alien beast civilizations that cross the universe."
"Later, according to what dominates you, it also had plans to destroy alien civilization, including her who was born in a black hole later."
"At this point, we can see that it was born for the purpose of killing and destruction, representing the dark side of the universe."
"But she is completely different. Even the split kiss you mentioned was actually killed by the alien civilization."
"We can't deny her power, but she hasn't killed any creatures since her birth."
"So, we think that she represents the benevolent side of the universe, representing creation and peace."
"This conclusion is also obtained after repeated discussions with all the information we have now."
After writing these words quickly and making sure that Yunhai had finished reading, Huaide clicked on an icon on the light screen, and all the words instantly turned into star dust and disappeared.
"The cosmic power of will!"
"Destruction and killing, the dark side of the universe."
"Creation and peace, the well-meaning side of the universe."
"Destruction, creation, killing, peace..."
His eyes were still locked on the blank light screen, the surface of the sea of ​​clouds looked calm, but there was already a storm in his heart.
"The increase in entropy is irreversible, we can only delay its speed."
"To achieve this goal, destruction and killing are the inevitable results."
"We only need to destroy enough civilizations, even if the entropy increase in the universe is accelerated during this war, but after more civilizations are destroyed and terminated, the rate of entropy increase will definitely slow down."
"These are the views that Yudi has mentioned more than once, but no matter how high-sounding views, they can't conceal its violent and murderous heart, although he has been very restrained compared to the earliest times."
"But there is no need to doubt that Yudi is very powerful, and his strength and violence have successfully surrendered and attracted some civilizations, even in the early stage, it has been suppressing our hero."
"In contrast, our Lord of the Universe is the hope of the universe."
"The problem of entropy increase is a problem of the entire universe, not a problem of one or more civilizations."
"Although up to now, no civilization can solve this problem, but a certain existence or a certain civilization or alliance can't kill and destroy in the universe under the banner of delaying the increase of entropy."
"Every civilization has the right to survive in the bright universe. If they can't maintain this right, then I will help them maintain it."
"This is the original words of the Lord Zhou, and she has always done this."
"We also have no doubt that she will keep doing this until she defeats Yudi or Yumeng, or until she is killed in battle."
The words that Nolan said with emotion when he, Yunyue, Zhihan and Nolan were having a cup of tea on the balcony in the evening flashed in his mind.
Combining everything that Huai De wrote just now, Yun Hai became more and more frightened as he thought about it, and his brains were "suddenly".
Compared with the astonishing remarks of "The Great Will of the Universe" and "The Son of the Universe", he is more concerned about the existence of the two "Yu Di" and "Zhu Zhu" that have set off a wave in the universe.
"The birth of Hope on the star is Yudi of Yumeng, a brutal cosmic emperor!"
"She was born in the black hole, and she is the Lord of Zhou Bang, an indomitable and benevolent monarch!"
"I traveled through the wormhole of time and came to the future, but I ran into the newly born Emperor Yu and Lord Zhou!"
There was chaos in his mind, Yun Hai muttered silently in his heart.
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