Chapter 2948: Extraterritorial war

In the dark universe, countless stars are shining.
In the river system far away from the "Blue Civilization" or where the sea of ​​clouds is now, a silent war has been carried out to an extremely tragic state.
On one side is a "scientific and technological civilization", with more than tens of millions of black warships divided into different areas, and various energy cannons will light up the huge area.
On the other side is a "different civilization" whose number is much larger than that of warships.
Their size is very peculiar. If Yunhai sees these strange animals here at this time, the first impression will definitely be that they are a combination of giant pythons and snapping turtles.
The length of the body varies from ten meters to one hundred meters. The long and narrow body of these strange beasts is covered by a hard and thick dark green "turtle shell".
There are only a pair of forelimbs and a thick and long tail, and the huge kiss protruding from under the shell is thin and long.
Their attacks are relatively monotonous. Except for a beam of energy bursting out for a while like holding a big move, they often use their bodies to hit, biting the warship with their sharp forelimbs and sharp teeth, and lashing with their thick tails.
The fierce battle, I don't know how long it has lasted.
In the vast void, there are shattered battleships and the remains of alien beasts.
The strange beasts, which numbered about fifty to six million, had already shown a decadent state.
Although they occupy an absolute number advantage, although their carapace is hard enough to withstand a certain degree of energy artillery bombardment, but in the fleet under the intensive and terrifying main artillery bombardment from the huge battleships and the main ships from time to time, they are in groups. They will be killed in patches when they hit the fleet formation.
"Seventh district No. 3 position, request support, we are about to be unable to hold it."
"Received, the 13th and 16th main ships lock in that direction and use their main guns to attack and support."
"The position on the 9th in the 25th district, we have cleared the A beast here, are we going to move to other areas?"
"The position on the 9th in the 25th district, you immediately move to the 2nd in the 31st district, and cooperate with them to clear the place."
In the huge area, there are all messages passed between the fleets.
But those alien beasts are just like dumb, but under the leadership of some huge alien beasts, wave after wave impacted the unbreakable fleet formation, sad and sad.
"Notify all the warships in the 15th to 30th districts, let them form four army groups, and guard the retreat of Jiabeast."
"This time, we are going to wipe them all out here."
"This time, I'm going to expel Abeast from the universe."
"They swear to the death and refuse to give up the magic stone star, then let them be buried with the magic stone star!"
In the center of the fleet, among a behemoth-like ferocious main ship, Kasper, the commander of the "Samo" in charge of the battle, roared with excitement.
Although, Casper knew he should pay attention to his identity to be more calm and reserved.
But when he thinks that the "Clan A", which has caused trouble for the "Samo" for hundreds of years, will be wiped out by his fleet today, Casper can't help himself with excitement.
Looking at the three-dimensional combat projection map, his own commands are already being executed, and watching the shadow that has been biting the fleet but can't rush into the formation, Casper's face smiles even more.
"Commander, I seem to have found something unusual."
At this moment, a weak voice rang.
The excitement and excitement did not stun Casper's mind. He believed that his subordinates would not talk nonsense, and then walked behind him and asked.
The staff member didn't say much, he called up a three-dimensional projection image in front of him, and then pointed to the star light spot above and said: "In the direction of the 360th area, we caught an unusual spatial fluctuation."
"Region No. 360, isn't that the third star system from here to that direction?"
"Hasn't the Jiabeast clan already invested all its troops? Is it possible that there are reinforcements?"
With a wise head, Casper immediately realized where it was and asked strangely.
"It should have nothing to do with the Jiabeast clan, because after that space fluctuation, we caught a terrifying impact."
"I don't know what it is, it should have flew directly towards our current location after the space transition."
"Moreover, the opponent was flying absolutely straight, and the impact we caught was when the opponent passed directly through a rocky planet."
"The terrestrial rocky planet equivalent to the volume and mass of our parent star has been crushed by the opponent. We can be 100% sure of this."
As the staff member spoke, he called up more information on the desktop light screen.
Subconsciously, he felt that he had made a mistake, but looking at the abnormal information on the light screen that was obviously derived from the explosion of the planet, Casper couldn't help taking a breath.
"No matter what it is, it's a big trouble!"
"Obviously, our war with Clan A attracted each other."
"It couldn't be easier to get around a planet in front of you."
"But the other party didn't do this, but ran straight into it."
"If it weren't for extremely strong combat power and defensive power, it would be impossible for the other party to do this."
Behind Casper, his "President" analyzed with a shocked expression.
"It's up to you."
Kasper said in a deep voice, frowning.
But before he could make any decision, an exclamation did not sound from a distance.
Without a trace of hesitation, he rushed over at a speed that was inconsistent with his slightly plump body. Casper asked urgently, "What's wrong?"
The other staff member pointed to the three-dimensional projected image in front of him and said, "This...what is this?"
In the shadow abstraction, a bright yellow light spot appeared on the battlefield at some point.
Bright yellow is just a color set by the brain to distinguish it from the "A tribe" army.
Obviously, at least the wisdom brain has been determined, it is not a "clan A".
If it was just an additional unknown being, the staff member would not be so surprised.
In the three-dimensional projected image, bright yellow light spots are flying around in the shadow representing the "Clan A" army.
No one knows how he or it did it, but everyone noticed that just in the area where the bright yellow light spot passed, there was a blank after another in the shadow of the "A family" army.
"Contact all main ships immediately, no matter what it is, lock it for me first."
"If I give an attack order, no matter what it is, all the main ships will give me the negative material cannon to blast it to me until there is nothing left."
Not delighted that the opponent was clearly attacking the "Clan A" as soon as the opponent appeared, Casper gave the order without hesitation.
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