Chapter 2996: Disappointed

If it were before the end of the "Earth", it would be in the haunting youth of the sea of ​​clouds, the appearance of this girl is definitely a star-level existence, in fact, she may be more beautiful and more temperamental than most stars of that era. .
It's just that in this era of good-looking men walking on the floor and many beautiful women like dogs, her looks can't add much to her, even she herself thinks so.
Seeing Yunhai only fixedly looking at the huge alien statue and his expressionless expression, the girl sighed in her heart, but she did not forget.
Ordinary people, as far as the "Alien Sect" is concerned, as far as the current situation is, there is no more than one, and one less.
But the "super powers" are different. Compared with the "alien religions", the civilized official "council" is obviously more attractive to more "super powers", even if the "alien religions" set many conditions It sounds alluring.
If you can introduce a "superior" to join the church, her own treatment will be improved to a certain extent.
This is of secondary importance. What's more important is that the number of "super-powers" she introduced to join the church has reached a certain level, and then she will be received and guided by the "deacon".
As a "superman" at the initial stage, a "deacon" with strong professionalism and teaching ability, if they are willing to give some pointers, it will not be so difficult to become a more powerful "superman".
However, the status of "super powers" and ordinary people in "Alien Religion" is absolutely worlds apart. How could a highly motivated girl be willing to just be a receptionist.
Energetic, the girl continued to whisper beside Yunhai in a soft voice: "I don't know if you hold a certain position in an official organization, but if you want to join our church, these are not problems. The church can come forward. Solve any problems you have."
The girl's voice made Yun Hai suddenly realize that there was a person beside her.
He was cold in his heart, but still did not respond to her, but looked at the human statue half-kneeling in front of his statue with indifferent eyes.
It doesn't matter whether that statue is a big headed statue or not.
When Yunhai saw him for the last time, the big head was in his youth.
And this statue is already an elderly man.
It doesn't matter whether the big head is old but is extremely greedy for power, or is encouraged by other people to set up the "Alien Sect".
The important thing is that "Alien Sect" was established by the big head, and it was established boldly under his banner.
More importantly, this "Alien Sect" is not like the "Pagan Sect" established by the "Silver Dragon Empire Human Civilization".
Although "Paganism" also has an official shadow, the purpose of the establishment of this sect is very simple and pure. The humans of the "Silver Dragon Empire" just want to appreciate what the "Alien Master" and "Alien Civilization" have done for them.
It doesn't matter whether they are simply grateful or willing to flatter the sea of ​​clouds, at least their purpose is more pure.
The "Alien Religion" in front of Yunhai is different. They only use the banner of "Alien Civilization" and "Alien Domination" to gain greater power and more benefits, just to satisfy the selfish desires of some people.
Now, he also understood why the previous "Super Powers" would be so arrogant in front of the "Blue Civilization" fleet.
He also understood why the white-robed middle-aged man would say that the other "superpowers" were his children.
Combining everything that this girl received just now, Yun Hai is still unclear.
A middle-aged person in a white robe, his position in "Alien Sect" is not clear to Yun Hai. What he calls his children is actually saying that those "superpowers" are followers of "Alien Sect".
Considering their previous arrogance and domineering, and the same attitude when facing the returning clansmen, Yun Hai's heart became even colder.
"Here, who is the person in charge?"
"Or in other words, who has the highest status? Who has the greatest power?"
Turning his head, Yun Hai looked at the girl receptionist and asked in a deep voice.
"This is the Glasimpus Church. The white-robed bishop Charles is in charge of all the affairs of Glasimpus Church. However, he is not usually here, and Deacon Roger takes care of daily matters most of the time."
The girl receptionist glanced at Yun Hai strangely, and then responded seriously to her.
"Where is Roger?"
Yun Hai continued to ask.
The girl reception hesitated, then lowered her head and responded: "I didn't mean to despise you. Lord Roger is actually very busy. If you are a believer, it is not impossible to meet him, but you are just a Outsider, can you understand what I mean?"
After speaking, she peeked at Yun Hai, trying to distinguish something from his expression.
It's a pity that Yunhai still looks expressionless.
It was just a reception, frowning slightly, Yun Hai didn't entangle her anymore.
I just felt that the huge statue in front of me was exuding some kind of huge spiritual power, like a neutron star pressing on my heart. In fact, I didn’t need to breathe at all but there was a feeling of breathlessness. Yun Hai turned around. Walk outside.
"Church, you are always welcome."
I may be a little disappointed in my heart, but the girl reception was very graceful and kept sending Yunhai to the door.
Without turning his head, Yun Hai strode away from the church.
It wasn't until he reached the previous woods that he let out a long breath.
Looking back at the huge church, the seemingly solemn but magnificent building, in Yunhai's eyes, was one of the ugliest things he had ever seen.
"My dear, I think about it."
"Everything we have is given by civilization, not the alien religion that is admired by hundreds of millions of believers but is maintained by believers."
"I know that as long as I enter Alien Sect, I will soon have more things with my profession and knowledge."
"Luxury villas on the most beautiful planet, good salary, the treatment most people dream of, and even special powers."
"But, my dear, I have studied hard for so many years, not just to enjoy it, nor just to have those privileges."
"I know that you may think I am hypocritical when you say repaying society and repaying civilization."
"But that's what I really think."
"Have Alien saved our human civilization? I don't know. To be honest, I really don't know."
"But I know that some people are eating the flesh and blood of civilization under the banner of alien savior."
"So, my choice is to stay in the military academy instead of working in the dark and court of Alien Teaching."
"If you support me, I will go to Venus to find you tomorrow, and I will propose to you in front of your family."
"If you object, dear, although I love you, I will not change my decision."
A voice rang clearly in Yunhai's ears.
Turning his head, Yunhai saw that on the lawn in the distance, a young man was talking with his back to the projection of a girl projected on the watch in front of him.
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