Chapter 3141: Do you really want to know the truth?

"I know that we made a fatal mistake in the alien civilization."
"We shouldn't indulge alien rulers, let alone indulge in the aliens of Dawn Civilization and Mangravin Star Territory."
"If we know the parasitic qualities of aliens and choose to destroy them instead of observing them for the first time, then there will be nothing happening now."
"Now, we already know that the Alien Lord has taken away all the aliens in the Dawn Civilization and the Mangwen Star Domain."
"According to the calculations of the observation team we have stayed there, the Alien Master has taken away at least five to seven billion aliens."
"I think everyone knows what this number of aliens means."
In the huge meeting room of the "House of Representatives", "Leader" of the "Frigg Union" Coverdale said slowly.
"This means that alien civilizations may no longer need to hide, which means that they may already have the strength to fight the alliance."
In the audience, someone from an unknown civilized race suddenly interjected aloud.
"Yes, you are right."
"But this may not be a good thing."
"Leader" Coverdale was not angry because of the contradiction, but said calmly.
Some of the high-ranking people in the audience who represented different wise and civilized races showed thoughtful expressions, but some were a little confused.
"The biggest problem now is mobility. We can't besiege alien civilization at all."
"In other words, alien civilization does not give us a chance to confront each other at all."
"Why do they do this is because they feel that their strength is not enough to confront the alliance head-on."
"So our only chance to defeat them is that they are willing to go to war with us on the frontal battlefield."
"They may not have done this before, but if they feel that their strength has increased dramatically, they may change this view."
"As long as they dare to confront us head-on, then we have the opportunity to defeat or even destroy them head-on on the battlefield."
With a confident expression on his face, "Leader" Coverdale said loudly in a sonorous voice.
"If it remains the same, I don't think we have the possibility of annihilating them on the frontal battlefield."
At this time, I don't know who inserted another sentence.
"You are too pessimistic."
"The alliance is not just the strength that has always been shown."
"I can tell you clearly that if alien civilizations dare to confront us head-on, they will definitely fail."
"The Alliance has been studying a wide range of high-intensity super-power attack weapons. It has been studying for so many years. Those smart and great scientists have not gained nothing at all."

It was not used before, because some technologies were not mature enough to be used safely and efficiently.

"But it's different now. Under the circumstances, we have no other choice."
"Don't worry, once alien civilizations dare to confront us head-on, they, including more people in our alliance, will see how powerful the truly terrifying weapons attack power a powerful alliance possesses."
With a confident expression and a confident tone, coupled with the strong waving of his arm in the last sentence, "Leader" Coverdale looked charming at this moment.
"Leader, you have overlooked one of the most critical issues."
"Alien civilizations are different from any civilizations we have come into contact with before. They are based on war."
"Now we can be sure that Fine Tooth and Fenrir will not defect at such a critical time."
"Square may do this because it has no hope for the Alliance, even hatred."
"It's not surprising what it does..."
At this time, a smart creature whose neck was about the height of an average person stood up and began his own analysis.
It's just that he was interrupted before he finished speaking.
"There are some things that we didn't make public, and that was because we were worried that it would cause panic."
"We have conclusive evidence to prove that Fine Tooth and Fenrir did not defect, they have been taken away by the Alien Lord, and they were taken away in a coma or dead state."
"They fate, I think we can be sure."
"Leader" Coverdale's voice this time was not as loud as before, and his face was even less confident.
"Why didn't you tell us such important news in the first time!"
"There is such a thing, parasitism Split Kiss, and the mobility of alien civilization has reached the point where we can't catch up. Now with one more fine tooth, or more aliens parasitizing it, we still have What hope."
"Who decided to conceal this news? Who of you has the right to conceal such important news?"
"Alliance, is it all of us?"
"This is a crime, a serious crime."
In the huge conference room, it was noisy and even chaotic.
Those who belonged to the upper ranks of different intelligent races showed an angry or inconceivable expression one by one, and some of them screamed excitedly.
"the truth?"
"Do you really want to know the truth?"
"Well, then I will tell you the truth."
After waiting patiently for a long time, when the noisy voice in the conference room gradually calmed down, the "leader" Coverdale, who had been silent all the time, finally spoke.
He didn't say much, but nodded to the staff who was watching him.
In the center of the meeting room, a three-dimensional projection appeared.
The background of the projected image is a dark universe, and the lens does not know whether it originated from a spacecraft or a probe, but it is rapidly approaching a pale gray planet.
Just as the planet got bigger and closer, suddenly a shadow appeared in the picture.
When the shadow gets closer and closer to the camera, everyone can see clearly, it is a large group of aliens.
Then, with a few aliens suddenly speeding up and rushing over, the picture suddenly shook and then disappeared.
Without waiting for more unknown people to ask questions, another projection screen appeared.
This time, the background of the picture is a planet of life.
There were a few gray clouds floating in the cyan sky, and a group of unknown birds swept across the forest with a crisp cry.
Similarly, you don't know what this picture was recorded.
But when they saw a sudden turn of the picture, and then after the violent shaking, a huge strange beast appeared, and the strange beast they were familiar with gave a horrified roar. When the chest of the strange beast suddenly shattered in the picture, Everyone in the meeting room was shocked when a head slammed out and made a sharp neighing sound.
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