Chapter 3208: Awaited

Without contrast, without comparison, it is impossible to give the "master" a precise cognition.
That alien is very clever. When presenting the "Queen" it mentioned to Yunhai through spiritual information, it also showed its own body shape.
In this way, with it as a reference, Yunhai can have a clear understanding of the "Queen"-at least in terms of body shape.
In a clear contrast, this alien body is not as long as the "Queen" claw tip.
With the same gorgeous bones as all the "alien queens", this "queen" looks only tall and does not appear sturdy.
Two rows of staggered sharp teeth were exposed under the smooth and narrow skull.
On its neck, a hard bone plate blocks the relatively soft muscle tissue of the neck.
The black body had three sharp bone spurs growing on the back.
A pair of relatively sturdy hind limbs, long and narrow tailbone, tail blade like sky hook.
This is the shape of an "alien queen" itself, and the sea of ​​clouds on its body can't see the special changes brought to it by an unknown "host" at all.
I don't know who it is, but Yunhai is sure that it is not "the first alien queen".
After several times of evolution, the "first-generation alien queen", its body shape has long been different from the original, different from more "alien queens."
At least Yun Hai didn't see it, the original tentacles of the "First Generation Alien Queen" with extremely powerful attack power.
"Emperor Chu is different from other queens. Although I have never seen it make a move, we all know that its strength may far exceed the limit we can imagine." Feeling the fluctuation of the dominant mood, although I don't know it. What happened, the alien still made a supplement in the spiritual communication.
"Chu Huang? You say it is Chu Huang?" Although the title is a bit strange, Yun Hai hurriedly asked in a spiritual exchange that he vaguely felt that he had made a mistake.
The alien still couldn’t understand the excitement of the
, but it responded immediately:
We all called it that way later. This name is still derived from the master, but I also heard another name from the queen. , That is the first queen."
What it said made Yunhai seem to be riding a "cosmic roller coaster", and his mood was ups and downs to the extreme.
"Who is the ruler? Who is the queen?" Before he could ask more, he immediately raised new questions nervously.
"Domination is the flesh and blood of the master, this...don't the master know?" Alien was stunned, and then asked.
At the same time, it wittily presents the two alien shapes in Yunhai's mind during the spiritual communication.
"Yunjiang...what is the title of Domination? Yunjiang is still alive. Needless to say, the queen is definitely Zhihan!" The two unusual shapes in my mind are strange to the extreme, but Yunhai is still alive. Determined who they all represent in an instant.
"Evolution must be a physical change brought about by evolution."
"Needless to say, Yunjiang has only evolved twice when I left, and it hasn't been completely finalized yet."
"Zhi Han is the same. Alien civilization doesn't need her to fight, so she hardly evolved."
"After I left, everything is different. Yunjiang and Zhihan will definitely do everything possible to evolve and make themselves stronger."
"So, these two aliens are them."
"How could the original queen become like this? Its body shape is just like when it was originally on Earth. It is completely an alien queen born without any excellent genes from the host!"
"Is it possible to return to the basics, or it is like this mimicry image when it is not fighting normally!"
Suddenly sad and happy, Yun Hai's mind became a mess.
"Where is the first emperor? And where are the rulers and the queen?" Suddenly, he realized that it didn't make much sense now that he had just awakened from a dream, and he sent out a mental message nervously again.
"They went to an unknown place, and the master came with me." Alien didn't speak too much, and immediately turned his head after sending out a spiritual message.
Yunhai did not feel the special spatial fluctuations. It is estimated that it and the aliens with it did not have the ability to "space jump". He couldn't wait to flicker and disappear with them.
As for the other aliens, Yunhai ignored them, and the four "Kiss Kiss Alien" would naturally follow them with them.
The truth is also true. When he reached the final target star field in an instant, along with the void fluctuations, more alien shapes emerged silently behind him.
"That's...Huh, who is that?" The alien that had been communicating with Yunhai just sent a mental message, and then its body tightened.
By its side, the tens of thousands of aliens were even more straightforward, and they wanted to rush out directly with a crescent-shaped battle formation.
The alien army behind Yunhai also made the same choice, but before they could take the next step, Yunhai stopped all aliens with a spiritual order, and at the same time turned his attention to the front.
Thousands of kilometers away just before the sea of ​​clouds, a special celestial body quietly existed.
It's just that Yunhai's current attention is not on that special celestial body.
Not far from that celestial body, a human figure floated quietly.
Once again, the spirit ordered all the aliens to stay where they were, and the sea of ​​clouds flew over without hesitation.
"So, your goal has been achieved, right?"
Man has not passed, his spiritual message has been passed on like an electric wave.
While sending out the spiritual message, he has also reached the side of the human body.
There is no doubt, and there is no need to scan mentally at all, or even to guess at all, Yunhai has confirmed his identity.
Except for the unique "universe emperor" in this universe, who could have expected his actions and waited here early.
"It didn't take long to wait."
"After all, the Frege Alliance still didn't last long."
The black robe shrouded endless darkness, and the voice of "The Great Emperor's Messenger" or "Early Ancient" rang in Yunhai's mind.
"You haven't answered my question yet. Have your goals been achieved?"
Yun Hai did not give up, and asked stubbornly again.
"I don't quite understand what you mean."
"What do you mean?"
"Frigg Alliance lost to your alien civilization?"
"Or are you here now?"
"Early Gu" asked inexplicably.
"What if I want to know?" Yunhai replied calmly.
"Early Gu" smiled, and then responded: "The former, maybe. In the latter, isn't it inevitable?
You have already come, and you will definitely come.
As for the Frege Alliance, whether it exists or is destroyed does not make any sense to me at all.
Believe it or not, I never thought that the Frigg Alliance could defeat you.
I just want to know how powerful a civilization can bring a child of the universe close to! "
The tone of "early ancient" was calm and serious.
Hearing his response, Yun Hai became silent.
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