Chapter 310: The deadly "seaweed"

When Alice thought she was about to successfully domesticate an alien parasitizing a giant star beast, at the same time, in the deep ocean thousands of miles away, the heart of the sea of ​​clouds was colder than the sea.
The deep sea is pitch-black, and hundreds of aliens born of the "luminous fish" are parasitic. The dim light from the hard exoskeleton is enough to make the sensitive sea of ​​clouds see a certain distance.
Of course, even without these lights, he has a keen sense similar to that of an alien, he can still look like the day within a certain distance.
It’s just that although this look is very three-dimensional and vivid, it is not as shocking as seeing it in person.
This piece of deep ocean has completely become a dead place.
There are no schools of mutant fish, no huge deep-sea monsters, or even plankton.
Even the coral reefs that can be seen everywhere on the seabed have become dead and silent like ancient fossils here.
Some are just large patches of black seaweed.
Yunhai was not sure at all whether those odd shapes were some kind of mutant seaweed.
The width is similar to that of the plantain leaves before the end of the world. As for the length, the sea of ​​clouds cannot be determined, because in the range of his vision and senses, there are snake-like black seaweeds everywhere.
Thousands of believers spent more than half a day exploring the range of growth of these seaweeds, and the sea of ​​clouds was repeatedly confirmed before they were surprised to find that these black seaweeds covered an area of ​​3,000 square kilometers.
The surprise is because it is terrible.
This seaweed jungle has swallowed thousands of messengers, three hundred drones and dozens of guard aliens.
It is precisely because of the disappearance of these aliens that the spider queen feels abnormal, which attracts the sea of ​​clouds.
"The spider alien queen feels that there is a huge metal object in this seaweed, which should be an alien spacecraft. But what are these seaweed-like things? It's the same as the alien or you. It's all leaked from the alien spacecraft. Alien creatures?"
Looking at the magnificent seaweed jungle from a distance, Yunhai sent out a spiritual communication to Yunyue.
"I do not know!"
Yunyue was extremely honest this time, even more honest than when she faced Alice.
At least in front of Alice. Yunyue is still eager to try to make a shot.
But now she stood motionless on the back of the snapping turtle alien. Looking at the seaweed jungle, she had a rare expression of fear on her face.
Obviously human emotions are at work, and Yunyue is not a pure alien after all.
"It's dangerous there. All the dangers I've experienced add up, and there is no danger there. So I want to see what dangers are there."
During the spiritual exchange, Yunyue solemnly added another sentence.
"Is it more dangerous than the star behemoth?"
Yun Hai hesitated for a moment, but gave up his plan to send an alien to take a look.
He received his spiritual order. An alien tiger shark turned and left with thousands of drones.
"It's different. The star behemoth gives me the feeling of despair. I can feel that the gap between myself and it is too great, so I will only be desperate. It is different here. The unknown danger is the most terrifying. It seems that there is nothing in front. Abnormal, but I have a feeling that as long as I get close to the past, I will definitely die, but I don’t know how to die."
Yunyue responded slowly.
Yun Hai stopped talking. In fact, he felt the same as Yunyue.
In his line of sight, there was nothing unusual about that patch of mutant seaweed, except for its surprising length. It looks no different from ordinary seaweed.
In the alienated mental perception, the light spots that represent the existence of life are almost non-existent. Yunhai can only feel the existence of life there, but it cannot be pryed.
In such a situation, just as Yunyue said, the unknown danger is the most terrifying.
There was a trace of anomaly in the turbulent seawater under the current. When Yunhai turned his body to look at it, the tiger shark alien with a team of aliens drove a large area of ​​darkness and swam over here.
There was no need for Yunhai Spirit's command, and the alien army guarding the edge of the seaweed greeted him. The three-dimensionalization drove the black shadow to the seaweed jungle.
Perhaps he has never been to this sea area and does not know the danger of the seaweed jungle.
Or maybe this group of mutant monster fish can't sense the danger ahead. The largest size exceeds the mutant fish school of about ten meters, under the pressure of the alien. Without hesitation, he swam to the middle of the seaweed jungle, the only outlet.
The eyes stared to the extreme, and at the same time the mental power spread out without reservation, Yun Hai and Yun Yue were in the same state at this time.
No sound, no abnormalities.
When the school of mutant fish, which numbered more than a few thousand, sank into the seaweed jungle, there was no abnormality at first.
"what happened?"
Yunyue, who couldn't help but couldn't restrain her spirit, asked.
Yun Hai did not say a word.
The next moment, when all the mutant fish swam into the mutant seaweed jungle, it suddenly appeared.
The clouds are as comfortable as the clouds, and the mutated seaweed suddenly riots as the sea surging.
A stem that looks soft as if it can be easily torn off, and a steel wire that instantly becomes tougher.
The algae leaves that fluttered up and down completely turned into intertwined blades.
No mutant fish can escape the entanglement of their madness, no matter it is the size of an adult or ten meters long, no one is spared.
The palm-thick and completely keratinized scales cannot stop the swimming and cutting of algae leaves.
In an instant, large swaths of scarlet blood spread out on the seabed, beautiful and terrifying.
Not surprised, let alone amazed.
Not to mention the deep sea with diversified biological species. Similar mutant plants like Yunhai have been seen on land. Just like the mutant tree outside Yangshan County, its methods are obviously better than these mutant seaweeds.
That mutant tree can communicate with Yunhai by controlling humans.
If these seaweeds had only this ability, Yunhai and Yunyue would not feel so dangerous.
Sure enough, when thousands of big fish were all killed by the seaweed, below them, one by one, spherical objects surged up.
Yunyue's eyes widened and watched carefully, but her guarded expression was still a little dazed.
Yunhai still didn't respond to her-he himself couldn't see what these things were three times the size of a football.
The round black-brown surface is covered with dense thorn-like organs, which looks like a hedgehog.
There are no very characteristic facial features. If you have to give them a definition, Yunhai feels that these spheres are more like the fruits of seaweed.
The ball and seaweed are one body, connected by some hair-like whiskers.
Suddenly rushing up from the invisible darkness under the seaweed, these black-brown orbs ignored the alien army in all directions, and immediately began to eat unimaginable for the sea of ​​clouds.
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