Chapter 3254: Too late to stop

The other twelve civilizations of the "Allied Army" have yet to figure out what happened, and an unexpected scene has appeared.
Captain Sawyer, who was still impassioned at the moment, his yelling hurriedly changed tune, anyone can hear the unconcealable fear in it.
The next moment, the "Leaded Civilized Dark Demon Fleet" moved like a wave.
The fleet that has assembled itself does not even wait for the return of the transport fleet that is still collecting energy on the stars. The entire fleet drags a long energy tail flame and flies towards the opposite edge of the star system.
The other "smart civilizations" reacted quickly, and there was no need to remind each other. The different civilization fleets located in different regions of the star system started the same actions as the "Listed Civilization Black Demon Fleet.
The bewildered "different animal civilization" only reacted when the fleet was about to disappear on the edge of the star system.
"Shamelessly listed civilization, the wise race will never be trusted!" Cang Jia cursed in her heart, and at the same time, she twisted her body and fled to the opposite direction where the unknown "different animal civilization" was approaching.
In just tens of seconds, the thirteen civilizations hiding in the star system made the same choice, and Wuyangyang began to flee.
With their move, Yun Hai, who was cautiously approaching with the alien army, was relieved.
Mental power has already detected that star system, and the sea of ​​clouds has not had time to cover the entire star system with mental power, and it is clear that in all likelihood the civilizations of the "Naya Civilization Alliance", they have captured their escape.
Without a trace of hesitation, Yunhai's spiritual order was passed on instantly, and then the alien army was divided into two teams.
He carried half of the Alien himself, and the "Kiss Kiss Alien" carried the other half.
Just a flicker, the sea of ​​clouds appeared on the other side of the star system.
He didn't stop, but after leaving some aliens, he teleported away with other aliens.
In this way, he and "Kiss Kiss Alien" only took a few seconds to evenly sprinkle the entire alien army on the edge of the star system.
This marginal position is precisely the direction in which the 13 civilizations of the "Allied Forces" flee.
Yunhai was only himself, and his mental power locked in the "Civilized Dark Demon Fleet" that was the first to escape. When the fleet appeared special energy fluctuations, and the void began to oscillate, his huge body flickered. Blocked in front of the fleet.
The turbulent void suddenly calmed down.
After the energy centers of several "planetary warships" were shut down or even burst open due to instantaneous energy overload, the "Dark Demon Fleet" finally came to a halt.
To escape faster than the speed of light, it is impossible to escape.
"Space Leap" is the best choice, but when the entire void seems to become a sticky metal swamp, even with the reckless energy output of the "Black Demon Fleet", it can't complete the simplest "Space Leap". , Just escaping has become an impossible luxury.
The largest "galaxy main ship", its size is almost equivalent to a smaller star.
Thousands of "planet-star warships" clustered around huge main ships, the size of which is the size of a planet.
The remaining more warships, the total number of which exceeds hundreds of millions.
The seemingly magnificent and powerful "Black Demon Fleet", bright searchlights are like pairs of hot eyes, staring at the huge and hideous body from a distance.
"Disperse and flee, as much as you can escape!" There was still a deep skeletal fear on his face, and Captain Sawyer seemed to engrave the strange and familiar body in the stereoscopic projection deeply into his mind. At the same time The order was given in a trembling voice.
At the edge of the fleet of the three-dimensional phalanx, more miniature warships began to move.
At this moment, at least tens of millions of miniature warships began to try to escape in accordance with the captain's orders.
"If you don't want to be completely destroyed, stop immediately."
A spiritual message swept the "Dark Demon Fleet" like a storm, and spread to the entire star system and even the "interstellar medium region" in the shortest possible time.
Not just a spiritual storm, but also a terrorist attack.
In front of the terrified Captain Sawyer, in the huge three-dimensional projection image, a tiny thing that they didn't know was rotating at a high speed appeared.
Very small. In contrast, Captain Sawyer estimated that it might not be as big as his usual drinking cup.
However, it is such a small thing that can be ignored. It appeared at the same time as Captain Sawyer and the clansmen could not imagine the speed, passing the "Dark Demon Fleet" three-dimensional formation.
The "Dark Fleet" battleships that are trying to escape are more of the outer miniature battleships.
When they were struggling to pass this metal swamp-like void at a speed of one percent of their usual speed, the tiny thing even passed every warship at a speed faster than the speed of light.
With an energy shield, and at the same time, every metal battleship made of the highest quality materials, at this time, is like a piece of paper, letting that tiny thing easily pierce through it.
In the huge three-dimensional projection image, one after another miniature warship exploded after a slight tremor.
The terrified Captain Sawyer and his panicked people, they still haven't figured out what happened. The violent explosion of tens of millions of miniature warships in the void turned the entire void into white.
"Idiot... stop, Garden... you... stop..." In this white light, Captain Sawyer sensitively caught a faint blue spot of light in the distance. He didn't know what happened, but he changed. The tune's cursing sounded.
Not far from the main ship, a "planet-star battleship" was already firing violently.
Tens of thousands of faint blue energy spots, in the bombardment of the dozens of main guns of the "Planet-Star Warship", intensively and accurately splashed onto the huge and hideous body in the distance.
From the beginning to the present, Captain Sawyer has given orders other than escape or escape. He has not issued any order to attack or counterattack at all.
It was clear that Garden gave the wrong order because of extreme tension and anger, but Captain Sawyer knew that everything was irreversible.
In the three-dimensional projection image, the huge body weighing heavily on Sawyer's heart like a "black hole" suddenly disappeared.
In fact, from Garden ordered the "planetary battleship" to fire, to Captain Sawyer's attempt to stop him, and then to the disappearance of that huge body, these all proceeded at the same time.
In Sawyer's eyes, that huge and hideous body almost disappeared the moment the "planetary battleship" fired.
At the same time, a scene that made Captain Sawyer's heart broken appeared.
That tiny thing that he still didn't know what it was, flew to the position of the battleship where Garden was located in an instant, and then sank into the "planetary battleship" protected by the energy shield like nothing else...
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