Chapter 3335: Not just us

On one side are sixteen shuttle-shaped spaceships, small enough to be comparable to fighters.
On one side are millions of warships, although most of them are assault-type "mini warships", but the "main ship" and ten "frigates" are absolute behemoths.
However, when the sixteen shuttle-shaped spacecraft rushed into the fleet, the gap between "high-level civilization" and "low-level civilization" was clear at a glance.
The "energy shield" was not activated at all, and the shuttle-shaped spacecraft didn't even bother to release the energy attack, but rammed those warships that were much larger than them unscrupulously.
Just as high-speed bullets passed through undefended flesh and blood, tiny shuttle-shaped spaceships easily pierced through those warships.
Smaller warships exploded silently during their collision, or disintegrated and shattered silently.
Larger battleships, including those "frigates", are easily penetrated by them.
Sixteen shuttle-shaped spaceships that entered the sub-light speed almost instantaneously, colliding back and forth in the fleet to their heart's content.
In hindsight, the fleet of unknown civilizations, they didn't even react, and the number of battleships was declining sharply at an unimaginable speed.
When a shuttle-shaped spacecraft treats their "main ship" as a plaything and collided back and forth several times, when dozens of huge holes appeared on the body of the huge "main ship", the shuttle-shaped spacecraft came from the ship again. After the collision hole from the tail to the bow penetrated, the huge "main ship" finally disintegrated in a silent explosion.
There was no idea of ​​resistance at all. After more than half of the warships were easily and mercilessly destroyed, it didn't take long for them to actually reach this star field, and they were still observing the complete collapse of the civilization of the "God Spirit Race" star field.
The "main ship" was destroyed, which meant that they had lost their commander.
The hurried counterattack often only hits one's own warships, and can't even lock the shuttle-shaped spacecraft. The remaining warships have completely lost the idea of ​​resistance and start to flee in all directions.
As if they were not enough to kill, the sixteen shuttle-shaped spaceships chased and killed them for a while, until the remaining warships had escaped from the star field by space leap, they gave up and continued pursuing.
This sudden war did not last long.
Of the millions of warships of unknown civilization, only one-third successfully escaped.
Using the most savage and direct collision method to destroy millions of warships, the sixteen shuttle-shaped spaceships gathered together looked exactly the same as before, seemingly unharmed.
"Which civilization?"
Gathered together, one of the sixteen shuttle-shaped spacecraft sent out a shortwave message.
"It should be Carl Civilization at the position of No. 302 in Sector Nineteenth. This is the symbol on the Carl Civilization battleship in the Intellectual Brain Database."
Another shuttle-shaped spacecraft also responded with short-range shortwave information.
"Carl civilization, let me check... the last time we came into contact with this civilization was 1,452 years ago, when their technological level was still at an intermediate level, and it seems that there is no breakthrough."
The shuttle-shaped spacecraft that first sent the message continued to spread the message.
"I won't discuss them anymore. An inferior racial civilization did not destroy them before. I just want to observe them to see if we can find the key to our silver light civilization breaking through the technological bottleneck period."
"Such a civilization, dare to run over, not to mention that the spirit tribes destroying them is as simple as squeezing the worms, and they have their share of the bargain in front of us."
Another shuttle-shaped spacecraft joined the discussion.
"Now what..."
When another shuttle-shaped spacecraft sent a message, it stopped suddenly.
Almost at the same time, the sixteen shuttle-shaped spacecraft flickered and disappeared in an instant high-speed movement.
When they appeared again, they had already reached a parallel star field.
In a dark universe, a huge "different beast" that was about to merge with the dark universe was quietly suspended.
Of course, it cannot be integrated with the void of the universe, but its body is completely black, so it looks as if the body merges with the void of the universe.
There was a sharp horn on the flat head, which was not thick and long, and the black eyes were already staring when the sixteen shuttle-shaped spacecraft appeared.
The narrow and long mouth opened slightly, but there were no sharp teeth in its mouth, but it was like a tangible abyss, as if it could swallow everything.
The body is slender and long. The diameter of the body covered by smooth black scale armor exceeds three meters, but its body length reaches several hundred meters.
The "exotic beasts" curled up into a ball, as if they didn't care about the appearance of the sixteen shuttle-shaped spacecraft, just stared at them, and then looked at the distant star field.
"Yin Pan, sure enough, you are here too."
Formed a half-moon formation from a distance, a shuttle-shaped spacecraft, unlike their short-wave communication just now, sent a spiritual message.
"You are all here, how could I not come."
The "exotic beast" called "yin pan" responded indifferently.
"We warned you..."
That spiritual message began again.
But before someone finished speaking, "Yin Pan" interrupted him indifferently.
"Can't appear in the eleventh to ninety-sixth sector star domain, right? Silver Civilization, first of all, this is not the eleventh to 96th sector star domain you planned."
"Of course, how dare you divide the star area where the gods are located in sectors."
"Don't talk about the gods, they are the star regions of the giants, do you dare?"
"So, don't talk about these nonsense now, does my presence here have anything to do with you?"
"If you want to play, I don't mind playing with you."
"Hundreds of thousands of years, I would like to see if you can kill me this time."
"If you can't beat me to death, you must be prepared to be beaten to death by me."
"Yin Pan"'s body was still curled up into a ball, and at the same time sent out a spiritual message with a sneer.
"Fight here? We are not crazy enough yet."
"I want to see the giants and gods fighting for so many years, who wins and who loses, it is not only our Yinguang Civilization and your Yinpan that come."
"Let's not say whether it will alarm the giants and the gods, there are at least dozens of civilizations that are comparable to ours and are still under careful observation."
"So even if I want to kill you, I won't fight here."
"Silver Civilization" someone responded with a smile.
As if to confirm his statement, accompanied by a wave of void fluctuations, a huge "alien beast" seemed to break free from the shackles of the void and emerged silently.
At the same time, in another void not far away, a spaceship equivalent to the size of sixteen shuttle-shaped spacecraft also appeared in the void fluctuations.
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