Chapter 3359: Dangerous

After leaving the unknown and powerful "technological civilization", the "Zerg Master" encountered more civilizations.
Those "lower civilizations" are not worth it to waste time at all, and they are not even close.
As for some "advanced civilizations", after a brief battle, it is determined that the other party is not worthy of being its opponent at all, and it will leave immediately.
Until in a "star system" with five stars, the "Zerg Master" met a truly powerful opponent.
It is a kind of magical creature. For most creatures, the hellish "star system" is their paradise.
The individual of this creature is very small, about the size of a "thornworm".
Countless such creatures float in the "star system" full of intense light and heat radiation.
On the five different stars, the floating and sinking in the sea of ​​flames are all "vesicle" like eggs.
The "Zerg Master" didn't care about this creature originally, but when it was curious, when it approached this "star system", the opponent who discovered it took the initiative to attack.
They are not swarming, because they have a huge ethnic group, they do not rely on numbers to fight like the "Zerg" and "Alien".
Among the mental senses of the "Zerg Domination", those creatures that can kill countless creatures with one breath, they collided and adhered to each other in the shortest possible time, forming an unusually huge creature.
It also has special senses. After more individuals continuously join and combine that huge creature, its life light cluster becomes blazing almost at the speed of light.
In its mental senses, creatures with this luminosity are at least as powerful as it.
Facts have proved that the same is true, that monster composed of countless creatures is extremely powerful.
The "Zerg Master" hit it for several stellar days, and finally killed the opponent.
Originally, it thought that after the monster was killed and crushed by it, it would transform into countless creatures, or could make another perfect combination.
But this is not the case, the monster died completely.
The "Zerg Master" who was almost fighting in blood would naturally not let go of the opponent's corpse, and even swallowed countless eggs on five stars.
The more powerful the "exotic beast", the more energy in the flesh and blood.
This time is no exception. After the "Zerg Race Master" cleaned up the entire "star system", it felt the opportunity of evolution and hid in a dead volcano of terrestrial rocky planets.
The translucent sarcocarpa wrapped it into a huge vesicle in the shortest time. How long it took the "Zerg Master" in total. I don’t know. When it wakes up again and breaks the vesicle, the whole body is inside. Great changes have taken place outside.
Its speed becomes faster and its power becomes stronger.
The body is no longer simply hard, but has more critical tenacity.
No more stays, it set off again.
Just like the previous time, a civilization that is not worthy of its opponent, "Zerg Master" did not waste time to contact or fight.
Finally, when it left a river system to explore a new river system, a terrifying creature appeared.
This creature is undoubtedly the most powerful creature the "Zerg Master" has ever experienced.
If it hasn't just evolved once, it may only take a short time for the opponent to kill it.
The "Zerg Master" didn't even know how to define the other party. It looked like a "smart creature", and its figure was less than one hundredth of its size.
But it was such a seemingly inconspicuous creature, and after a sudden appearance, it was injured by a face.
It is very flexible, and it is difficult to hit it with every fierce attack of the huge "Zerg Master".
When it is replaced with an energy attack, whether it is an ability ray or a beam of light, or an energy bomb with a range of damage, the opponent can resist it.
And its almost negligible tentacles, each swipe can leave a deep wound on the body of the "Zerg Lord".
It can be said that from the beginning of the battle, the "Zerg Master" was almost completely suppressed by the opponent.
In that situation, it was like a thin beast attacking a heavy animal.
Although the former is inconspicuous but has powerful lethality, while the latter looks huge but has almost no effective counterattack ability.
Even so, the "Zerg Master" was not discouraged.
Dragging the body with old injuries and new injuries, it just fought each other for several stellar days.
In the end, it finally changed its strategy. When the opponent's tentacles entangled and tightened together, the "Zerg Master" deliberately pretended not to be able to dodge, allowing the opponent's clustered tentacles to pierce his chest.
This time, the "Zerg Master" almost died.
It originally wanted to pretend to be dizzy by being seriously injured. When the tentacles that pierced into the body suddenly released cold energy, it felt that the unpleasant "Zerg Master" had no time to react, and that energy was in its body in a brutal posture. Rampage.
This kind of pain is enough to make most creatures lose their sense or even consciousness in an instant.
But having experienced enough pain in the "temple", the "Zerg Race Master" still maintained a trace of clarity.
The body was trembling with seemingly uncontrollable spasms, and when the thin monster tried to get into its own body along the wound on its chest, the closed giant kiss bit it with a stab.
This blow, seemingly simple, "Zerg Master" has done everything to the extreme.
It allowed the monster's tentacles to twitch in its mouth, and when its mouth was almost torn apart and shattered from the inside in an instant, its sharp teeth bit down fiercely.
With this bite, the "Zerg Race Master" completely used all its strength.
The monster that it could never hit, grab, and resist energy bombardment was finally crushed by it.
Ignoring the opponent’s sharp hiss deep in his soul, even if he’s not sure whether he can survive, the extremely sound "Zerg Race Master" bite several times in a row, and the sharp teeth cut the monster into pieces and swallowed it directly. Go down.
Without stopping there, relying on keen senses and intuition, the "Zerg Master" dragged his seriously injured body to search in the nearby star field.
It doesn't believe that unknown monsters will attack itself for no reason. Even if the other party wants to swallow it 99% of the time, there is a 1% chance that it has broken into the star field it controls.
This powerful and sturdy monster should be a "single alien beast civilization".
If the judgment of the "Zerg Tribe" is correct, and if it is that you really broke into the star field it controls, then it is very likely that there are one or more cubs in the nest on a nearby planet.
Regardless of the consideration, it will not let go of the cubs that may exist in the nearby star field.
Facts have proved that its judgment is correct. The "Zerg Race Master" did not waste too much time, and finally found a planet of life, including the cubs of monsters on the planet, and a special thing that it still can't understand. .
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