Chapter 3368: Track down

The ultimate anger filled every cell of the giant.
After making a roar enough to make most souls tremble, the giant seemed to go crazy.
Without seeing any energy bursts, he surpassed the obstacles of the void in one step, and instantly reached the adjacent "star system".
In the shortest amount of time, the giant revolved around every nearby "star system".
Then, he returned to "Titan Star" again.
This time, the giant lost the violent anger that was just now.
Floating blankly on the orbit of the "Titan Star", after an unknown period of time, he suddenly noticed something and disappeared as soon as he lifted his foot.
When it appeared again, the giant had already arrived in an "interstellar medium region" outside of more than a dozen "star systems".
Ten spaceships were quietly suspended in a dark and deserted void, one black spacecraft of "Roco Civilization", and nine silver shuttle-shaped spaceships of "Silver Civilization".
Ten spaceships turned off their engines, and no trace of light came through.
At least from their point of view, they are very concealed.
The unexpected appearance of the giant completely exceeded their expectations.
"Did you guys do it?"
An angry spiritual message instantly rang in the minds of all the ten spacecrafts.
Just a roar of mental power, all of the ten spaceships spurted blood and died instantly.
At this time, the giant found that he had lost his reason in the extreme anger and killed everyone without paying attention.
Regret is useless, the giant circled the ten spaceships, and then fell into a sluggish state.
"If it were not for the survival of the race, they would not leave."
"Or, they have been..."
"Wrong, I was wrong."
"If I hadn't arranged the people on Titan, at least they wouldn't have an accident here."
"I should come back and have a look."
"It's been many epochs, in order to avoid divulging the existence of Titans and the people, I dare not even come back to see them."
"In the end what happened?"
These words were repeated in his mind, and the giant's eyes sometimes projected an expression of anger, sometimes full of pain and despair.
In the midst of repeated anger and self-blame, the giant finally waited for what he wanted.
A wave of void wave passed over his body, such a wave was like a drop of dust falling on the water, but the giant still caught it in an instant.
With one step up, the giant has already gone beyond several "star systems".
A silver shuttle-shaped spacecraft just finished its "spatial leap", but before it jumped again, the unexpected giant stood in front of it.
The spacecraft of "Silver Civilization" was caught off guard, and even before it had any response, the giant's right hand lifted up and directly held the fighter-sized shuttle-shaped spacecraft in his palm.
This is not over yet. When another black spaceship "Space Leap" of the "Roco Civilization" just appeared not far away, the giant held his left hand in the air, and the black spaceship, which was much larger than the shuttle-shaped spacecraft, was suddenly caught. Set in the void.
"You appear in this star field, obviously you know the existence of the Titans."
"I only asked once, what happened to the Titans?"
"Where are they?"
Controlling the two spaceships, the giant sent out a spiritual message in a calm tone as much as possible.
Regardless of the "Roco Civilization" or "Silver Civilization", although they have not had close contact with the "Titan Giant Race", let alone conflicts and wars, they have all seen this powerful race.
At this time, the giant in front of them was undoubtedly the same race as the "Titan Giant Race".
I don’t know where this giant came from, but with the strength he just showed, the "Roco Civilization" and the "Silver Light Civilization" didn't have any thoughts of resistance at all. It only took a short time to reverse everything they knew. Came out.
"The Gods..."
The giant who had grasped the key was a little at a loss.
Soon, he gave up thinking.
The giant didn't know how many epochs he hadn't returned. When the settlers lived here, there was no civilization in the vicinity that threatened the "Titans" at all.
He didn't even know the "spiritual race" or something.
Only when the "Roco Civilization" talked about "Alien Civilization" and "God Skeleton", the only golden eyes of the giant exposed were flourishing.
"What does that corpse look like?" The giant asked urgently, interrupting the panic narration of "Roco Civilization".
The "Roco Civilization" did not talk nonsense, and directly shot the light in front of the giant to construct the giant skull form in the core star region of the "God Spirit Race".
Without saying much, the giant kept the form of this giant skull firmly in his mind, and immediately asked: "Tell me about that alien civilization."
The "Roco Civilization" began to narrate again, and it was an extremely detailed narrative, and at the same time the "Alien Master" and the alien figures they had captured and stored were constructed in front of the giant with light.
Today, although the "Roco Civilization" does not know the origin of this giant, they already know what he is and why he came.
Sure enough, when they mentioned that the "Alien Civilization" had visited the "Titan Star" not long ago, and after staying there for a while, the golden light in the eyes exposed on the giant's helmet became brighter and brighter like a star.
"Where is the star field controlled by the gods?"
It wasn't until the "Roco Civilization" stopped the narrative that the giant asked in a cold voice.
The spacecraft of the "Roco Civilization" quickly illuminated a star map in the void with light, and highlighted the current position and the position of the "God Spirit Race" star field.
"Have you captured the alien?" With the star map in mind, the giant immediately asked again.
"Roco Civilization" has no other words, one of the spacecraft opened a hatch, and then a corpse floated out.
After the giant's left hand Rinkong summoned the corpse into his hand, "Roco Civilization" said, "Are we alive? In fact, we dare not face this civilization head-on.
This corpse was found in the star field where the spirit race is located. In fact, there is no corpse in that battlefield, no matter the corpse of any creature.
This corpse was probably thrown out of the battlefield during the battle, and floated to a farther star field before being discovered by us. "
The giant nodded, and he was silent for a moment to send out a spiritual message: "Leave here, if you dare to go to Titan, including approaching this star field, I will completely destroy your civilization, and there will be no one left."
After that, he no longer paid attention to the two spacecraft performing reconnaissance missions, and disappeared as soon as he lifted his foot.
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