Chapter 3432: tree of Life

"Black Dragon" is strong and huge, comparable to a planet.
"Star Castle" simply includes several "star systems", almost reaching the volume limit of "artificial objects".
Compared with the latter, the former is almost negligible.
However, at this moment, the things that appeared in Yunhai's spiritual senses made "Star Castle" negligible.
As if suddenly appeared in his mental senses, the unknown thing almost occupied the whole world.
This "world" is not just a universe or a "small universe", the sea of ​​clouds even feels that it may occupy multiple universes.
It has the shape of a giant tree, which is somewhat similar to the "tree god" whom Yunhai had come into contact with in the early days.
There are a large number of "tree caves" like holes on the body of the huge black tree, and the twisted tree.
The clumps of branches stretched out in all directions.
The branch closest to the sea of ​​clouds really pierced the void, not knowing where it was.
On these branches, some incomprehensible phenomena in the sea of ​​clouds are constantly flashing.
The flower buds expanded from a dim light spot to the size of a planet, and then withered instantly after a brief bloom.
Leaves that are larger than the "star system", and the twists and turns on the leaves are actually flowing galaxies.
In the "tree cave"-like hole, the brilliance flowed, and countless stars were born and annihilated.
These are not the most important.
On countless twisted branches, there are a lot of shocking things hanging from the sea of ​​clouds.
Eggs reflected in the brilliance of energy.
Wriggling giant egg.
A huge monster with its body curled up.
A sleeping giant not inferior to Yunhai's body size.
The honeycomb-like implant reveals most of the mechanical creatures.
Countless life forms exist in different trees and branches just like fruits.
If this is the case, although it is rare, it will not shock the sea of ​​clouds.
Because the "mechanical beast" that was suspected of "Tansai civilization" had already mentioned the "tree of life", the literal meaning was enough to understand.
But these countless living entities, they or they, are constantly changing.
The behemoth that emerged from the broken egg quickly grew old and decayed in the stretched body, until it died, decayed, and disappeared.
Numerous "Zerg"-like "different beasts" emerged from the squirming giant eggs. They grew and grew rapidly, and died and disappeared without warning.
This also includes those huge alien beasts, sleeping giants, and more strangely shaped life forms.
Yunhai is not sure how long these creatures have existed or "grew" on the "tree of life", at least when he captured these images, it was only a short period of tens of seconds, all the life forms he could capture , Have finished a spectacular and boring life in this short period of time.
Subsequently, on the other branches of the "Tree of Life", more similar or different life forms began to bred and grow in a special way.
"This is the tree of life? What is its essence?"
"Where does the energy it needs come from?"
The astonished voice of "Hunter Alien" rang in his mind.
How could Yunhai answer its question? His attention quickly shifted from the "Tree of Life" to its side.
Six different civilizations surrounded the "Tree of Life" from a distance.
The closest thing to the sea of ​​clouds or the "alien civilization" is the special "mechanical biological civilization" that is suspected to be the "Tansai civilization".
The number of ethnic groups in this civilization is not large enough, and Yunhai is estimated to be around one billion at most.
They come in large and small. The largest body is a bit larger than the sea of ​​clouds, and the smallest is about half the size of the "Blood Bee Alien".
Similar to but not the same in body shape, with mental power sweeping through the void, Yun Hai didn't even know how to define "Tansai civilization".
He is not sure whether they are "Great Unified Science and Technology Civilization" or "Research Level Civilization".
Spiritual power passed the "Tanzai civilization", and the sea of ​​clouds locked the "war civilization".
Just like what the "Mozi Civilization" said earlier, the scale of the "War Civilization" is the largest among the six civilizations.
The number of their spacecraft, Yunhai is estimated to exceed tens of billions.
These black spaceships are in various shapes, without the energy shields, let alone the engine flames, just floating quietly.
Adjacent to the "war civilization" is a "great unified scientific and technological civilization."
That was the disc-shaped spacecraft that Yunhai had seen before, a spacecraft with a diameter of only three meters.
Exuding a misty white halo, the seemingly inconspicuous spaceship hovered solitary in the void.
"A unified science and technology civilization with only one spaceship!"
Yun Hai probably came to a conclusion in his mind that his mental power took special care of this spacecraft for a moment, and then turned to its "near neighbor".
It was a "different beast" about the size of the sea of ​​clouds, and its body resembled a "pit bug" of the "Zerg".
The surface of the coiled body is covered with blue-black scales, and a pair of giant eyes full of negative emotions such as bloodthirsty, violence and so on grow on the triangular giant skull.
Yun Hai confirmed its identity in an instant. Although he still didn't recognize this "different beast", he knew that the giant eye that appeared in the space rift that had flashed before was this "different beast".
This "different beast" is also the focus of his concern.
At a glance, the negative emotions it revealed were all infected by the sea of ​​clouds.
Without mentioning its combat power, Yunhai estimated that its mental power or similar attack methods must be extremely tyrannical.
Of course, he paid special attention to the idea of ​​"parasites" in this "different beast".
Yunhai has already developed this habit, and when he encounters a powerful "different beast" in the universe, he first considers how several "face-holding bugs" can parasitize at the same time, or what kind of abilities the parasitic aliens can obtain .
Just like the "black dragon" not far away from this unknown "different beast", Yunhai estimated that it would be no problem for hundreds or even thousands of "face-hugging bugs" to be parasitic at the same time.
The last civilization, that is, between the "Black Dragon" and the "Tanzai Civilization", is a special civilization.
The shadow resembled the "Energy Civilization" of the "Hodge Civilization" that Yunhai had only come into contact with not long ago, but it was not exactly the same.
At least "Hodge civilization" has no physical existence except for the special "spiritual seeds".
However, the form of this purple-shaded civilization is constantly changing.
It is sometimes a pure energy body, emitting energy fluctuations with strong radiation.
It abruptly will condense a huge substantial body, or an intelligent creature like a giant, or a hideous "exotic animal".
This is definitely not a mimicry, but a real body, and Yunhai, who is powerful in spirit, can't get this wrong.
"Sure enough, there are six civilizations in total."
"Master, we better not go there..."
While Yunhai was observing, "The Alien Hunter" was also observing, and its voice soon rang in Yunhai's mind.
It's just that it hasn't finished speaking yet, Yun Hai didn't seem to have any intention to stop, and flew past the "Tansai Civilization" with the alien army straight ahead.
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