Chapter 339: Technology Sharing

Not so much thought, nor too much worry.
For the surviving scientists in China Summer, Australia, and even the United States, it doesn't matter what they eat, drink, or where they live. As long as they have access to the technological palace they dream of, nothing is more important.
Alice's words completely ignited their emotions.
The technology level of the earth, except for the technology obtained from the "Pandora" dropped from the saucer-shaped spacecraft, is only at the level of first-class civilization.
The civilization to which Alice belongs is a third-level civilization.
Their word, a formula, for these scientists, is undoubtedly a thunder that is invigorating, and it will be difficult to break through if only relying on the existing knowledge system to study it.
"Can you share technology with us?"
"Can we enter your research institution to study?"
"Nuclear fusion technology, can we really have access to it?"
The scientists almost ignored the existence of Chen Gong and Yunhai, and rushed forward excitedly, and asked eagerly.
"As I said, our civilization is also formed by the fusion of different races, not to mention that we are all human civilizations, and we will definitely share technology."
For the scene before her, Alice obviously had an expectation in her heart, avoiding the weight and replied with a light smile.
Yun Hai watched this scene calmly, without saying anything, just glanced at Chen Gong.
"Don't get excited, we will discuss and arrange everything. Compared with the delicious fruits that you can't eat, what is in front of you is real. Maybe you should study her battleship first."
Chen Gong's voice rang, and Kennedy also reacted at this time, persuading the scientists he had brought from the United States to leave.
Although she was still reluctant, she saw that Alice stopped talking. In addition, the War Blade not far away was still attracting them like a sweet cake, and the scientists left in twos and threes.
"Are you going to rest here? Or go back to somewhere else?"
After all the scientists left, Yun Hai slowly spoke.
"My home is being occupied by your people for research. I think if you have the ability, you might have disassembled it for research, so where can I go?"
Alice glanced at the battleship not far away. Replied with a smile but a smile.
"Sister, the hotel on the north side of the pier has already been cleaned up, and water and electricity are now connected. I will take you there to rest."
Passing Yun Hai a relieved look, Yun Duo stood up while speaking.
"Thank you!"
Responding to Yun Duo with a smile, Alice took a long look at Yun Hai, and then left with Yun Duo.
"What kind of look, maybe I want to seduce you. Boss. Go and try it. In fact, I have always been curious about whether she is really like us human beings after she has taken off her clothes."
After returning to the base, Yunyue, who was a little unusually lazy, spoke, and her unabashed voice sounded clearly in everyone's ears.
A trace of anger flashed across her face, and Alice's footsteps stopped slightly.
But when Yun Duo habitually reached out to hold her hand, Alice, who had almost crushed her silver teeth, followed her footsteps to the brightly lit hotel to the north.
Glancing at Yunyue, Yunhai drank his beer without a bite, appearing to be worried.
The sea breeze is blowing, and the bonfire is blowing suddenly and suddenly. Bright and dark.
Until Alice had disappeared outside the hotel gate, no one in the court had spoken, and the atmosphere was very depressing.
Everyone is thinking. Think about your own future, or the future of the earth.
"How credible is her words?"
For a long time, Kennedy was the first to break the silence. With the straightforward temperament of Westerners, he was not used to this silent and depressive atmosphere.
"She is telling the truth."
Chen Gong also spoke, and as soon as he uttered his words with his brows tucked, he attracted a burst of gaze.
"Don't look at me with this look, if you can choose. I don't want to leave our home planet Earth, but the facts are forcing us to make this difficult choice."
The brows spread out slowly. Chen Gong turned his gaze around the scene and continued: "Leave the earth. When we are strong enough to deal with these crises, we will return to the home planet."
"How can you be sure that she is not deceiving us?"
Cui Hao looked at Chen Gong suspiciously. He felt that someone who was calm and intelligent like the "Iceman" should not be easily bewitched.
"It's very simple, Alice wants to get the sea of ​​clouds or aliens, so she doesn't have to deceive us on these issues."
Chen Gong answered.
"What if her home planet civilization suddenly turns around?"
Kennedy also interjected.
"Compared to this, I am more worried that Alice is just an adult noble child on her home planet. Does her words represent the meaning of those who are superior?"
This time, it was "Golden Holder" Lu Shenao. He was still trying to use his abilities to open the saucer-shaped spacecraft. He had obviously failed and he didn't know when he would come in.
"Alice's words should be credible, but this only represents her attitude. We cannot bet our fate on a young girl who has just grown up, even if she looks very powerful."
Putting down the empty jar in his hand, Yun Hai spoke.
"I will go over with her first, and after contacting the superiors of her home planet civilization, let's decide."
As soon as Yunhai's words came out, everyone's expressions suddenly became wonderful.
Chen Gong nodded comfortably, and immediately stood up and left-he prefers to do practical research rather than boring discussion.
Kennedy frowned. He subconsciously felt that Yunhai's decision was a bit reckless, but he couldn't think of a better way after thinking about it.
"Are you sure you want to do this? If she or her home planet civilization suddenly turns around after you pass, everything will be over. You and the alien may become their experimental objects, and we may be ignored by them, or maybe Will be enslaved by them."
Cui Hao spoke directly, his brows curled into the word "Chuan".
"Ahai, this is too dangerous! You don't need to do this."
I don't know how long it has been since the sea of ​​clouds has been called "A Hai", but in a moment of panic, the big head couldn't help but blurt out.
"That's the reason. There is a giant starry sky, and we can make a breakthrough in Longtan Tiger's Den. Sooner or later we have to step into the cosmic star sea, and we will regard her home star as the first stop in the starry sky."
Yun Yue became excited with rare excitement.
"Interest, between people, between civilization and civilization, is an interest."
Yunhai smiled and looked at the crowd, and said: "If Alice controls the alien animal and alien, she doesn't need to talk nonsense with us, just crush it. As long as they try, we have a chance."
"Trust me, it's not only that Alice can't control Alien Animals, but I believe that other people in her home planet civilization can't do it. As long as Alien Animals and Alien Forms are in my hands, we have a certain right to speak."
"After all, it is Chen Gong's words, we have no choice at all."
"That's the decision. Instead of waiting for more alien warships to arrive on Earth after the wormhole is formed, it is better for me to take the initiative to go out."
Yunhai came to a conclusion powerfully.
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