Chapter 3521: Steal a black hole

This is a supermassive "black hole". Its accretion disk alone has a diameter of more than a dozen light-years, and its jet is even more than tens of light-years long.
For civilizations of advanced and lower levels, such a "black hole" means destruction.
But for super and more powerful civilizations, such supermassive "black holes" will not cause a devastating blow to them or them.
However, given options, these civilizations will not approach such a "black hole."
Close to the "black hole" infinitely, they can withstand its terrifying gravity by virtue of their solid spacecraft and strong bodies, so that they will not be torn into pieces and become part of the accretion disk, or will eventually be swallowed.
But the terrifying energy turbulence and gravitational tearing inside such a super-mass "black hole" is no joke.
"Research-level creatures" and "Great Unified Science and Technology Civilization" have never returned, let alone other civilizations.
"Black holes are not the end, but a new beginning."
"After swallowing up enough matter, the black hole will break through the crystal wall of the universe and appear as a special white hole in another world unknown to us, releasing all the matter in an instant."
"This phenomenon is the Big Bang in more civilizational cognition."
Regarding "black holes" and "universes", different civilizations have different cognitions, but no one knows which civilization this statement originated from, but it is a view that more civilizations and existences are more willing to believe.
But everyone is well aware that the "true god" must know the truth of the universe better, but more civilizations have no chance to ask the "true god" this question.
Therefore, in the face of massive and supermassive "black holes", most civilizations still maintain sufficient awe.
There is no absolute thing, this truth applies to any universe.
Along with the void fluctuations, a black shuttle-shaped spaceship appeared silently.
More than one ship, in different areas around the "black hole", more identical spacecraft appeared one after another.
"Part 4802 of the 1964 sector has completed its mission and arrived at the designated area."
"Start scanning black hole number AY6941."
"At the end of the scan, AY6941 is determined to be a first-level black hole, and the next step of the plan is started."
"Connect to the Yinlian network, report the situation, and wait for the next step."
Twenty-six spacecrafts formed a regional network, and a certain spacecraft continuously sent or shared local area information through this network.
After a period of vacant fluctuations, this piece of information with more than a hundred types of encryption was transmitted.
Based on the principle of spatial fluctuations, it is not affected by the gravitational force of the super-massive "black hole", and it is transmitted to the farther void almost instantaneously.
For example, in the "star system" more than 20 light-years away, in the meteorite belt on its edge, a special energy wave flashed on an irregular stone that looked like a meteorite.
The information that had just been attenuated was amplified in an instant, and then quickly passed to the farther star field.
Such special "meteorites" are almost endless in the universe.
They can continuously replenish energy from the space itself, and their special materials can withstand almost all deadly energy radiation in the universe.
Even when the spaceships or
exotic beasts
of other civilizations are approaching, the
that can be detected by various means will be
shut down
immediately and become an icy meteorite until it is farther away. "Partners" send them special activation instructions.
They are the key to organizing the "hidden network", and they are the hubs all over the universe.
Twenty-six spaceships are very aware of the efficiency of the "hidden network", and they waited quietly.
About tens of seconds later, the "sub-brains" that existed in the central area of ​​this "supercluster" sent a message.
"The black hole AY6941 has been entered into the database, and the next step of transformation has begun."
"In the process of reconstruction, pay attention to monitoring the surrounding star domains to eliminate all possible hidden dangers."
Receiving the brief but critical message of "Zi Brain", the twenty-six spacecraft began to move quickly.
Obviously this "scientific and technological civilization" has mastered "micro-technology", and some of them have released different numbers of light spots.
These light spots were evenly sprinkled in the space not far from the "black hole", and with the twinkling of light, a large number of "transport ships" and "engineering ships" appeared.
With the emergence and expansion of more light spots, robots of more than tens of billions of various forms began to get busy.
Whether it is a "transport ship" that is several kilometers long or a more massive "engineering ship", this also includes ant-like robots, but they are not affected by the gravitational force of the "black hole".
Obviously, the twenty-six black shuttle-shaped spacecraft are the key.
They are evenly distributed in every large "space construction site", and they emit a special gravitational field.
And this gravitational field can easily resist the terrifying gravity of the supermassive "black hole" itself.
Time passed slowly.
After a few "sidereal days", around the "black hole" and its accretion disk, twenty-six identical super-giant instruments were built or assembled.
This round ball instrument is almost the size of an asteroid.
After spending a few more "sidereal days" debugging and recharging through space, twenty-six instruments were activated at the same time.
Twenty-six special energy rays passed through the accretion disk and finally disappeared in the "black hole".
A weird scene appeared. The accretion disk of the "black hole" suddenly shrank sharply, or its horizon was shrinking rapidly.
Twenty-six energy rays lasted for three "sidereal days". After it finally closed, this supermassive "black hole" almost disappeared.
Its size is roughly equivalent to an unstable "miniature black hole".
But it is still one of the brightest celestial bodies in the universe, and the bright light can even be seen clearly from more than 10 billion light-years away.
At this time, the twenty-six shuttle-shaped spacecraft dropped another light spot.
This time the light spot did not expand into a larger spaceship, but expanded into a silver-white shuttle-shaped spaceship equivalent to the black spaceship.
Twenty-six silver-white shuttle-shaped spacecraft quickly approached the "compressed" "black hole", and then they started to move from different areas to separate the space where the "black hole" was located from the universe.
Not only cutting and stripping, they also fold the space by twisting the space and special means to completely seal the "black hole".
When they finish all this, the twenty-six super giant instruments have been dismantled.
Tens of billions of robots cooperated with the "transport ship" to quickly install the dismantled instrument fragments.
When the twenty-six silver-white shuttle-shaped spacecraft finally concealed the "small universe" that closed the "black hole", they reported the hidden space coordinate position to the "child brain" through the "hidden network", and then merged with the black spacecraft. Disappeared in the vast universe together.
Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. _wap.
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