Chapter 344: Wormhole formation

At the same time, the Milky Way Solar System Earth.
"Is this phenomenon normal?"
Standing on the back of the alien beast and looking into the chaotic space, Yun Hai's face showed a trace of anxiety.
The wormhole is over far away in Miami. Even if it is tens of kilometers away, the sea of ​​clouds can feel the energy frenzy erupting from the wormhole, and it suddenly provokes and scolds the alien beast and alien under his feet.
"The wormhole was generally chaotic before it was formed, but it is not like it is now. I feel that the formation of this wormhole is interfered by unknown forces, so it will be so abnormal in the end."
Floating in the void not far away, Alice's voice was full of uncertainty.
It has spread to the wormhole that was twice the size of the original wormhole, just like the eye of a hurricane parallel to the ground, rotating and dragging the vast void into the chaotic scene.
On the edge of the wormhole, the black lightning was silently tearing through the sky, as if an ancient dragon was violently casting its emotions.
The vast void shattered like a mirror, and then under the action of some unknown force or law, the space extended to fill the broken spots.
In that case, someone reached out and picked up a handful of water from the river, and more river water poured in from all directions, quickly filling the gap.
The influence of the wormhole is not limited to this space. Large black clouds gather in the sky, and the sea is full of raging waves. The whole world is affected by it and plunged into a spectacular and terrifying apocalyptic scene.
"Will it evolve into a black hole? A black hole that can swallow everything."
Yun Duo interjected curiously.
After hesitating for a moment, Alice shook her head and said, "I'm not sure about this. In fact, our civilization research is also in the theoretical stage for wormholes or black holes."
"The conclusion drawn by brain analysis is that after half an hour of Earth time. Wormholes will either form steadily, or explode and disappear, or evolve into black holes. The result will be soon."
Behind the left and rear of the alien beast, it is suspended in the mid-air War Blade class warship. Karoo's voice was amplified by some kind of amplification equipment, and it resounded clearly in Yunhai's ears.
Subconsciously turned his head and glanced, the anxiety on Yun Hai's face grew thicker.
The Warblade-class warship has been repaired.
It wasn't Karu or Alice's credit, but it was Pandora that repaired the battleship.
The flight power unit was severely damaged, and the shell of the battleship was completely destroyed by the unicorn of the star behemoth, leaving two huge holes. The battleship can be said to be external and internal damage.
Without the right materials, and no equipment that can be repaired, Karu is simply helpless.
However, the magical "Pandora". All problems are solved perfectly.
Once again, I should testify to a sentence-how bold people are and how productive they are.
When Yunhai proposed that he should not wait for death and would take the initiative to go to the so-called "Moyun Galaxy", repairing the severely damaged Blade-class battleship became a difficult problem that could not be avoided.
As for the silver saucer-shaped spacecraft, everyone gave up. Under Yunhai’s intentional instructions, Carew and Alice were busy for two days, and even used a lot of equipment on the Battle Blade-class battleship, including experimenting with micro weapons. Cutting is useless.
Carew proposed to try the particle cannon. Before Yunhai refused, Alice refused without hesitation.
In their words, this saucer-shaped spacecraft is also a technological product of at least Level 4 civilization. Without the protection of the energy shield, if it is destroyed by the particle cannon on the battleship, it is an unbearable loss.
There is no way to take the saucer-shaped spacecraft, repairing the Battle Blade class warship becomes the only hope.
It was Kennedy’s chief scientist Instein who came up with an idea to use "Pandora."
First use a particle beam to cut off the giant horn of the alien beast that pierced the shell of the battleship-this has already been confirmed by slices. The giant horn of the alien is almost indestructible when it is charged, but when it is not charged, the giant horn is almost indestructible. The beast horns can't resist Karu's cutting with particle beams.
Of course, it was only cut along the outside of the root where the giant horns were in contact with the hull shell. If all the huge horns are removed, there will be holes in the hull that exceed tens of meters in diameter. There must be no way to make up for it.
A part of the ship was cut off, and the huge horn inside the ship was cut off entirely. The sharp corners exposed from the bottom of the ship were also cut off, and the giant horns of the alien beasts left on the hull of the ship were equivalent to serving as temporary materials to fill the holes in the ship.
Facts have once again proved the terribleness of higher civilizations. The huge horns cut by the alien beasts are used to fuse the fallen fragments of the battleship, including the recovery of a large number of destroyed robots and other equipment. "Pandora" used them to create a new kind of Composite materials.
This composite material fully meets the needs of the repair of the battleship's flying device, and what makes Kalu ecstatic is that the performance of the repaired flying power device has been improved several times compared with the original after being tested by the brain.
Throughout the process, neither Carew nor Alice came into contact with "Pandora", even if they estimated that this impossible project would definitely have the influence of the "sixth level of civilization".
"Half an hour passed quickly. If the wormhole is formed, we will leave immediately. Karoo, are you sure that the giant horns of the alien beasts can withstand the attack of various rays and radiation in the universe?"
Looking at the huge horn of a strange beast exposed from the body of the ship, which appeared to be very smooth after cutting, Yun Hai couldn't help asking again.
"There should be no problem. I have used the new composite materials you developed to fill the gaps tightly, and the giant horns of the alien beasts are also connected to the charging equipment, just to resist all kinds of energy radiation in the universe, normal Under the circumstances, the problem should not be big."
Carew quickly responded to Yunhai.
"I hope so."
In Karoo's answer, the two "shoulds" in a row made Yunhai unable to believe his judgment with certainty, but now he has no choice.
"Actually, you can wait. For such a bad warship, I think it's not a good idea."
Looking at the weird and tattered War Blade-class battleship, how could Yun Duo, standing beside Yun Hai, feel relieved.
"Can't wait any longer, we take the initiative to contact them, and we can get a little bit of opportunity. If we wait for their warships to descend from the wormhole in large numbers, we will be completely passive and we can only be led by the nose."
Holding Yun Duo's hand, Yun Hai responded softly.
"Then you must bring the radar."
As Yun Duo said, he handed the metal box wrapped in cloth in his hand to the sea of ​​clouds.
"Don't worry about the safety of the base or mine. If an alien civilization arrives after you leave, the energy shield emitted by the radar cannot withstand continuous attacks even though it is too big..."
Not allowing Yunhai to refuse, Yun Duo stuffed the metal box into his arms, and said: "Only you are alive, and I or we human beings on earth have the hope of survival."
Yunhai thought for a while, threw the radar to Yunyue beside her, smiled and touched Yunduo's hair.
"Formed! Wormhole formed..."
At this time, Karoo sounded full of surprises.
Yunhai suddenly looked up, the chaotic space slowly stabilized, and a pitch-black wormhole filled with distorted light quietly bloomed over Miami Beach.
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